RGUHS MD Homeopathy Practice of Medicine Question Papers

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final year M.D. Homoeopathy Degree Examination – May 2011
Time: 3 Hours        Max. Marks: 100

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions

(Answer Any Two)  2 x 20 = 40 Marks

1. Write the classification of CONGENITAL HEART DISEASES. Write in detail about AORTIC STENOSIS & AORTIC REGURGITATION, along with Homoeopathic management.

2. What is HAEMOPTYSIS? Enumerate causes & discuss in detail about BRONCHOGENIC CARCINOMA, in terms of aetiopathogenesis, pathology, clinical features, prognosis and its miasmatic evolution.

SHORT ESSAY          6 x 10 = 60 Marks

3. Define CHOLERA  & write its aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis prognosis, complications & Homoeopathic management.

4. Define JAUNDICE. Describe the different types of jaundice along with Homoeopathic approach.

5. Write about deficiency disorders of VIT A & D. What is the role of Hlomoeopathy in treating deficiency disorders. How do you co-related its miasma.

6. Write the aetiopathogenesis, pathology & complications of ATERIOSCLEROSIS, along with its miasmatic background.

7. What are the differences between GASTRIC & DUODENAL ULCERS. Give indications nitric-acid, kreosote?  Discuss.

8. Enumerate the cause of RECTAL BLEEDING with differential diagnosis and prognosis from Homoeopathic stand point.

Rajiv Gandhi Umversity of Health Sciences
Final year M. D. Homoeopathy Degree Examination – May 2011
Time: 3 Hours  Max. Marks: 100
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

LONG ESSAY  2 X 20 = 40 Marks

1. Explain aetiopathogenesis, clinical feature diagnosis & Homoeopathic management of HYPERTHYROIDISM, Evaluate & explain in detail about the miasmatic evolution of THYROIDINUM.

2. Explain the miasmatic influence in relation to aetiology, pathology, signs and symptoms y complications of RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Write the management and homoeopathic  approach.

SHORT ESSAY       6 X 10 = 60 Marks

3. Write the causation & clinical manifestations of ANXIETY NEUROSIS, explain indications of homoeopathic drugs.

4. Discuss the clinical features & differential diagnosis of ALLERGIC DERMATITIS, along with its Homoeopathlc approach, Evolve psoric picture.

5. Give aetiology, signs and symptoms INFANTILE DIARRHOEA. Explain its miasmatic trait.

 6. Write about the pathogenesis, clinical features, investigations & diagnosis of OSTEOPOROSIS, along with its Homoeopathic management.

7. Discuss the pathology, clinical features, investigations & management of MULTIPLE MYELOM  along with its miasmatic evolution.

8. Write the classification of CUSHINGS SYNDROME, the clinical features & explain genome theory of homoeopathy.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final year M. D. Homoeopathy Degree Examination – May 2010
Time: 3 Hours  Max. Marks: 100
PRACTICE OF MEDICINE – PAPER –  1 (Revised Scheme 2)
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. 

LONG ESSAY     2 x 20 = 40 Marks

1. Define protein energy ‘Malnutrition in  young children. Describe in  detail about its aetiopathogenesls, clinical features, complications general management with indications of 5 homoeopathic drugs

2. Define cardiomyopathy, describe in detail about its, aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications, investigation general management with indication of 5 homoeopathic drugs .

SHORT ESSAY   6 X 10 : 60 Marks

3. How will manage  a case of polycystic kidney disease?

4. Various causes of splenomegaly

5. Parkinson’s disease — Explain its miasmatic background give indications for 3 drugs.

6. Renal Function test

7. Ciinical and laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis

8. Compare various types of anaemia with miasmatic background

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final year M. D. Homoeopathy Degree Examination – May 2010
Time: 3 Hours  Max. Marks: 100
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.

Long Essay
    2 x 20 = 40 marks

1. Define osteoarthritis. Describe in detail about it and give 5 homoeopathic drugs indicated for it.

2. Define Leukemia, Describe in detail about chronic myeloid leukemia with miasmatlc background

SHORT ESSAY  6 X 10 = 60 Marks

3. Compare and Contrast causticum and Agaricus in cervical spondylosis

 4. Radiological diagnosis in gastro intestinal disease.

 5. What do you mean by phaeochromocytoma? Describe its clinical feature and complication.

 6. Compare and’ contrast Lachesis and conium mac in menopausal syndrome along with  miasmatic approach.

7. Absence  Seizure –  in whom it is common? What is the types ?  write the scope of homeopathy

8. Tumour Markers — A Clinical Evaluation. · ‘

 Courtesy : Dr Ram Jyothish


  1. I am a south African with masters degree in homeopathy from university of Johannesburg in South Africa I am interested in studying towards an MD degree from India. I wonder if there is any one there who can help me in this regards because I tried to communicate with couple of colleges including the central council, but up to so far there has been no response.

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