Survey: Use of Homeopathy in Veterinary

Homeopathy has been used for various veterinary ailments since long, even from the time of Hahnemann. Veterinary practice is in vogue since then, and there is a considerable demonstration of efficacy of homeopathy in veterinary at both clinical and research level.

The current survey is a descriptive, opinion based survey that collects information about a physician’s outlook towards use of homeopathy in veterinary practices, with special emphasis to homeopathic therapeutics (commonly used remedies), commonly treated animals and their diseases etc.

The results of the survey may guide us to understand the clinical applicability of homeopathy in veterinary, extent of use of homeopathy e.g. commonly treated clinical conditions and commonly used homeopathic remedies, etc. The data thus collected may serve as a knowledge database for improving learning skills for use of homeopathy in veterinary, sharpening knowledge for better applicability, educating homeopathic fraternity etc.

To start the survey, please click ONCE on the link:

Your responses to this survey will remain completely confidential. You will not be identified or contacted unless you specifically request to be. If you have any questions about this survey please email me at

You may also see the full details at

If you wish to be acknowledged, you may opt to do so by selecting the option at the end of survey. A list of acknowledged persons shall be published online.

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