Dr Anushree Gupta
A physician is obligated to consider more than a diseased organ, more even the whole man – he must view man in his world – HARVEY CUSHING
Organopathy is the specific loyal action of drugs on particular parts or organs in treating the diseased.Organopathy in the wider generalization is known as homoeopathy but there is a fine line difference between both.The homoeopathic organopathic remedies have proved to be of eminent use in preventing and treating many disorders. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year, representing 31% of all global deaths.This article is an attempt to show the role of homoeopathic organopathic remedies in preventing cardiovascular diseases and how the approaches of organopathy and homoeopathy have complemented each other.
KEYWORDS: Oraganopathy, Homoeopathy, Cardiovascular Diseases(CVDs), Paracelsus, Rademachier, J.C.Burnett
Homoeopathy is the outcome of keen observation and dedication of Dr. Hahnemann and on the other hand, the honour of a real practical organopathy must be ascribed to Hohenheim (Paracelsus).
Rademacher began to investigate organopathy in the year 1815, and practiced organopathically with immense success for about thirty years and to the end of his life.
James Crompton Burnett idea of Rademacher’s Remedies was the revolutionary step in Advancement of Homoeopathy. He says that“Hahnemann’s Homoeopathy and Paracelsus Organopathy coincides.” Importance of similarity between disease and drug pathogenesis was one of the significant teaching by Dr. Burnett.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels, including coronary heart disease, cerebro-vascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Blood flow to the heart, brain or body can be reduced because of a blood clot (thrombosis) or atherosclerosis. Over 75% of CVD deaths take place in low- and middle-income countries. India reported 63% of total deaths due to NCDs, of which 27% were attributed to CVDs. CVDs also account for 45% of deaths in the 40-69 year age group.
Risk factors:
- Raised blood pressure,
- Raised blood glucose,
- Raised blood lipids
- Overweight and obesity
- Unhealthy diet
- Physical inactivity
- Tobacco use and
- Harmful use of alcohol.
Types of CVD
There are four main types of CVD:
1.Coronary heart disease:Coronary heart disease (CHD) occurs when your heart muscle’s blood supply is blocked or interrupted by a build-up of fatty substances (atheroma) in the coronary arteries.
2. Stroke:A stroke is a serious medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disturbed.
3.Peripheral arterial disease:also known as peripheral vascular disease, occurs when there is a blockage in the arteries to your limbs (usually your legs) generally presented as pain in your legs when walking. This is usually in one or both of your thighs, hips or calves.
4.Aortic disease:The most common type of aortic disease is aortic aneurysm, which is where the wall of the aorta becomes weakened and bulges outward, generally presented with pain in chest, back or abdomen.
Preventing CVD
Identifying those at highest risk of CVDs and ensuring they receive appropriate treatment can prevent premature deaths. Premature deaths could easily be prevented by making lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet and stopping smoking.
Homoeopathy is the mode of treatment of diseases based on the Law of Similia which says that the remedy producing a set of symptoms in a healthy individual will cure the same set of symptoms. Sometimes a remedy chosen ideally also works poorly. This is not due to lack of some homeopathic principles but due to the weakened vital force by the daily intoxication of external harmful substances.
Homoeopathic remedies whether organopathic or constitutional present a set of symptoms which affect different group of organs. In homoeopathic organopathic remedies most symptoms are directed to the specific organ.
Some organopathic remedies that are helpful in preventing the cardiovascular diseases are:
Dr. Boger writes,”REGION-HEART. Heart weak, fatty and arrhythmic.”
Dr.Boericke writes,” A heart medicine, where the muscles of heart are in a stage of fatty degeneration, regulates the pulse and increases the power of contraction of heart.”
Dr. Boger writes,”REGION-VASO-MOTOR NERVES(heart).Tumultous palpitation. Constriction at heart. Full, soft pulse.”
Dr.H.C.Allen writes,”Rapidly dilates the arteries.Craves fresh air.Angina pectoris,intense throbbing of heart and carotids.”
Dr. Boger writes,”REGION-heart. Oppression of chest. Pulse, slow, fluttering, irregular.”
Dr.Boericke writes,”Arrhythmia.Mitral and Tricuspid regurgitation.”
Dr. Boger writes,”REGION-HEART(muscles).CONSTRICTIONS,heart,chest;body feels tight.Irregular circulation.HEART FEELS CLUTCHED AND RELEASED ALTERNATIVELY BY IRON HAND.”
Dr.H.C.Allen writes,”Oppression of chest,as from a great weight.Palpitation: day and night;worse when walking and lying on left side.”
Dr.Boericke writes,”A heart remedy. Increases energy of heart’s action.Sensation as if heart ceased beating, then started very suddenly.”
Dr.J.H.Clarke writes,CLINICAL-Heart, affection of. Convallaria is a popular remedy in Russia for heart affections.”
Dr. Boger writes,”REGION-HEART.WEAK HEART MUSCLES.Cardiac dyspnoea. Incompetent valves.”
Dr.Boericke writes,”Heart tonic.Arteriosclerosis.Said to have a solvent power upon crustaceous and calcareous deposits in arteries.Heart dilated, first sound weak.Pulse accelerated, irregular, feeble, intermittent.”
Dr. Boger writes,”REGION-HEART;muscle.HEART SLOW,weak, feels like stopping.Must walk about, with precodial anxiety.Slow,intermittent pulse.”
Dr.H.C.Allen writes,”Sensation as if heart would stop beating if she moved.Pulse;intermitting every third,fifth or seventh beat.Blueness of skin.Fatal syncope when being raised to upright position.”
Dr. Boger writes,”REGION-HEART.RAPID TUMULTOUS HEART BEAT.Cardio-haemorrhagic cases.HEART,violent,excessively rapid,stormy action at night. Pulse, large, full, soft, don’t synchronize with heart.”
Dr.Boericke writes,”Reduces the rate of heart and increases the length of systole with great degree.A heart remedy.Haemptysis due to valvular heart diseases.”
Dr. Boger writes,”REGION-HEART.Gasps,fears to lose breath and die. Restless; with cardiac pains; and prostrated.CARDIAC PAIN; violent, sharp to shoulder or both arms, with numbness. Angina pectoris. Quick, feeble, thread pulse.”
Dr.Boericke writes,”Angina pectoris. Precordial region seems the centre of attack.Lowered coagulability.”
Dr. Boger writes,”REGION-HEART,circulation.HEART;sense of lively action, aching, anguish at; weak. Cardiac dyspnoea. Atheroma.Small,weak,rapid or irregular pulse.”
Dr. Boericke writes,”Acts on heart,increasing systole and diminishes the rapidity. Hearts action weak,rapid,irregular due to muscular debility and insufficiency.”
Dr.Boericke writes,”Spartein sulphate increases the strength of heart and cause lowering of systolic and diastolic pressures.Irregular action,disturbes rhythm of heart in nervous hysterical patients.Myocardial degeneration.Enables kidney to eliminate to relieve the distress upon heart.”
Dr. Boger writes ,”REGION-NERVES(HEART).HEART; violent, audible PALPITATION; violent sticking pains radiating to throat, arms or scapula,<least motion, bending double; Cardiac angina.”
Dr.H.C.Allen writes,”Chest affection synchronous with pulse,< from motion,cold wet weather.Systolic blowing at apex.”
Homoeopathy is the mode of treatment that works on the trinity of life; mind-body-soul.It works on the individual’s overall personality and works on correcting the psycho-physiological imbalance.Homoeopathic remedies helps the individual to calm the innate self.Homoeopathic Organopathic remedies used in CVDs have shown many peculiar symptoms specific to HEART ,according to which these remedies can be useful in all types of CVDs.Homoeopathy also advocates exercises,balanced diet,leisure patterns which plays a crucial role in managing various disorders especially CVDs. Homoeopathic approach is not just limited to waning of signs & symptoms but it involves achieving complete wellbeing of the individual.
- Burnett JC. Diseases of the Spleen. Available from: http://www.homeoint.org/seror/burnett_spleen_diseases/pages/63.html.
- https://www.who.int/health-topics/cardiovascular-diseases#tab=tab_1
- https://www.homeobook.com/paracelsus-rademacher-and-burnett-three-genius-two-pathies-one-field/
- https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/heart-and-blood-vessels/conditions/cardiovascular-diseases
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Dr.Anushree Gupta
MD (Hom) Scholar
Department Of Organon Of Medicine
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College, Greater Noida
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