The gut brain connection: a homeopathic approach to stress induced acid peptic disorder using mental rubrics

Dr Sanjogita Patil

Abstract- stress induced acid Peptic Disorder (APD) is a common condition characterized by the symptom such as heart burn , regurgitation and abdominal pain. Homeopathic medicines are beneficial & offers a natural & holistic approach to manage APD. Homeopathic treatment approach, common remedies & benefits for stress inducecd APD are discussed in this article.

Keywords- Acid peptic disorder, Stress induced APD ,Homeopathic medicine, Holistic approach ,Diet management

INTRODUCTION – Acid peptic disorders are the result of distinct, but overlapping pathogenic mechanisms leading to either excessive acid secretions or diminished mucosal defense.(1)

CAUSES & RISK FACTOR – H.Pylori infection, stress , long term use of NSAID ,alcohol ,smoking, Zollinger- Ellision syndrome ,Crohn’s disease(2)

SYMPTOMS-Symptoms include epigastric pain, with episodic occurrence,& have relation with food(3) bloating, heart burn , nausea& vomiting(4).

INVESTIGATIONS: Complete blood count ,Endoscopy ,Barium meal , stool examination

HOMEOPATHIC VIEW – Master Hahnemann has given specific diet and mode of living for patients who are under homeopathic treatment for a chronic disease.(5)

Stuart close in his ‘THE GENIUS OF HOMEOPATHY’ states that emotional causes such as continued anxiety ,worry ,vexation ,wrongs and frequent occurrence of fear & fright in the time destroys the health(6)

COMMON HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR APD-(7) Stress induced acid peptic disease can be managed effectively by homeopathic medicine.

  • Argentum nitricum- for symptoms such as anxiety ,stress ,& abdominal pain
  • Nux vomica-heartburns ,regurgitation ,nausea ,& abdominal pain especially after eating
  • Phosphorus-vomiting as soon water gets warm in the stomach ,burning ,eructations
  • Lycopodium –bloating ,flatulence & abdominal pain
  • Arsenicum album-burning pain in abdomen ,nausea and vomiting
  • Carbo vegetablis-weak digestion ,flatulence ,bloating
  • And many other remedies are their which are chosen on the basis of symptom similarity and individualization


  1. Anxiety; Stomach symptoms with (Ars, Bell, Nux-v)
  2. Irritability; Stomach symptoms with (Bell, Nux-v, Cham)
  3. Anxiety , eating ,after ( Arg-n, calc,Nux-v)
  4. Fear , food , of (Arg-n, Calc,Lyc)
  5. Anxiety, stomach, about (Arg-n ,Nux-v)
  6. Stress, stomach, Affects (Nux-v, Cham,Coloc)
  7. Mental exertion,agg.(Nux-v,coloc,Cham)


  1. Stomach; Pain; burning (Ars, Bell, Bry, Carb-v, Nux-v)
  2. Stomach; Pain; gnawing (Ars, Bry, Carb-v, Nux-v)
  3. Stomach; Pain; cramping (Bell, Bry, Coloc, Nux-v)
  4. Stomach; Ulceration (Ars, Bell, Bry, Kali-bi, Nux-v)

Food and Drink Rubric

  1. Food and drinks; Coffee; aggravates (Nux-v, Cham)
  2. Food and drinks; Spicy food; aggravates (Ars, Bell, Bry)
  3. Food and drinks; Fatty food; aggravates (Carb-v, Nux-v)


  1. Worse; Night (Ars, Bell, Bry, Nux-v)
  2. Worse; After eating (Bry, Carb-v, Nux-v)
  3. Better; Cold drinks (Ars, Bell, Bry)

CASE – A female patient, age 23years complaining of abdominal pain near umbilical region extending to chest , with vomiting since 1 month

Past history- abdominal pain with heart burns treated with allopathic medicine Family history- mother is diabetic

  • Menstrual history-regular
  • Physical generals- Appetite –reduced Thirst –drinks little water
  • Desires- spicy food

Life space: she is studious and friendly girl, belonging to middle class family she wants to support her family financially so,she has to stop her further studies and start a job ,where she was treated badly by her boss and colleague, hence she decided to leave the job. Now she is in search of job but not getting it, while her other friends are working and earning money.

Analysis & evaluation
Patient is sincere in her work, sensitive to rudeness, has taken responsibility on herself in early age and now she is stressed out due to not finding the job, she is also comparing herself with her friends who are doing job. she also don’t want to trouble anyone


  • MIND-anxiety-money matters about MIND-Asking nothing for
  • MIND-duty too much sense of duty MIND-Responsibility taken too seriously MIND-speech slow
  • Stomach-vomiting drinking immediately Stomach –vomiting accompanying cough
  • Basis of prescription- case was reporterized using synthesis repertory and prescribed with arsenic album 200 four doses, along with sac. Lac. For one week & advice of diet management and yoga pranayama
  • Follow up- patient was improved,with no abdominal pain and vomiting,her anxiety levels were also reduced with a positive look out

Conclusion :
Homeopathic medicine offers a safe and effective approach to managing stress- induced acid peptic disorder. By addressing the underlying stress and anxiety, homeopathic remedies can help alleviate APD symptoms and promote overall well-being.


  1. Mejia A, Kraft WK. Acid peptic diseases: pharmacological approach to treatment. Expert Rev ClinPharmacol. 2009 May;2(3):295–314
  2. Dr. LeenaDighe,Usefulness Of Homeopathc Medicines In Case Of Gastro-oesophgeal Reflux, Acid Peptic Disorder, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, A Retrospective Study,NJIRM 2020 VOL 11 May-June
  3. Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine 23rd edition 2018. Elsevier Publication (799)
  4. .
  5. Devesh Kumar Pandey , Sunil Kumar,Holistic approach of homeopathy in GERD,TJHMS vol. 5 Oct /Dec 2022
  6. Close Stuart. The genius of homoeopathy lectures and essays on homoeopathic philosophy. Reprint ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers; 2008, 2009.
  7. H.C. Allen,Allen’s Key-notes Rearranged & Classified (10th edition) 2020 (43,86,224)

Dr Sanjogita Patil (MD Part 1)
Department of Repertory Sambhajinagar
Email :

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