Review on Concordance Repertory of William Gentry

Dr.Sanchoo Balachandran ,BHMS,MD(Hom)

It is based on the plan of Crudens concordens of bible. Cruden`s complete concordens– every word of the whole bible is arranged in alphabetically, so that any time the student may find the location of any passage that he may desired, this concordance is a libarary of instructions, it is a lexicon of explanations. Alexander cruden 1701–1770.

How it gave origin
The author came across a symptom which necessitate him to search for days in materia medica and repertories the symptom was `constant dull frontal headache, worse in the temples with aching in umbilicus’ This particular incidence force him to think about in preparing a repertory based on Crudens concordance of bible.

Concordant word meaning is indexing
Year of publication -1890.
Number of drugs represented – 420.
Number of volumes- 6.
Number of chapters – 30.

Phraseology is condensed from that of materia medica without changing the sense. The phraseology is not changed because the author feels that he is not authorized to do so. Preference is given to word expressing the condition (the principal word) , synonyms should be thought off.

Rules adopted.
Ø Characteristic pathogenic symptoms are selected.
Ø Repeatedly verified symptoms are selected.
Ø Two or more remedies have the power of producing similar condition ,include them as mearly suggestive, under the name of condition produced.
Give the noun , verb, and essential adjective in sentence.

How to search rubrics in the repertory
In searching for any desired symptom, the physician should first express it mentally, employing words commonly used, and then select the word in the sentence expressing the central thought , idea, fact condition, or object, of the sentence or the noun, verb or essential, and referring in concordance to the word selected, desired symptom may be fount, unless a synonym has been selected in which case same may be thought of.

Individual chapters
Vol –1
Mind and disposition
Head and scalp
Vol –2
Vol –3
The abdomen
Anus recrum and stool
Urine and urinary organs
Male sexul organs
Vol — 4
Utreus and its appendages
Menstuation and discharges
Pregnency and parturation
Lactation and mammary gland
Vol –5
Voice larynx and trachea
Chest, lung, bronchi and cough.
Heart and circulation
Chill and fever
Sleep and dreams
Vol –6
Neck and back
Uper extrimites
Lower extrimites
Bones and limbs in general

Generalities and key notes

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