Book Review by Dr Mansoor Ali
This book will definitely help youngsters in practice building. A versatile book from the doctor who cured more than 5000 Hepatitis B patients.
ISBN: 9788131939635
Price: 349 Now Rs 314
Pages: 506
Published : B Jain publishers New Delhi
Allopaths have their own standard protocol for almost all diseases and procedures, which are replicable. But homoeopaths have different methods of prescriptions and school of homoeopathy, that is too confusing the youngsters – these different approaches are difficult to replicate, reproduce or repeat.
Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG) are systematically developed statements that assist prescribers in deciding on appropriate treatments for specific clinical problems.
We also a need a replicable uniform protocols. This book by Dr S G Biju, a leading practitioner from Kerala, is an attempt to have a clinically verified protocols for various diseases evolved from his more than 25 years of hardship and experience in homoeopathy.
“If one homoeopath could give relief to the patient with one particular medicine in a specific potency and dosage then that could be repeated all homoeopaths” – says Dr SG Biju.
Every new generation doctors must read the introductory part. Then only you can realise how the senior homoeopaths struggled for existence, how they survived, their dedication and hard work for the propagation and popularisation of homeopathy among the public.
You can read this book like a novel in a single stretch. This type of experience sharing will save the youngsters from failure.
- The book also deals with the management of acute emergencies. Medicines are listed on the basis of its effectiveness.
- It gives a clinical approach towards the application of the miasms in clinical practice.
- This book is a desktop reference for acute and sub acute management of chronic cases including classical prescription in acute disease
Major sections are
- Treatment protocols and treatment plan
- Homoeopathic treatment protocol for fever
- Treatment protocol in allergic diseases
- Treatment protocol in metabolic disorders
- Treatment protocol in dislipidemia
- Treatment protocol in auto immune diseases
Understanding of miasm
- Miasm in clinical practice
- Identifying miasm in clinical practice
- Relevance of family history
- Mind the miasm master
- Clinical cases of psoric miasm with allergic disorders
Case taking and individualisation
- Practical philosophy in case taking
- Case taking for individualisation
- Guide lines for case taking
- CMV – common man’s vocabulary
- How to have a better constitutional prescription
- Rule to repertories
- Sample cases
Management of acute emergency
- Organ remedies
- Pain of various drugs
- How to manage various acute emergencies in day-to-day practice
- A sample material medica on drug medicine and remedy symptom
- A desktop reference for acute and sub acute management of chronic cases
- Classical prescription in acute disease
S G Biju
Dr S.G. Biju (MD) founder of SAHYA (School of Artistic Homoeopathy for Youngsters and Adults) is an ardent, seasoned and passionate Homoeopath practicing since 1992. He is an Assistant Professor in the department of repertory in WMH Medical College, Kanyakumari Tamil Nadu. He is a proponent of unique and individual approach ‘Treatment maximises success and minimises side effects’. His result oriented approach can be seen by the cures cases of almost 5000 Hepatitis-B positive patients. He has developed various Homoeopathic treatment Protocols which is contemporary in field of medicine. His accolades include Dr Samuel Hahnemann Award 2003, N.K. Jayaram Award 2007, and Best guest lecturer award in 2008
Around 100 young doctors trained in his clinic, now they are good practitioners across Kerala
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