Role of Pharmacodynamics and Etiology in Homoeopathy

Dr Puneet Mishra

The homoeopathy is more than two century old originated medical science and strongly proved its utility in all types of medical complaints (diseases & suffering).but it is a matter of grave concern that in spite of such old pathy still today the treatment of homoeopathy is ignored or challenged by the some part of society.

Its latest example is the report in lancet medical journal in 2005.  This is true that   due to the high dilution form of homoeopathy drugs create the confusion about their action. the first cause is lack of drug activity (pharmacodynamics)  and 2nd is the  entire  drugs are  explained  on the basis of symptomatology  while in present era the entire modern medical science has the proof  of drug activity as also classified  various groups on the basis of pharmacodynamics. In the homeopathic medical stream this is a demand of time and need of treatment that the all homeopathic drugs are also studied and reclassified on the basis of pharmacodynamics instead of sphere of action and symptomatology and new group of drugs may be made.

I therefore plead the new type of classification and study of drug which is based on the pharmacodynamics because when we treat the patient we have no explanation of our failure in the treatment of disease or loss of the patient as per first observation of Kent’s “A Prolonged aggravation and then final decline of the patient”. Even the practitioners spend lot of their time and energy for the selection of right medicine by using various tools (software of the repatriation) as well as right potency and we have given no satisfactory explanation of treatment when patient is fully controlled/cured as per fourth observation of the Kent “No aggravation, with recovery of the patient” These both the conditions create the confusion about the treatment and action of drugs. But when we study and use the drug on the basis of pharmacodynamics it may be explained both conditions mentioned above.

The above discussion of new approach of drug encouraged me when I studied and used many drugs in my clinical practice on the basis of pharmacodynamics and this thought was confirmed when I tried many medicine in vitro condition in the standard form to detect the activity as antibacterial. “The entire report was also published in the previous year 2009 under title “in vitro antibacterial activity of homeopathy drugs”.  During the course of   experiment I selected many homeopathic drugs in standard condition but some of them shown the antibacterial activity while some failed to show it. It is an experiment which is entirely based on the drug activity and it has no relation to the symptomatology while all these medicines give significant result in the treatment of the infective cases but in variable nature.

I am not entirely in favour to follow the way of modern medicine based on systems but we often use those tools of modern science which provide the evidence based result and easily learned by practitioners and accepted by the society. Here I would like to express my experience gained during practice that some of the medicines have some particular activity and the entire symptom rotate around these actions. And their curative power is inherent result of these characteristics. I  choosed  following  fifty remedies  names(aloe, aconitum, alleumcepa, apis, actea racemosa,arsalb,arnica,barytacarb,belladonna,bacillinum,berbeerisvulga,bryonia,calendula,cantharis,calcarb,calphos,cactousgrand,carboveg,coffea,drosera,digitalis,euphrasia,ferrummet,graphites,glonine,gelsemium,hypericum,irisver,igantia,kaliars,kalimur,kalibi,ledumpal,lemnaminor,merccor,myristica,natmur,podophyllum,psorinum,rhustox,ruta,robinia,sarsaparilla,spongia,tuberculinum,veratrumalbu,)which are classified in the groups based on the pharmacodynamics namely (  1st group of 16 drugs to control bacterial activity , 2nd group of 13 drugs to control inflammatory activity , 3rd  group of 08 drugs to control allergy activity ,4th  group of 06 drugs to control hypotension and hypertension activity 06, 5th group of 05 drugs to control gastrointestinal tract activity 05,6th  group of 03 drugs to control hypnotic activity ). In these drugs classification group of drugs controls bacterial activity is based on in vitro trial and symptomatic changes occur after administration of drugs in the suffering patients. While remaining other groups are built on the conclusion of entire symptomatology  of drugs mentioned in leading materia medica  and symptomatic changes occur after administration of drugs in the suffering patient The discussion on the drug activity is incomplete until the discussion on etiology of disease is debated. Etiology means cause or origin of diseases, the factor which produces or predisposes towards a certain disease or disorder. it is established fact that there may be various etiologies regarding one disease and  therefore the treatment to the patient is given accordingly.

The above mentioned drugs are applied on the basis of pharmacodynamics with the relevant etiology instead of only symptomatology and I find the satisfactory and significant result in the treatment. Because the etiology provides the complete indication of medicine, and for the search of etiology a complete symptomatic picture is also required. In  the study and use of  the drug as a pharmacodynamics we will  achieve  many answers of unanswered questions raised  in the past ,present  and also in future in homoeopathy. Many historical aspects of homoeopathy treatment which are still unanswered at present will   easily be justified by this phenomena .when we analyze the pharmacodyanmics of drug on  basis  of specific\non-specific, selective\non-selective, narrow-spectrum\broad-spectrum it  provides a reliable  evidence in favour of many homoeopathy remedy which written & explained by reputed author of materia  medica and rubric  of the repertoires .

1- Allen H.C. – Keynotes and characteristics with compression of some of the leading   remedy of materia medica. , E.B.Nash – Leaders in Homoeopathic therapeutics grouping and classification. A. Farrington – Clinical materia medica:- on the basis of pharmacodynamics we can easily understand in the comparison of all the medicine as given in above mentioned books.

2-Boericke – Pocket manual of Homoeopathic meteria medica with repertory, Clark J.H. – Dictionary of Practical Materia medica (3 volumes), Kent – Lecture on materia medica with new remedy.-on the basis of pharmacodynamics we can easily explain the action of the medicine on the entire system of body head to foot (except mind) with relation to other medicines and modalities as given in above mentioned books.

3-Kent – Repertory (Expended), Clark J.H. – Clinical Repertory. Boericke – Pocket manual of Homoeopathic meteria medica with repertory: – by the use of the both phenomena i.e pharmacodynamics and etiology we can easily understand and explain the grade of medicine according to the rubric in the most of the section (except under section of mind)

 I present here few cases of bacterial etiology which were treated by the homoeopathy drug only on the basis of drug activities.

A;-The first case of throat infection 44years male

It was highly resistant nature of the pseudomonas and it shows resistance to most of the Antibiotic except few parenteral

Patient was suffering for more than one year.

When the patient was given the sensitive antibiotic he felt better but for the short period and again the symptoms and problems reoccurred with growth in culture report.

Then I prescribed  him two homoeopathy drugs(second   is complementary of first) of bacterial control  in above classification in 200 c 8 to 10 pills of 30 numbers  BD  for one weak.

After 1st weak patient was mildly better, same treatment was continued for next one weak.

After 2nd weak patient was much better than previous weak, a same treatment was continued for next two weaks.

After 4th weak the patient was completely asymptomatic but culture report of throat swab shows growth. Therefore same treatment was continued for next four weaks. Because past history indicates tendency of recurrence.

After 8th weak the patient was completely asymptomatic but still culture report of throat swab show growth.  Therefore same treatment was continued for next four weaks.

After 12th weak the patient was completely asymptomatic and culture report of throat swab was sterile. Same treatment was continued for next two weak OD.

After 14th weak the patient was completely asymptomatic and stopped the treatment.

Till today patients  not reported the reoccurrence of the problems.

B:-Second case of UTI 55years male

It shows the growth of E-coli of highly resistant nature showing sensitivity to the few parenteral antibiotics.

Patient was suffering for more than nine months.

When the patient was given the sensitive antibiotic he felt better but for the short period and again the symptoms and problems reoccurred with growth in culture report.

I prescribed three medicines, out of three medicines one was inflammatory control and other two were bacterial control (all medicine showing relation to each others) in above classification in the 200 c 8 to 10 pills of the 30 number  TDS for one weak

After 1st weak the patient was much better than initial stage, same treatment was continued for next weak.

After 2nd weak pains and burning were entirely absent while culture report shows growth

Then I withdrew the inflammatory medicine while other two medicines of bacterial control were continued for the next two weaks.

After 4th weak the patient was completely asymptomatic .but same treatment was continued for next two weaks. Because past history shows tendency of recurrence.

After 6th weak the patient was completely asymptomatic but still culture report of urine shows growth.  Therefore same treatment was continued for next four weaks

After 10th weak the patient was completely asymptomatic and culture report of urine was sterile. Same treatment was continued for next one weak OD.

After 12th weak the patient was completely asymptomatic and stopped the treatment.

Till today patients not reported the reoccurrence of the problems.

In the above mentioned cases I don’t want to  describe the therapeutic power & utility of homoeopathic medicine because it was continuously proved in  last two centuries in the various disease and disorder .I try to justify the various aspect of aphorism no 08 ( foot note no 05,(a)  in both cases the morbid symptoms of the patient is controlled with in short period but observations indicate presence of  the trace of disease(etiology\cause occasionalis ) by the help of modern tools therefore the treatment was continued till such time The trace of disease was absent as indicated by modern tools after it we can say the entire collection of Disease was removed and only  healthy state of body remains .


  1. Allen H.C. – Keynotes and characteristics with compression of some the leading   remedy of materia medica.
  2. Boericke – Pocket manual of Homoeopathic meteria medica with repertory.
  3. Clark J.H. – Dictionary of Practical Materia medica (3 volumes).
  4. Clark J.H. – Clinical Repertory.
  5. Kent – Lecture on materia medica with new remedy.
  6. Kent – Repertory (Expended)
  7. KENT –Lectures On Homoeopathic Philosophy
  8. E.B.Nash –Leaders inHomoeopathic therapeutics grouping and classification.
  9. E.A. Farrington – Clinical materia medica
  10. Organon of Medicin by R E Dudgeon & W Boericke
  11. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology K.D.Tripathi-6th edition
  12. In Vitro Antibacterial Activity Of Homoeopathy Drug\Remedy 2009-  Dr  Puneet Mishra

Dr. Puneet MishraB Sc. B.H.M.S.
Homeopathy Physician Kanpur

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