Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final year M.D. Homoeopathy Degree Examination – May 2011
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Homeopathic Pharmacy PAPER — I
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions
LONG ESSAY (Answer Any Two) 2 X 20 = 40 Marks
1. Explain in detail about the various drug constituents present in a plant
2. Explain the evolutionary analysis of drug dynamisation
SHORT ESSAY 6 X 10 = 60 Marks
3. Standardizing homoeopathic vehicles
4. Disadvantages of animal proving
5. Sphere and span of action `
6. Determination of Wt per ml
7. Legal value of prescription
8. Thin layer chromatography
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final year M.D. Homoeopathy Degree Examination – May 2011
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Homeopathic Pharmacy PAPER — II
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions
LONG ESSAY (Answer Any Two) 2 X 20 = 40 Marks
1. Describe the modern method of ointment preparation. Add a comment on the use of external application by Dr. Hahnemann
2. Describe the various pharmacological model currently used and their utility in the experiment pharmacology
SHORT ESSAY 6 X 10 = 60 Marks
3. Homoeopathic central council Act 1973 (53 of 1973)
4. Test sieve recommended by HPI
5. Ethical requirements for animal experimentation
6. SANMONTO’S apparatus
7. Physiological salt solution .
8. How will you run the drugs industry more economic and profitable
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final year M.D. Homoeopathy Degree Examination – May 2010
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Homeopathic Pharmacy PAPER — I
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions
LONG ESSAY 2 X 20 = 40 Marks
1. Describe the different classes of mother tincture preparation according to Dr. Hahnemann.
2. Describe the various analytical methods and techniques in standardizing Homoeopathic drugs?
SHORT ESSAY 6×10 = 60 marks
3. Components of prescription
4. Preparation of nosodes
5. Laboratory study of drugs
6. Different serial dilution & Potentistion
7. Percolation
8. Estimation of Total solids.
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final year M.D. Homoeopathy Degree Examination – May 2010
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Homeopathic Pharmacy PAPER — II
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions
LONG ESSAY (Answer Any Two) 2 X 20 = 40 Marks
1. What are the advanced pharmacological and Behavioral models for the evaluation and memory process? Write your opinion about the utility of these in testing Homoeopathic potencies.
2. Write the variables in determining the doses of a drug and how will you asses the span and sphere of action.
SHORT ESSAY 6×10 = 60 Marks
3. Jenichen’ s high potency
4. Homoeopathic dose
5. Physiological action of plumbum met
6. Scope of animal experimentation in Homoeopathic Pharmacy
7. LD50 and ED50
Courtesy : Dr Ram Jyothish
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