Dr S K Vashisht
Let me refresh a young Homoeopath and show him the tools made available to him, for treating his patient., and share my experience.
Homoeopathic medicines are usually recognized by round Pills, commonly known as Globules,— PELLETS, these – are vehicle which delivers the medicine-in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way– they are manufactured from cane sugar though it needs to be manufactured from PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE sugar, there is wrong belief by some that its prepared with LACTOSE , Today GRADED sugar is available which can give better shape to globules , the production time could be reduced– Globules quality is judged by its shape, color and most important by its absorbent capacity which usually is overlooked and ignored. Because of this absorbent power of the globules we usually advise our patient not to touch them by hand.
GLOBULES are available in various sizes ie no 5-10-20-25-30-35-40,even 50 & 60, the size is measured by the space occupied by 10 globules on a scale measured in Millimeters.
These Globules/Pellets Are Being Used In The Manufacturing Of Even Allopathic –Medicines , prepared from cane sugar and also from Pharmaceutical grade sugar–,its commonly used in preparation of sustained release drugs . they are exported from our country ,to developed countries Doctor has choice to select the size of the globule , size.Nos 5– 10 could be used for children below 2 yrs, though no 5 is usually used for making 50 millesmal potency ,Nos. 20-25 for children between 5-10 yrs , and globules above 25 to 40 for adults,
Homoeopathic Medicines
Homoeopathic medicine (DILUTION) are manufactured in a base of 60% absolute alcohol having 92% vv, in case percentage is lower, the globules medicated with it turns brownish in color, since few years few manufacturers are rightly using Extra Neutral Alcohol . We have a range of more than 4000 different medicines , and its gradually increasing with on going research .
The Quality of the medicine and its effectiveness mostly depends on the sincerity of the manufacturer, and this in turn depends on the BACK POTENCY.
This unit (BONDED LAB) is the place where in the sincerity, Quality, Genuineness of the manufacturer JUDGED, and its the place where in he could be most undependable too.
Homoeopathic mother tinctures
Mother Tinctures Majority of the Pharmaceuticals rightly have started using extra neutral alcohol,, in place of absolute alcohol Extra neutral alcohol guarantees that homoeopathic dilutions and tinctures are free from impurities The mother tinctures are basically manufactured under two process 1.Maceration 2. Percolation. Lot of work has been done to standardized the process, but much need to be done, especially in procuring of Raw materials.
More than 200 Mother Tinctures are available in the market, they are manufactured from vegetable kingdom, Animal kingdom, Chemical s, there is vast treasure available and Homeopaths can explore this treasure for the use of their patient.
A year back few leading Pharmaceuticals have introduced Mother Tinctures in Tablet form, these have advantage , can be easily carried and conveniently used even by children, the dosage can be standardized Above all loss by evaporation is avoided, quality and medicinal properties could easily be maintained and retained.
Homoepathic tricturatons
Homoeopathic Tricturation, the insoluble crude ingredients are converted into medicinal substances through the process of trituration . The medicinal vehicle in this case is saccharum lactis (Lactose). Homoeopathic triturated medicine increases the therapeutic potentialities & greater curative value than their crude form. A medicinal substance in potentised form possesses greater healing power than its crude form.
Homoeopathic tricturations are manufactured mostly in following potencies 1x-3x-6x 12x- 30x- 200x, guide lines have been given by Homoeopathic Pharmocoepia of India , were in few medicines are not to be used or dispensed below 3x as they are harmful and dangerous in lower potencies.
Mother Tinctures And Homoeopathic Tricturation are yet to find their due place with Homoeopaths lack of literature, and exposure of its usage needs attention, with right raw material therapeutically effective medicines can occupy medicinal chest of Homoeopaths.
External mother tinctures are being manufactured as per Homoeopathic Pharmacoepia of India as the name speaks are to be used for external applications only, usually the Alcohol percentage is lower, hence its shelf life is shorter and care should be taken before using.
Biochemic tissue salts .
The Biochemic Theory a naturally safe Therapy
Watch your newly born baby the treasure of your affection and see how gradually he grows from his tiny body into a beautiful figure. YOU will surprise how from his helplessness he begins to roll, then how he tries to sit and crawl. After some days you see him tottering behind u and by his act you feel immense happiness. As years pass your joy finds no bounds when you see the same little helpless body has taken a shape having the same resemblance of his blessed parents. All this wonderful phenomenon about which your wondering is due to the act of certain Organic and Inorganic salts which the body cells use for their growth, repair wear and tear.
Dr Hahnemann was the first to investigate the pathogenic effects, and therapeutic uses of some of these important salts and though it was announced in 1832 in Stapf’s Archiv. It was Dr Schuessler, M.D of Germany in 1873 who invented a new method of treatment of diseases by administering one or more of these salts in dynamited doses to which he named” BIOCHEMIC METHOD OF TREATMENT”. He says The dynamised or potentised Inorganic substance are sufficient to re-establish the deranged molecular movement of the same in the diseased condition of the body and are sufficient to heal all diseases which are curable at all. After years of clinical and chemical research he founded that the following minerals in correct proportion are very much essential to maintain GOOD HEALTH.
These minerals enter in our blood through the food we take, they act as body catalysts, they control physiological alkaline environment of the body cells and help Bio-current flow smoothly through them. They also control the blood alkanity and counteract the base acids thus formed by eating excess of acid forming foods. These Inorganic minerals are essential for proper growth, assimilation of the organic substances and development of every part of the body, should a deficiency occur in one or more of these substances some abnormal or diseased condition will arise Every disease which effects humanity reveals lack of one or more of these.
LACTOSE’ is milk based product mostly imported from Holland , USA, Canada, It has a shelf life of 3 years- since few years its being manufactured in India too its to the IP standard and has a shelf life of 5 years, Mainly used in the manufacturing of BIOCHEMIC TISSUE SALTS, and for dispensing medicines to infants,, but you should take care that you use standard branded lactose, only there is a possibility of developing digestive disorders by using sub standard lactose
Biochemical Tissue salts have been loosing the effectiveness since few years , One reason is quality/ Purity of lactose being used and more because of process of its manufacturing , only few follow the process as prescribed in The Homoeopathic Pharmocoepia of India. Few manufacturer spray the medicine wrongly instead of Triturating them. First potency in Dilution form prepared from trituration is 8x, lack of proper quality check and PROPER TRITURATION PROCESS has made all the difference to these organic cell salts.
Health and strength can be maintained only so long as the system is properly supplied with these BIOCHEMIC TISSUE SALTS
Biochemic Tissue salts are available in powder– Trituration, and Tablet form they are available in, the market / 1Gr —- 5gr/ size.
The medicines are available in various potencies Decimal ( 3x-6x—12x—30x—200x),cent decimal,(6c-12c-30-200—1m—10m—50m–) & 50 millesmal ( 0/1—0/30) and all of them should carry on the Label Composition/ Batch no/Date of Mfr/ Expiry date/ and recently printing CUSTOMER HELPLINE /care telephone No and address has been made mandatory, by the Government. of India.
BOWEL NOSODES : Originally were introduced to the medical field by Dr Edward Bach M.B.B.S like Dr Hahnemann he saw the truth that the personality of the individual was of more importance than the body in the treatment of his disease; the patient’s outlook on life , his emotions, his feeling ,were all points of first importance in the treatment of all the ills that human flesh is heir to.
It is a curious coincidence that Dr.Bach was unconsciously following in the foot steps of Dr Hahnemann , both in his theory and practice of medicine, in the year 1919 he accepted the post of Pathologist and Bacteriologist at the London Homoeopathic Hospital and it happened that a copy of Hahnemann ‘s Organon fell into his hands ,he was surprised to find what a close parallelism of thought he had with Dr Hahnemann , with regard to fundamental ideas about diseases and mode of administrating remedies in the simple, minimum doses given at in frequent intervals. Dr Bach died in 1930 and his mantle fell on Dr J.Paterson , after 20 years of work combining clinical and laboratory observation he confirmed 1. observing the clinical symptoms present when a particular organism was identified in the bowel and 2. observing the clinical symptoms which were ameliorated after the administration of the bowel nosode he was able to give some tentative indications of pathogenesis of certain types.
One thing noted by Dr Sarkar is that none of these bowel nosodes have yet been proved in the strict Hahnemannian sense, it remains for the present Homoeopaths to take up this job, Bowel nosodes have stood up to the clinical test as demonstrated by Dr Bach , Wheeler and Dr Paterson
Bach Flower Remedies DR . Edward Bach (1886 – 1936)
The discoverer of the celebrated flower remedies, Abandoned Orthodox Medicine to become a pioneer medical revolutionary. Dr. Bach believed that physical ill health was a result of an imbalance in the mind. Treat the patient according to the mood, character and individuality with simplicity. All 39 remedies are described as mood, remedies. He used flowers as vaccines to treat his patients. He formulated a chart which showed that which flowers are to be prepared by which method along with when to prepare. All the plants to be used except for Olive, Vine and Cerato were wild grown.
PLACEBO are available in powder form/Tablets commonly known as Diskets, they are manufactured from cane sugar/Blank Tablets they are Lactose based available in various sizes 1gr, 2gr, 3 gr 5gr and also in food grade colors of Green red and yellow besides white.
The number of ways and means a Homeopathic medicines can be dispensed is a specialization of the Homeopathic system of medicine it can be Tailor made to the need of each individual patient.
There is a confusion created or a lobby which states Mother tincture is not Homeopathy, Biochemical Tissue salt should not be used, No external application, give only 4 pills of simillimum and wait- the thing which matter a Homoeopath is , should know where is he leading his patient too, 12 observations of Kent and Second prescription should only be your guide.
In the past 30 years I am convinced about the efficiency of Mother Tinctures , Biochemic Tissue salts, Bowel nosodes, external application of Homeopathic medicines, when to use ,how to use .
The thing I am not convinced is use of multiple dosage, multiple remedies, but I don’t say they are wrong , let them convince us ,, the way I can do for single dose single remedy.
Several Homoeopaths erroneously believe that Dr S.Hahnemann advocated the treatment of all diseases only by a single drug– at a time. Dr Hahnemann only proved the drugs singly on healthy individuals to know the full potentiality of the drug it self . If a particular drug covered all the principal symptoms of a sick patient , an additional drug was not necessary. But when an additional drug was found necessary , Dr Hahnemann did not hesitate to use it as—DRUG RELATIONS — -Compliment-Inimical- Antidote- Follows well-Alternate needs our attention, less had been thought , exchanged , we have to give a serious thought on to it.
There are Doctors who are prejudice on usage of potency some say lower potency is safe, 3x, 6x,12x,, few start with 200 ,some start with only 1m, many like me start with 200 when we are not sure of a remedy start with a PLACEBO of course to gain some more time to study the case –Many Homoeopaths give Single dose comprising of only 1-8 globules, nowadays another trend of putting few drops of medicine directly on the tongue– Friends lets take ALL these as TOOLS and use them scientifically, Lets each put our observation, and findings of all these Tools across the table in our seminars, Clinical Meetings and exchange our observations and a time would than come when we all would have unbiased /unprejudiced knowledge of putting these tools to use for betterment of our patients.
There are many Homoeopaths who only give Biochemic Tissue salts and occasionally Homoeopathic medicine, there are some who occasionally give Biochemic , there are some who take a bottle of globules and add a drop or two of all medicine they feel are indicated, into one bottle so ????.Let all these procedure be cleansed in our Seminars., Conferences, workshops, our Clinical Meetings.
Leading us to become UNPREJUDICE OBSERVERS and make the Dreams True of Dr S.Hahnemann.
Dr SK Vashisht.
Email : sk_vashisht@hotmail.com
Thank you Dr Rajendra Singh ji
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