Study of types of Susceptibility in Skin disorders

Study of types of Susceptibility in Skin disorders

Dr Kamaxi Shirode  

As human being is composed of Mind, Body and soul and he is free-spirited, the organization of its depend upon the susceptibility. Skin disorders are a very common condition which has affected the lifestyle in many ways. Susceptibility represents a person as a whole. It represents the end-result of the influence of the environment on hereditary characteristics. So do skin disorders are a disorder of familial disposition. In this sample study I have studied and treated 30 cases.

From the response of patient, I found that 17 patient showed Good improvement, 8 patient showed moderate improvements and 5 patients showed mild improvement. At the end of my  work I can say that I am satisfied with the holistic, judicious, advanced and rational approach in homoeopathy for study of susceptibility in skin disorders.

Key words- susceptibility, skin disorders, homoeopathy.

Susceptibility is defense mechanism of human body. The general quality or capability of living organism of receiving impression so the power to react to stimuli is susceptibility[3]. According to H. A. Robert, ‘Susceptibility primary as reaction of the organism to external and internal influence. [2]Dr. Kent explain Susceptibility in his Homoeopathic Philosophy Book aphorism 30, 31, 32, 33.[3]

Types of Susceptibility: In field of Homoeopathy, the important concept Susceptibility is cause of disease and reaction of the Remedy. The Susceptibility is not explained directly by Dr. Hahnemann in Organon of Medicine. Dr. James Tyler Kent in his lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy explain §30, §31, §32, §33. For Susceptibility – Primarily as reaction of the organism to external and internal influence. Susceptibility is differing in each living individual like that some individual are highly Susceptible for particular thing means, the Susceptibility is more or high in that individual, so that call high susceptibility or increase Susceptibility. Some living individuals are less Susceptible for particular thing. So, in that case he/she have low Susceptibility or decrease Susceptibility. Some people are Over-Sensitive for particular thing means slight stimulus cause alteration in health. So, that is called as Morbid Susceptibility.

The Susceptibility of individual either it is Increase, Decrease, or Morbid Susceptibility, physician have to acquainted with persons with parameters ex. Age group,  Onset  and Pace of disease, etiological factors, miasmatic, interpretation, suppression, intelligence, Life-style, habit addiction, vitality, reaction etc.

Skin disease in India:
The skin disease depends on Climate and Geography, socioeconomic status, genetic habit of community. Moreover, in developing countries – pure hygiene, lack of basic amenities, overcrowding also play significance role in occurrences of skin disease. The Skin infection were most common follow by skin disease,Ex.Eczema , Psoriasis,Dermatitis, Acne: Vulgaris, Pustular, Mild Urticaria:  Acute, Chronic        Warts: filiform wart, palms planter, verruca plana, plane warts Melasma: Acute, Chronic, Pitted keratoloysis [House workers],boils,TineaCorporis, Onychomycosis [nail infection] Seborrheic Dermatitis – Contect Dermatitis, Pustule , Eczema: Acute, Chronic, Sunburn Furcuncle, Carbuncle, Bulla , Hair Fallsetcs

Thus, Susceptibility and Skin disease both hold strong genetic background and predisposition as inclination, constitutional prescribing in case of Skin disease will be great scope in its management and can improve the quality of Life of an individual.


  • Clinical Study:30 selected cases related to role of susceptibility in Skin Disorders including of both sexes and age groups of 20-60 years will be studied. Case taking will be done by using standard case taking Performa as per homoeopathic principles related to my topic.
  • Case definition:Selected cases of Skin Disorders of age group 20-60 years related to Skin Disorders will be studied to find out the Types of Susceptibility.
  • INCLUSION CRITERIA: Selected cases of age groups of 20-60 years and both sexes will be included/studied in this project.
  • The patients not fulfilling the case definition.
  • Patients who require emergency medical intervention and systemic disease with complication e.g.STD, Cancer, Tuberculosis.
  • Patient without written consent.
  • STUDY DESIGN: Minimum 30 selected cases satisfying the case definition, inclusion, exclusion criteria will be studied. Help of guide, different articles, journals, books will be studied altogether.

These have been done under following headings:

    • Good: More than 75% relief of symptoms in relation to Types of Susceptibility and Skin disorders.
    • Moderate: 50-75% relief of symptoms in relation to Types of Susceptibility and Skin disorders.
    • Poor: Less than 50% relief of symptoms   in relation to Types of Susceptibility and Skin disorders.

As my topic is “Study of Types of Susceptibility in cases of Skin Disorders”, as Skin Disorderare common disorder in today’s era, and its affected the lifestyle, in many ways, it becomes difficult to carry out day to day activities, in a smooth way. After my study, I came across following things,

  • Gender ratio:The study of Gender was done to identify the Group with greater incidence presenting with complain of Skin disorder. And it was found that incidence was more common in Female i.e. 21 (70%) than Male i.e. 9 (30%) and in youngsters.
  • Age group ratio:It is most commonly observed in age group 20-40 years.
  • Remedies prescribed:During the study of 30 cases, it was found that Nux Vomica was most prescribed.
  • Response to the treatment:On analyzing 30 cases, it was found that 17 cases means 56% Good Response, 8 cases means 26% Moderate response, 5 case means 16% Poor response.
  • Potency Selection:Potency was selected according to Susceptibility of the patient which decided by the parameters, the response to the 1st prescription and the follow-ups.
  • Intercurrent Prescriptions: During my study, when the case becomes stand-still at that time anti-miasmatic prescription was given. From 30 cases I gave Miasmatic prescriptions to 9 patients and I got Good Response.

In the first phase theoretical study was completed. In which detailed information about Susceptibility and the Skin Disorder were studied with the help of extensive literature.

In the second phase detailed practical study was completed. This study was done by collecting the data and treating the 30 patient presenting with complaint of Skin disorder among age group of 20-60 years old, both sexes where Constitutional homoeopathic medicine were prescribed.


  1. Dr. Hahnemann,Organon of Medicine 6th Edition .
  2. Herbert A. Roberts, the Principals and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.
  3. Dr. James Tyler Kent,THE GENIUS OF HOMOEOPATHY, Lectures and Essays on Homoeopathic Philosophy Lectures on HOMOEOPATHIC PHILOSOPHY with Classroom Notes and Word Index [7th edition] National Health Portal (NHP) of India – Homoeopathy.
  4. UdayKhopkar,Skin Disease and Sexually Transmitted Infections [6th edition]  Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine [19th Edition].
  5. M. L. Dhawale,  Principals and Practice of Homoeopathy .
  6. The Best of Burnett (MateriaMedica, Therapeutics and Case Reports).
  7. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,  Organon of Medical art  , 6th Edition, §31, page 78.
  8. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,  Organon of Medical art  ,6th Edition, §73, page 118.
  9. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,  Organon of Medical art  , 6th Edition, §73, page 119.
  10. Dr. James Tyler Kent , Kent’s Lecture on Homoeopathic Philosophy, Reprint edition 2003-04, Lecture XIV, page 106-111.
  11. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,  Organon of Medical art, 6th Edition, §43-45, page 89-90.
  12. Dr. James Tyler Kent, Kent’s Lecture on Homoeopathic Philosophy, Reprint edition 2003-04, Lecture XIV, page 191-195.
  13. Herbert A. Roberts, The Principals and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy, Reprint Edition, 2003-04, Chapter XVII, page 150.
  14. Herbert A. Roberts, The Principals and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy, Reprint Edition, 2003-04, Chapter XVII, page 156.
  15. George Vithoulkas, The Science of Homeopathy, chapter 5, page 75-85.
  16. Raha Mohammad-Panah,The Review of Homoeopathic Concept of Susceptibility.

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