Single remedy rubrics form different repertories related to epilepsy

Dr. Prasoon Choudhary1, Dr. Sandhya Rathour2, Dr. Shivangi Jain2, Dr. Manju Bijarnia2

  1. HOD, Department of Paediatrics, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur (Raj.)
  2. PG scholar Department of Paediatrics, Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Jaipur (Raj.)

ABSTRACT- In epilepsy the brain cell activity in the brain is disturbed during seizures person experiences many abnormal behaviour, sensations and symptoms. With the help of the reportorial tool we can easily prescribe the homoeopathic medicines because with the help of rubric we can easily get small numbers of medicines by using different repertories according to cases.

KEYWORDS- Epilepsy, Repertory, Rubrics 

Rubrics Medicine Repertory
Nerves – Epilepsy, general- abdomen, epilepsy begins in bufo Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, after – automatic impulse    op. Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, after – ear noises Caust Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, after – hiccough cic Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, after – rage op Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, after – ravenous appetite calc Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, after – restlessness cupr Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, during- eyes turned upwards to right Hydr- ac. Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, during- eyes turned upwards to right – downwards aeth Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, during- involuntary discharges cocc. Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, during- throwning body backwards Camph Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of, during – throwing body backwards- forwards Cupr Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, attack of during – winking of eyes kali- bi Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, aura of – abdomen to head, with Indg. Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, aura of- belching Lach Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, aura of- glow, from foot to head visc. Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general epilepsy, aura of – heel to occiput Stram. Murphy’s Repertory
Nerve – epilepsy, general- status epilepticus Acon. Murphy’s Repertory
Mind-jumping, behaviour- impulse, to-epilepsy, after Arg-met. Murphy’s Repertory
Mind- childish behaviour- epilepsy, after Tab Murphy’s Repertory
Mind- dreamy, state-epilepsy, in Aml-ns. Murphy’s Repertory
Mind- eccentric, behaviour- epilepsy, before fit of Cann-i Murphy’s Repertory
Abdomen- solar plexus, affected- epilepsy originates Indg. Murphy’s Repertory
Back- coldness-icy, coldness running down back before epilepsy Ars Murphy’s Repertory
Female-menses, general-irregular- epilepsy, in Art-v. Murphy’s Repertory
Larynx- voice, general-lost of voice- epilepsy, before Calc-ar. Murphy’s Repertory
Hearing-noise, in ears- ringing- epileptic fit, before Hyos. Murphy’s Repertory
Tongue- taste, general-putrid- epileptic fit, after Caust Murphy’s Repertory
Stomach-emptiness, week, hungry feeling-epilepsy, before Hyos. Murphy’s Repertory
Perspiration-warm, sweats- epilepsy, after Sil. Murphy’s Repertory
Pregnancy-postpartum, general-epilepsy, brought on by a fall immediately before delivery Rhus-t. Murphy’s Repertory
Skin-tubercles- epilepsy, causes Kali-br Murphy’s Repertory
Generals- Convulsions- epileptic- chronic Chlorpr. Synthesis Repertory
Generals- Convulsions- epileptic-excitement, from emotional Art-v. Synthesis Repertory
Generals- Convulsions- epileptic- injuries of the head, from Mell. Synthesis Repertory
Generals- Convulsions- epileptic- hysterical Visc. Synthesis Repertory
Generals- Convulsions- epileptic-masturbation, after Art-v. Synthesis Repertory
Generals- Convulsions- epileptic-traumatic naphthoq. Synthesis Repertory
Generals- Convulsions- epileptic- vexation, from Ign. Synthesis Repertory
Generals- Convulsions- epileptic- periodical Vip. Synthesis Repertory
Generals- Convulsions- epileptic- old people, in aven. Synthesis Repertory
Nervous System- Epilepsy-Aura- descends calc. Boericke Repertory
Nervous System- Epilepsy-Aura-felt, in heart region calc-ar. Boericke Repertory
Nervous System- Epilepsy- during, full moon, nocturnal calc. Boericke Repertory
Nervous System- Epilepsy- during, new moon, nocturnal cupr. Boericke Repertory
Nervous System- Epilepsy- recurrent, several time daily art- v. Boericke Repertory
Nervous System- Epilepsy- in children Bell. Boericke Repertory
Nervous System- Epilepsy-form- wet exposure cupr. Boericke Repertory
Generalities- convulsions- epileptic, aura, abdomen to head, with Indg Kent Repertory
Generalities- convulsions- epileptic, aura, drawing in limbs Ars. Kent Repertory
Generalities- convulsions- epileptic, uterus Bufo. Kent Repertory
Generalities- convulsions- epileptic, uterus to throat Lach. Kent Repertory
Generalities- convulsions- epileptic, warm air streaming up spine Ars. Kent Repertory
Generalities- convulsions- epileptic, aura, waving sensation in brain Cimic. Kent Repertory
Mind- anxiety- chest, in heart, region of convulsion, during- epileptic Lyc. Complete Repertory
Mind- company- aversion to, agg.- convulsions, during epileptic Atro-pur. Complete Repertory
Mind- dream- curious-convulsion, epileptic Lach Complete Repertory
Mind-dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending-convulsions-before epileptic Caust. Complete Repertory
Mind-dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending-convulsions- during- epileptic Calc. Complete Repertory
Mind- weeping, tearful mood-general-easily-convulsion, epileptic, during Bufo Complete Repertory
Head-heat-convulsion-before, epileptic Caust. Complete Repertory
Head-pain-unconsciousness-with-convulsion, epileptic, after Kali-bi. Complete Repertory
Hearing-noises-convulsion-after-epileptic Caust. Complete Repertory
Mouth-open-general-wide-convulsion, before, epileptic Bufo Complete Repertory
Stomach-appetite-ravenous,canine,excessive-convulsion-during-epliptic Caust. Complete Repertory
Stomach- emptines, weak feeling, faintness, goneness, hungery feeling-convulsions, before epileptic   Hyos. Complete Repertory
Stomach-hiccough-convulsion-before-epileptic Cic. Complete Repertory
Female-menses-intermittent-convulsions, during, epileptic Art.v Complete Repertory
Extremities-jerking-upper limbs-finger-convulsion, during-epileptic Cic. Complete Repertory
Extremities-stiffness-general-lower limb- convulsions, before, epileptic Bufo. Complete Repertory
Sleep-restless-convulsions, during, epileptic Cic. Complete Repertory
Sleep-restless-convulsions, after, epileptic Lach. Complete Repertory
Chill-left-convulsions before, epileptic Sil. Complete Repertory
Skin-coldness- general-left-convulsions, before, epileptic Sil. Complete Repertory
Generalities-convulsions, spasm-epileptic paroxysm, aura-coldness- left Sil. Complete Repertory


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  • Schroyens F. Synthesis, Repertorium Homoeopathicum Syntheticum. 9.1 Version. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 2007
  • Boericke W. New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory. 2ndreaugmented and revised ed., New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.2000
  • Kent J T. Repertory of homoeopathic material medica, Enriched Indian Ed, B Jain Publ, 50th impression: 2011.
  • Complete Repertory. RADAR software

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