The unique nature of spiders it’s mind and homoeopathy

Dr Rakesh SP


Arachnida. Not a single bone, not a pair of wings, the protective shell of skin- hard and hairy, the spider is a small, eight legged creature.  Spiders belong to the order ARANEIDA, a member of agroup of arachnids characterized by having six pairs of appendages,including four pairs of legs and two main body parts attached by a narrow stalk.

Found in each and every climate, everywhere, wherever food is available. In the deep seas, tall mountains, in forests, in deserts so it is called a cosmopolitan creature. It can survive in every kind of terrain that is in air, water and on the ground wherever food is available.

some spiders survive without any water for the whole year especially in the deserts. Their size varies from size of a pin to a human hand. Spider does not have any bone, any wing and shell. The colour varies from brown to black.

The term ‘Arachnida’ has its origin from Arachnae, the proud Lydian maid the daughter of Idmon of Colphon in Lydia, a dyer in purple who in ancient Greek mythology challenged Atheni, the Greek Goddess to a contest of weaving and was defeated. Arachne was a weaver who acquired such skill in her art that she ventured to challenge Athena. The goddess who wove a tapestry depicting the gods in majesty, while that of Arachne showed their amorous adventures. Enraged at the perfection of her rivals work, Athena tore it to pieces, and in despair Arachne hanged herself. But the goddess out of pity loosened the rope, which became a cobweb. Arachne herself was changed into a spider, hence the name of the zoological class to which spiders belong, Arachnida.


  1. Aranea-Diadema (Spider papalcross)
  2. Aranea- Scinencia (Gray Spider)
  3. Latrodectus – Mactans (American black widow)
  4. Latrodectus – Hesselti (New South Wales black spider)
  5. Latrodectus – Kalipo (New Zealand spider)
  6. Mygale -Lasiodora (Black cuban spider)
  7. Tarentula – Hispanica (Spanish Spider)
  8. Tarentula – Cubensis (Cuban Spider)
  9. Theridion Curassavicum (West Indian Orange Spider)
  10. Tela – Aranearum (Spider’s Web).

The spider lives happily by the side of its web and waits to catch its prey, without being caught in its own web. While baiting their prey they hide and wait, they rush out and bite the prey, drag it to their burrows and eat it at leisure by sucking out its blood and juices.

The spiders can eat the solid tissue of its prey-predigest it by spraying and dissolving the tissues with digestive juices.

When the male spider gets a scent of female web. It follows the scent in search of female for mating. There are several male Spiders dead on the way. But it still follows the scent hoping it would impress the female spider. A valley of death.

When the male spider encounters the female. She attacks him mercilessly with an aim to kill.

But the male spider yet to impress her. It starts to dance to save its life and to impress the female spider.

Finally impressed, female mates with the male spider.

The male has successfully mated with the female spider. But though it’s impressed. The female still kills the male and the male perishes after the fertilization. Thus the name black widow.

Sphere of Action:  Most of the remedies from spider group mainly act on Extremities, muscles, peripheral Nerves, mind, skin and blood.

They all predominantly affect the extremities and peripheral nerves and it seems that there is some relationship between legs and sense organs of spiders and human being. All spider remedies have more affinity towards skin.

Constitutions: All most all spider constitutions are colourful personalities. They are very active and quick in actions and reactions. These are the people with artistic traits.

Mental Generals:

  • Restlessness is the main basic characteristic of all spiders.
  • They are constantly thinking or various ideas.
  •  All spider personalities are wily and cunning.
  • They are constantly seeking change and discontented.
  • They are full of wiles and sly.
  • These people show the skill in deception and craftiness.
  • They are very shrewd.
  • These people are fearless and courageous.
  • They are brave and daring people.
  • These people have the quality of mind or spirit enabling them to meet danger or opposition with fearlessness.
  • Sociability is another important feature of spider mind.
  • They are very much social in their thinking and behaviour.
  • They like company and conversation.
  • They are very friendly people and are aristocratic and fashionable.
  • In many spider remedies a peculiar mental characteristic described is Foxy and Mischievous.
  • When spiders are frightened they feign death or go to a cataleptic reflex, hence in many remedies a sudden disturbance or even a caress i.e. an affectionate touch or gesture from the opposite sex causes them to draw their legs in and fall motionlessly.
  • They are sly, crafty and sharp.
  • They are inclined to or full of mischief, troubling and annoying.
  • These people have a playful teasing nature sometimes causing harm or injury.
  • Mentally spiders are very hypersensitive and emotional.
  • They are very expressive of emotions as well as easily and excessively affected by emotions.
  • Tension is another important keynote of all spider group remedies.
  • They are the people with artistic mind.
  • Another basic feature of spider mind are Tantrum and Turmoil.
  • They show mental strain and intense nervous anxiety.
  • They show a petulant fit of rage.
  • Spiders show the tendency to go in Trans.
  • They have tendency of changing completely.
  • Tintillate is also an important characteristic of all spider minds.

Separated, Struggle for power, feeling of being an outcast, suddenness, inexplicability of the rejection, terrible feelings, sensitivity to danger, psychic sensitivity, turmoil, hatred, suspicion, avarice and munipulation are the characteristic features of spider group.

The nature and life of spiders is very unique. The mind symptoms can be studied along with nature of the spiders. The uniqueness of every species of earth is what makes it different from others and how well can we apply it homoeopathically is also very important.

The mental symptoms found in proving can be applicable to symptoms seen in patients. The law of similimum finds its way in the proving of every plant, animal venoms and minerals. The nature of spiders and the symptoms of provings co relate one other.


  • Group study in Homoeopathic materia medica by Dr JD patil
  • Group study of homeopathic materia medica by Dr Dhadphale G B
  • Google Images.
  • “Spider dances for his life!!”, BBC earth documentary narrated by David attenborough.

Dr Rakesh S P(PG scholar)
Department of homoeopathic Materia medica

Guide: Dr Jyoti A Moolabharati
Associate professor
Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Government Homoeopathic Medical college and Hospital, Bengaluru.

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