The Science of Nanotechnology in Homeopathy

Dr Vijay Bhushan  M.D.(Hom.)
Dr Sangita Sharma M.D.(PG Scholar)

“Nature uses as little as possible of anything,” the secret of Nanoscience in medicine was first revealed in 1960 by Richard Feynman in his visionary and prophetic lecture at a meeting of American Physical Society and the term’ nano-technology’ was first used by Norio Taniguchiin in 1974. Now it is clear that biological system have nanodimensional reality operating behind cellular and gross biological plane and the highest possibility is that Homoeopathic potentized drugs which are proved to be in nanoscale and quantum dots are operating behind the level of operation of biochemical medicines of conventional medical science. The studies shows that homoeopathic drugs and scales of potencies from the lowest to highest; contain nanoparticles/ quantum dots.

Homoeopathy, a nanopharmacological science has opened a new avenue for the world by presenting a significantly different pharmacological characteristic approach to treat sick people, instead of using strong and powerful doses of medicinal substances that have wide variety of people with a similar disease. Homoeopaths use extremely small nano doses of medicinal substance that are highly customized to a individual person’s physical and psychological sphere of disease, not simply an assumed localized pathology.

Nano-medicine delivery methods have advantages over crude conventional medicines, like better disease targeting, especially for intracellular pathogens, lower doses effective to get the same effect, ability to cross membranes and enter cells, act as highly catalytic, longer duration drug action, reduced side effects and cost savings from lower doses.

This controlled delivery system ensures improved absorption and retention of the active ingredients, thereby optimizing therapeutic efficacy. Additionally, nano-formulations can overcome challenges associated with the poor solubility and stability of certain homeopathic remedies, thereby broadening the scope of treatable conditions.

Nanomaterials possess distinctive characteristics, such as a large surface-to-volume ratio and the quantum confinement effect. When reduced to the nanoscale, particles exhibit increased surface area, fostering unique interactions with the surroundings. This adaptability makes nanomaterials highly responsive and crucial in various applications, including medicine.

Unpacking Homeopathy:

Homeopathy, pioneered by Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century, revolves around the idea that a substance capable of inducing symptoms in a healthy individual can alleviate similar symptoms in a sick person when administered in highly diluted form. These remedies undergo serial dilution and succussion, resulting in potentized solutions with minimal to no trace of the original substance. Critics have frequently questioned how such highly diluted solutions could exert any therapeutic effect beyond a placebo response.

Potentization or Dynamization process was introduced into the science of therapeutics by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Homoeopathic dynamization is defined as a process by which the medicinal properties, which are latent in natural substances while in their crude state, become aroused, and then become enabled to act in an almost spiritual manner on our life. This development of the properties of crude natural substances (dynamization) takes place, in the case of dry drug substances, by means of trituration in a mortar, but in the case of fluid substances, by means of shaking or succussion.

Potentization involves serial dilution and agitation by means of strong strokes or trituration at each stage.  Trituration consists in the fine grinding of a starting-substance with lactose, which issued when the starting-substance is not soluble in water or alcohol. Potency levels are designated as ‟ x and c” when they are diluted 1:9 and 1:99 respectively at each stage. Without trituration, a dilution is thought to be devoid of any therapeutic effect and should not be termed potency. For example, potency 12cH was diluted 1:99 12 times with strong strokes at each dilution level. According to Avogadro’s number, there should be no molecule of the starting substance in potencies above 12cH. Nevertheless, much higher centesimal potencies, such as 200, 1000, 10,000cH, etc.  are routinely used in homeopathic clinical practice with satisfactory results.

Exploring Nano-Technology’s Role in Homeopathy
Nanotechnology, In recent times, its integration into homeopathy has garnered considerable interest, offering the promise of enhancing the efficacy and safety of homeopathic treatments. Homeopathy, rooted in the principles of “like cures like” and the concept of dilution and succussion, has often faced scrutiny over its effectiveness due to the extreme dilution of its remedies. However, nanotechnology provides a appreciable framework for understanding the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of homeopathic remedies.

Nanotechnology Interface with Homeopathy:
The nanotechnology in question operates at a submicrometric scale, with a particle diameter of 0.1 μm. This tiny scale brings advantages like improved administration routes and increased therapeutic effects, making it a widely studied area.

Research suggests that during the process of serial dilution and succussion, nanostructures may form within the solution. These nanostructures, comprising nanoparticles and nano-bubbles, exhibit unique properties, such as increased surface area and altered reactivity, which could augment the bioavailability and activity of the diluted substance.

A study conducted to detect the presence of nanoparticles in different potencies of Aurum Met & Carbo Veg drug with the help of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) & energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) revealed presence of plenty of nanoparticles in Nano meter & Quantum dots (QD – less than 10nm) with presence of gold in all the potencies of Aurum. Plenty of nanoparticles were identified in all the potencies of Carbo-V in Nano meter scale composed of Carbon and Oxygen.

Another study to test the higher potencies of Homoeopathic drug Lycopodium to find substantial evidence of the original drug substance was done with assistance of FESEM and EDS which showed an existence of nanoparticles in all potencies tested of Lycopodium.

Nanotechnology in Homeopathy:

  1. Enhanced Bioavailability: Nano-formulations enhance the solubility and absorption of homeopathic remedies, thereby enhancing their efficacy.
  2. Targeted Delivery: Nanocarriers enable precise delivery of remedies to specific tissues or cells, minimizing systemic side effects.
  3. Improved Stability: Nano-encapsulation protects fragile substances from degradation, ensuring remedy stability over time.
  4. Reduced Side Effects: Nanotechnology facilitates the delivery of lower doses more effectively, mitigating adverse reactions associated with traditional homeopathic remedies.
  5. Potential for Personalized Medicine: Nanotechnology allows for the customization of remedies based on individual patient characteristics, optimizing treatment outcomes.

Challenges and Future Directions:
Standardizing nano-formulations, validating their efficacy through rigorous clinical trials, and addressing regulatory concerns are crucial steps toward broader acceptance and integration into mainstream healthcare practices. Additionally, ethical considerations surrounding the use of nanomaterials in healthcare require careful deliberation.

With ongoing advancements of nanotechnology holds the promise of unlocking the full therapeutic power of homeopathic potentized medicine, ushering in new avenues for personalized and effective healthcare solutions.  As working on the Nano scale level, Homoeopathy can be termed as ‘Smart Medicine’.


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Dr.Vijay Bhushan  M.D.(Hom.)
Dr.Sangita Sharma M.D.(PG Scholar)
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