Tinea capitis and its homoeopathic management

Dr  Anjali Manayil

Dermatophytosis is caused by a group of filamentous fungi known as dermatophytes – there are three genera of the dermatophytes . Tricophytes, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. The dermatophytes are termed as geophilic, zoophilic, or anthropophilic, depending upon whether their normal habitat is the soil,  animal or man respectively. Dermatophytosis is commonly classified depending upon the site of tinea capitis(body), tinea cruris(crural region) tinea pedis ( feet) , manunum ( hand )tinea unguium ( nails)

In this article, we will see regarding tinea capitis


Synonym :  herpes tonsurans

Tinea Capitis is the dermatophyte infection of the scalp hair and the scalp skin,. It is common in Africa,Asia, and Southern and Eastern Europe. It is primarily a disease of the pre pubertal children between the 6- 10 years of age  and is  more common in males . it spreads by direct contact from infected animals like dogs , cattles, hoarses, rodents and others and infected humans . there are four clinical types .

  1. Grey Patch type

It presents as circular scaly patches, of alopecia. Hair is broken off 2-3 mm above the scalp surface. The infected hair show green fluorescence under woods light

  1. Inflammatory type 

It presents as a painful inflammatory mass or a boggy swelling with crusting oozing of pus and matting of adjacent hair. Hair that remains are easily detachable

  1. Black dot type

There are irregular scaly patches of alopecia with a black dot appearance due to the breaking of the affected hair at the scalp surface.

  1. Favus 

It s uncommon. Yellowish crusts around the follicular openings with a foetid openings witha foetid odour are characteristic

There are two types of infection in it

  1. Ectothrix  : characterised by the growth of fungal spores on the exterior hair shaft
  2. Endothrix : characterised by anthroconidia restricted to the hair shaft and restricted  to anthrophiic bacteria


  1. Avoid sharing of combs and brushes
  2. Asymptomatic carriers should be traced and treated
  3. Family contacts should be screened
  4. Sources of infection like pets should be identified and treated

Homoeopathic Management

  1. Arctium lappa: tinea capitis, head completely covered with a greyish white crust and most of the hair gone , eruptions that extends to the forehead ,face and ears. Bad smelling eruptions on head of children , suppuration of axillary glands
  2. Arsenicum album: sclap perfectly dry and rough covered with dry scales . itching eruptions painful after itching, falling off in patches
  3. Bromium : malignant scald head , oozing profusely, in places where the eruptions are dry, skin throws off , extreme tenderness of scalp unbearable offensive smell and eruption, especially children with light hair, and blue eyes
  4. Calcarea carb: yellow scabes upon the vertex, covering nearly the entire top of the head. Scabs on the scalp , thick and bleeding when picked also itch with dry thickly encrusted foul smelling on head , >  from scratching , unhealthy  ulcerative skin, even small wounds suppurative, swelling of cervical region
  5. Mercurius: pustular foetid eruptions on head with intolerable itching with yellow crusts, hair falls out in temples, and sides , itching all over worse at night and when warm in bed
  6. Mezerium: dry eruptions on head, with intolerable itching, as if the head were in an ants nest, white scaly peeling off eruption , extending over the forehead , temples , ears and neck , thick leathery crust under which the pus collects and mats the hair, elevated white chalk like swabs .
  7. Psorinum: moist, suppurating foetid eruptions on head averse to having head uncovered .  hair dry , lustreless, blotches here and there. The whole body has filthy smell


  1. Text book of Medicine by Harrisons
  2. Text book of Medicine by K V Krishna das
  3. Homoeopathic therapeutics by Samuel Lilienthal
  4. Allens Key Notes
  5. Medical Encyclopaedia

Dr. Anjali Manayil
M D Part-01, Materia Medica
Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka

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