Treatment of acne vulgaris with homoeopathy- a case report

Dr Shobhna Gupta 

Abstract- Acne Vulgaris is a common inflammatory skin disorder. It usually affects adolescences.  The unsightly appearance of papules, pustules and scars lead them to apply heavy cosmetics and vigorous treatments with no good. It causes a deep negative impact on psychology and affects their social presence and self esteem. Here is a case of 17 year young girl; her face was covered with pustules and papules since the age of 14. After using modern medicine for years with no result she got relief by homoeopathic similimum.

Key words- Acne vulgaris, Homoeopathy, Similimum

Introduction-Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of skin affecting pilosebaceous unit, resulting in increased sebum production, altered keratinization and bacterial colonization of follicles by Propioni Bacterium acnes.[1]

P.bacterium acne and family history might have important role. Face, neck, shoulder, and back are common sites for acne.[1] Although acne is perceived as a self-limiting disease of adolescents but may last for decades and require treatment. About 90% adolescents have acne & 20% have facial scaring with detrimental effects on self esteem.[1][2]

Acne vulgaris characterized by formation of comedones, erythematous papules, pustules and less frequently by nodules or pseudo cysts and accompanied by scarring and hyper pigmentation.

There is no ideal treatment for acne in modern medicine although topical application along with proper regimen can control mild to moderate acne for time.[1]

Case- It is a case of 17 year young girl came to the peripheral OPD of G.H.M.C, Bhopal along with her mother, had characteristic erythematous papules, pustules and tenderness. It is a case of acne vulgaris, leaving scars on her face. Eruptions are more prominent on her cheeks and less on forehead and chin. She is fond of ice, sour and warm food. She has love for animals. She generally likes to remain silent. Her mother added that she easily get irritated from her and does not pay heed to her advices. She is very much into herself and shows no interest in assisting her. Although she likes to hang out with her friends. She likes to lie on her abdomen. She is more comfortable on late night studies as she feels more active at night. It is difficult for her to concentrate. Sometimes there is formation of gas in stomach. Mild to moderate pain in lower back 2-3 days before menses.  Face is greasy.

Medical history- Allopathic medication for almost 2 years with temporary relief.

Family history- There is no significant medical history of her father, but her mother also have acne since her young age to till date. She also has uterine fibroid, recurrent UTI and renal calculi (prominence of sycotic miasm) since 7-8 years. Her aunt also had acne in her young age.  Her maternal grandmother had Alzheimer’s disease.

Analysis of case-
After complete case taking as per the Master’s instructions. The totality of case formed after evaluating and analyzing the symptoms properly. The case was repertorised by RADAR.

Reportorial analysis-

Prescription- 25/03/2022- Medorrhinum 200 single dose

S.L 30/ TDS for 15 days

Follow- up

      Date                   Symptoms            Prescribed medicine
08/04/22 Slight decrease in number of new eruptions.

Older one starts to dry

No gas formation

Rest of symptoms are still same.

S.L 30/ TDS for 15 days


23/04/22  Decrease in number of new eruptions but still appearing. Greasy perspiration of face decreases

There was no pain before menses and appear on proper time.

Improvement in concentration and in irritability.

In general feeling was good.

S.L 30/TDS for 15 days


06/05/22 All symptoms were same

No significant improvement.

S.L 30/ TDS for 15 days
20/05/22 Still new eruptions were appearing. S.L 30/ TDS for 15 days
03/06/22 Still condition was same Medorrhinum 1m/ 1 dose

S.L 30/ TDS for 15 days



New eruptions increased again

Irritability increased again.

S.L. 30/ TDS for 15 days
08/07/22 Decrease in number of eruptions, older eruptions started to dry

Acne marks started to lighten up

S.L 30/ TDS for 15 days
22/07/22 In general good improvement S.L 30/ TDS for 15 days


05/08/22  Marked improvement in eruptions.

Acne marks were significantly improved.

S.L 30/ TDS for 15 days

As master Hahnemann stated in footnote 01 of aphorism 109, “It is impossible that there can be another true, best method of curing dynamic diseases (i.e., all diseases not strictly surgical) besides homoeopathy.” When we analyzed case properly on each aspect, we found a genetic and sycotic base. On basis of totality and essence of case, Medorrhinum 200 Single Dose was given (25/03/22) to patient. As patient is strongly hot in her thermals so Calcarea carb. is ruled out, although it covers the maximum rubrics and gain highest marking. As she is not extroverted, lively & sympathetic like Phosphorus, so phosphorus is also ruled out. She has love for animals, sensitive for them. She has specific desires like ice, sour and warm food. She feels good at night. In beginning, there was not marked improvement in main complaints but associative complaints got better but with time she got improvement on general level.  After taking subsequent follow ups when the case came to stand still, there was no further improvement again after re-case taking Medorrhinum 1m SD was given (03/06/22) as per aphorism 247. After quick and short aggravation the case showed marked improvement (Kent’s 3rd observation).

When we give medicine according to Homoeopathic laws, we will observe nothing but pure effects of remedy as Master Hahnemann mentioned in aphorism 3 &22 and can make a patient free from diseases. It shows effectiveness of homoeopathic similimum and teaches us that if we follow the instructions of Master Hahnemann, we can cure many more cases with homoeopathic similimum and can serve suffering humanity.


  1. Williams HC, Dellavalle RP, Garner S. Acne vulgaris. The Lancet. 2012 Jan 28;379(9813):361-72.
  2. Dawson AL, Dellavalle RP. Acne vulgaris. Bmj. 2013 May 8;346.

Dr. Shobhna Gupta
PG Scholar, GHMC, Bhopal

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