Dr Ajithkumar D S
Systemic revision will be good instead of going behind MCQ books
• 70% of time should be given to the following six subjects in the following order
1. Materia Medica,
2. Organon,
3. Practice of medicine,
4. Repertory,
5. Physiology,
6. Pharmacy
• 30 % time in the following order
1. SPM,
2. Gynaecology,
3. Surgery,
4. Anatomy,
5. Pathology ,
6. FMT
Stick on to basics of all subjects
- Only seven weeks more and time is only for revision and not to study fresh topics much
- Repeated revision with recollection is mandatory in material medica, because ruling out method is difficult since many symptoms are there in many medicines when we refer different authors
- Materia Medica – Key note & Boerick : Bold letter, italics, rare uncommon, relationship, common name etc.
- Organon of medicine : Aphorism, history of medicine, life and works of Hahnemann
- Practice of medicine – Davidson, Krishnadas : Chapter wise, cause of disease, signs and symptoms, investigations, therapeutics (rare & uncommon)
- Repertory – Kent, TPB, Boger Tiwari, important rubrics, comparison, year of publication
- Physiology & Biochemistry :Normal values, all parameters of blood, Normal parameters of investigation, ECG, JVP, Essence of all metabolism etc.
very useful tips
Very useful suggestions