Role of homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of migraine


Migraine, the most common cause of headache afflicts approximately 15% of women and 6% of men. Recorded history of migraine dates back to 80 AD. The rich, the powerful and the famous have all been victims of migraine. The list includes Julius Caesar, Edward Gibbon, John Calvin, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Jefferson, William Shakespeare, Alexander Pope, Rudyard Kipling, George Elliot and Sigmund Freud. Migraine is not the exclusive privilege of the intelligent or powerful: migraine sufferers are to be found in every stratum of society.

Many homoeopathic medicines had produced symptoms similar to that of migraine during proving and these medicines will be useful in reducing the intensity and frequency when administered according to symptom similarity. Research studies have clearly demonstrated that Homoeopathy has significant help to offer to patients in terms of reduced frequency of migraine headaches, reduced intensity of the attacks and improvement in quality of life after     commencing treatment.

Migraine is now ranked by the World Health Organization as number 19 among all diseases world-wide causing disability. It is said in modern textbooks that there is no treatment for migraine and the attack can only be prevented rather than Cured, Homoeopathy has unlimited possibilities for a case of migraine as literature suggests..  Through this study an attempt is made to verify the efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines for this distressing illness.


  • To determine the most common triggering factors of migraine.
  • To establish the common clinical presentations of patients with migraine.
  • To verify the job related and sex related prevalence of migraine.
  • To prove the efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines indicated in migraine.

Read the full paper 

Dr. Krishneswari.R.S; M.D.(Hom.)
Email address  :
Working as Medical officer in Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical collegeate Hospital, Kulasekharam

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