Towards a Quantum Mechanical Interpretation of Homeopathy

research4Michael H.F. Wilkinson

A quantum interpretation of the homeopathic method is presented. It is shown that provided  neither  the  medication  itself, nor  the  patient  is  observed,  a  net  effect  is  expected,  even  at  homeopathic dilutions. The temporal dilution in homeopathic exercise is explained in terms  of Heisenberg’s theory  of energy-time indeterminacy. The results  are fully compatible with thought experiments of the eminent physicist and cat specialist Erwin Schrödinger.

Homeopathic medicine  contains fewer than  one molecule per  dose on  average  (2,  8).  Such preparations   are  made  by    diluting  the  active  ingredient  in  a  solvent,  usually  water,   and shaking, not stirring, vigorously at each step. Though Bond (1) found evidence that shaking has  a  different  effect  from  stirring  a  liquid,  few  scientists  accept  the  “memory  of  water” theory  (2,  8) used to  explain the  effect of  a  fraction of  a molecule  on  a patient  (5). In the pages of this distinguished journal, there has been a lively discussion of the effect of extreme time-dilution in the  case of homeopathic  exercise (4, 7). It  is proposed  that  exercise in the order of minutes down to nanoseconds per month shows distinct health benefits. This paper shows that quantum mechanics gives a sound basis to explain these phenomena.

Quantum theory and spatial dilution.
The famous thought experiment of Erwin  Schrödinger describes how according to quantum mechanics a cat may be in an indeterminate state between living and dead, until a conscious observation is made. Likewise, Reitz (6) has shown that the location of a cat inside or outside a garage is unspecified until the creature is observed. This phenomenon explains the curious “tunneling” of  electrons  and  even  entire  cats  (6)  through  a  region  of  space  in  which  they cannot exist. If we take the case of a homeopathic dilution of a single molecule over N flasks of solvent, quantum mechanics tells us that the molecule is not located in a particular  flask until  a  conscious  observation  is  made.  In  quantum  parlance,  the  “wave  function”  of  the particle  is  said  to  “collapse”  into  a  specific  state  (or  flask)  due  to  the  act  of  observing.

Incidentally,  this  is  why  cats  resent  people  staring  at  them:  the  constant  collapse  of  theirwave function is a strain on their delicate senses.

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Michael H.F. Wilkinson
Centre for High Performance Computing,
University of Groningen, Landleven 1,
9747 AN Groningen, The Netherlands

1 Comment

  1. Homeopathic potencies r made from alcohol n not from water, so what is d role of alcohol in memorising d print should b searched. And homeo medicines r potencies, not dilutions.

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