Swine Flu – single dose Homeopathy for prevention and cure

Dr. V. Krishnamurthy,

During the years 2006-2008, almost all homoeopathic practitioners had been giving different remedies for chikungunya disease (mainly Rhus-tox and Eup-perf.) to be taken for days and weeks with little relief.

The undersigned is the first to declare that the homoeopathic remedy Polyporus Pinicola-1000X is almost a specific for chikungunya and with this remedy GIVEN IN ONE SINGLE DOSE, my students had cured lakhs and lakhs of chikungunya victims (with just one single dose of this remedy)  during the years 2006 to 2008. (Rate of success: more than 97%).

These homoeopaths (who had cured chikungunya with one single dose of Polyporus) are now asking me what homoeo medicine is to be given for the present pandemic swine flu.

(a) those who had died in hospitals with swine flu had lung failure;

(b) swine flu starts with fever, sore throat and body pain.

Step 1: Fever with body pain, sore throat. The rubric that you must take for this in Kent ‘s Repertory is under GENERALITIES. “Inflammation, internal:”

Step 2: Disease of lung that speedily kills any patient; the equivalent rubric in Kent ‘s Repertory is Pneumonia (CHEST: Hepatization of lungs)

The remedies scoring more points (being common to the above two lists) are Cactus=4, Iodum=5, Kalic-c.=4, Kali-iod.=4, Lach.=5, Lyc.=4, Merc-sol.=4, Nux-v.=5, Phos.=6, Sulph.=5, Tereb.=5

These remedies were studied in Samuel Lilienthal’s HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS under the chapter PNEUMONIA; Under the remedy  Merc-sol, we find the following words:  “epidemic broncho-pneumonia”.

Patients who had come to me after being tested positive for swine flu were given ONLY ONE SINGLE PILL of the homoeo medicine Merc-sol-1000X, and in just an hour all their symptoms disappeared and after a week when they tested, the result was negative. (Rate of success: 97%).

For prevention, the same remedy Merc.sol. 1000X– may be given one dose (one pill chewable taken any time) once a month for three months. This prevents swine flu for six months from the date of taking the first dose.

In homoeopathy, cure is easier and quicker than prevention.

Merc-sol.200 or 1000 tends to aggravate.  We have found that  Merc-sol 1000X cures without aggravation.  We have also observed such cure is permanent, gentle and quick.

Homoeo drug stores usually stock Merc-sol-200 or Merc-sol-1000.  But Merc-sol 1000X alone is to be used for swine flu which please note.

If you are not getting Merc-sol-1000X from  your local homoeo store, you may send money order for Rs.500=00 (Five hundred only) to the following address and we would send you 3ml pack of

 Merc-sol-1000X containing about 20 to 50 pills.  This is sufficient for a family.  One pill, chewable, may be taken any time to completely cure swine flu.  (No diet or other restrictions.). Along with this pack we would be sending you free of cost our book wrong beliefs & truths of lesser known medical systems.

For prevention take one pill once a month for three months and this prevents swine flu for six months from the date of taking the first dose.

Dr. V. Krishnamurthy,
Raman House, Old No. 21 Kuppaiah Street
West Mambalam,  Chennai  – 600 033
Phone: 09789069362, 044-24890370

Books by Dr. V. Krishnamurthy

  1.  Advanced Homoeopathic practice .. Rs.380=00
  2. Wrong Beliefs & Truths of Lesser Known Medical systems . . Rs.75=00
  3. Dr. Bach Flower Remedies of England (in six parts) .. Rs.950=00.
  4. Meditation:  Exact and Accurate Practice ..  Rs.75=00.


  1. Hello SP Iyer sir, can you please elaborate on the combination of Arsenic alb and Merc sol- how many pills of each should be taken.

    You did mention about Ipecac and Crux- are these alternative medicines to be tried instead of Merc sol and Arsenic alb.

  2. Dear Dr Krishnamurthy, I am S P Iyer, a journalist and have studied extensively homoeopathic drugs, ayurvedic drugs and many allopathic medicines too. I have found Arsenic Alb 200 and Merc Sol 200 six pills of 30 size given twice a week prevents not only swine flu but even common cold. Me and my photographers and other fellow journalists extensively have covered swine flu cases. This combination has helped us. I also tried ipecac 30 once a week along with these. They have worked wonders. None of us got swine flu. Of course, we also took a Tulsi compound called “Crux”. I was in Ahmedabad till 2015 working there. I am now in Chennai as my son is settled here now. I have written this to you because of my deep interest in curbing swine flu and other viral diseases all over India and other parts of the world too. Unless we all come together on a single platform, viral diseases will eat away many more lives.

  3. Books by Dr. V. Krishnamurthy

    Advanced Homoeopathic practice .. Rs.380=00
    Wrong Beliefs & Truths of Lesser Known Medical systems . . Rs.75=00
    Meditation: Exact and Accurate Practice .. Rs.75=00.
    how can i buy these books in Pakistan?

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