Thyroid Metabolic Complications managed with Homoeopathy

The Homoeopathic Medical Association of India (HMAI), Delhi State branch organised the 1st of its series of 3 CMEs on Endocrinology & Homoeopathy on Sunday. The topic taken up in detail was Hypothyroidism. Dr.Archna Narang, Asst. Professor B.R.Sur Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre was the main speaker of the event.  Dr.A.K.Gupta, President HMAI, Delhi informed that cases of  Hypothyroidism are increasing now-a-days. The latest research studies have shown very good results of Homoeopathic treatment in thyroid diseases.

Thyroid diseases are, arguably, among the commonest endocrine disorders worldwide. India too, is no exception. According to a projection from various studies on thyroid disease, it has been estimated that about 42 million people in India suffer from thyroid diseases. In the survey conducted by Dr. Narang and her team on adults between 2009-10 found: The prevalence of Hypothyroidism in the overall study population was 4.2%. Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) was observed in 19.3% participants. The anti-TPO positivity was high with a prevalence of more than 13.3%.

Depending on the causes, Hypothyroidism can be:- 1. Primary Hypothyroidism (>99%) which further can be sub-classified into – Autoimmune thyroiditis/ Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Sub acute thyroiditis/Post-partum thyroiditis, Post-ablative(Thyroidectomy & RAI therapy), Drugs(Lithium, Amiodarone, PAS), Endemic Iodine deficiency, Congenital; 2. Central hypothyroidism which further can be sub-classified into – Secondary Hypothyroidism (Pituitary defect), Tertiary Hypothyroidism (Hypothalamic defect); 3. Peripheral hypothyroidism – Thyroid hormone resistance AND Massive inafantile hemangiomas.

Symptoms like Undue fatigue, Weight Gain, Cold intolerance, Constipation, Coarse hair, Dry Skin, Irritability, Depression, Memory loss, Irregular menses, Galactorrhea, Infertility, Myxedema, Peri-orbital puffiness, Loss of outer eyebrows, Hoarseness of voice, Delayed relaxation of Deep Tendon Reflex, Myopathy, Bradycardia, Diastolic Hypertension, Deafness, Dyslipidemia, Pericardial effusion, Coma can be due to Hypthyroidism said Dr. Gupta

Congenital Hypothyroidism occurs in about 1/4000 live births. Kids with Hypothyroidism since birth present with clinical features like Feeding problems, Failure to thrive, Constipation, Hoarse cry, Somnolence, Protuberance of abdomen, Dry skin, Poor growth of hair & nails, Delayed eruption of deciduous teeth, Delayed milestones, Dwarfism and Umbilical hernia

Dr. Narang also told that Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH), also called mild thyroid failure, is diagnosed when peripheral thyroid hormone levels are within normal reference laboratory range but serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are mildly elevated. It May be associated with number of adverse consequences like dyslipidaemia, psychological disturbances, infertility, depression etc.

Dr. Narang then talked about the Homoeopathic Intervention in Hypothyroidism. She and her team of Doctors have carried out the following work so far in the field of Hypothyroidism:-

To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Homoeopathic Treatment In Sub Clinical Hypothyroidism (SCH)

Efficacy of homeopathic intervention in subclinical hypothyroidism with or without autoimmune thyroiditis in children: an exploratory randomized control study.

She apprised the gathering about Ongoing studies as well which are:

“A randomized double blind placebo controlled trial on the efficacy of homoeopathic medicine on sub-clinical hypothyroidism (RCT)”

Follow up of children of autoimmune thyroiditis with or without SCH past 5 years

Efficacy of homeopathic intervention in subclinical hypothyroidism with or without autoimmune thyroiditis in children: an exploratory randomized control study.

Post treatment comparison of serum TSH levels in Group A and C revealed that TSH returned to within normal limits in 85.94%. None of the subjects progressed to Overt Hypothyroidism in homeopathic group whereas it was 08/76 (10.5%) in control group.

Comparison revealed that 70.27%  subjects in homeopathic group had antiTPOab titres < 34 IU/ml in comparison to 27.02% in control group (p<0.05).

Dr. Narang concluded her wonderful lecture by saying that Homoeopathic Management of these disorders can avoid major metabolic complications and her research work is a testimony to the triumph of Homoeopathy over Hypothyroidism.

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