Thousands of girls suffered serious illness after vaccinated against cervical cancer

girlThousands of teenage girls have suffered serious illness after being vaccinated against cervical cancer.

Side effects including chest and abdominal pains, exhaustion, breathing difficulties, fibromyalgia and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

Some have been left wheelchair-bound by apparent effects of vaccine

Official figures show the HPV vaccination programme drew 8,228 reports of suspected side-effects over the last decade – almost more than all other routine jabs put together.

More than a quarter of these reports were classed as ‘serious’, a category that includes symptoms severe enough to require hospital treatment or even be life-threatening.

Worried mothers have told how their previously healthy daughters have suffered fits, extreme tiredness and even been left wheelchair-bound after being vaccinated in their early teens.

In some cases, the girls started to feel ill on the day they were vaccinated. Others became sick several weeks later.

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