Dr Supriya
Authors– William Boericke, M.D., AND Willis.A.Dewey, M.D.,
Published in India by– B Jain PUBLISHERS, New Delhi
Year of Publication-1888
- First edition-1888
- Second edition-1890
- Third edition-1892
- Fourth edition-1899
- Fifth edition-1914
- Sixth edition (reprint)-1980
The clinical evidence of Schussler’s indications regarding tissue remedies has been largely confirmed by Homoeopathic physician like H.C.Allen and also Electic physicians since the evolution of Tissue Remedies and the utility of these twelve tissue remedies in practice has been acknowledged by many successful Homoeopaths. Many authors like Dr.Med Eric Graf Von Der Goltz have been successful in bringing up the Repertory involving Tissue remedies, One such attempt was also done by Boericke and Dewey. The aim of the authors in bringing out this book is to give to the profession a complete work on the Tissue Remedies, includes Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Repertory part.
Preface has been given by both Boericke and Dewey, the authors the book. Preface to first, second and third edition has been given in this book. In the preface the authors have acknowledged the contributions of Prof. Samuel Lilienthal, Professors J.C.Morgan, S.Powell Burdick,C.E.Fisher and many other Homoeopathic Physicians and teachers.
This book has been divided into four parts
- The first part is devoted to General introduction, History, The Theory, Health and Disease, Preparation, Dose, Biochemic And Homoeopathic relationship, etc
- The second part is meant for Materia Medica of the twelve Tissue Remedies
- The third part is dedicated to the Therapeutic application of the Twelve Tissue Remedies
- The fourth and last part is for the Repertory of the Twelve Tissue Remedies
Last few pages of this book is for the Word Index
It is for the introduction to the theory and general sketch of the Twelve Tissue Remedies.
This part is further divided into many sub-sections, description of those sections briefly narrated below
1.History of the Twelve Tissue Remedies :under this heading the evolution of Schussler’s Tissue Remedies has been described ,starting from Samuel Hahnemann’s provings on inorganic salts as remedial agents of high order to Constantine Hering’s articles regarding the importance of biochemic remedies and also includes what importance was Tissue Remedies given by many stalwarts of Homoeopathy.
2. The Theory of Schussler’s Biochemic Method: under this heading explanation regarding basis of the Biochemic Therapeutics. i,e.. Any disturbance in the molecular motion of these cell salts in living tissues, caused by a deficiency in the requisite amount, constitute disease, which can be rectified and the requisite equilibrium is re-established by administering the same mineral salts in small quantities, this is supposed to be brought about by virtue of the operation of chemical affinity in the domain of histology.
3. The Constituents of the Human Organism: components of blood are explained here.
4. Tissue Building: information regarding tissue formation is given here
5. Inorganic Constituents of Cells: the principle inorganic materials in nerve cells, muscle cells, connective tissue-cells and cartilage and mucous cells have been given here
6. Formation of Tissue Cells: formation and Physiology of tissue cells has been explained here
7. Health and Disease: explaination about heath and disease by Schussler. Health may be considered to be the state characterized by normal cell metamorphosis. Disease is the result of a disturbance of the molecular motion of one of the inorganic tissue salts.
8.Dose, or Quantity of Tissue Salt Required to Re-establish Normal Cell Equilibrium: Biochemic remedies are administered in minimal doses corresponding in minuteness to the cellular salts in the tissues. The evidences for the curative virtue of small doses have been explained here and also the amount of inorganic substances present in the blood cells has been listed
9. Preparation and Dose: the tissue remedies are prepared for therapeutic purpose, like all Homoeopathic remedies, according to the decimal or centesimal scale in trituration or dilution
10. Schussler’s Own Procedure: here preparation of tissue remedies according to Schussler is explained. At first Schussler began with the sixth centesimal or twelfth decimal trituration ,but he very early in his practice adopted the sixth decimal preparation as the one most generally useful. Later lower triturations of Potassium and Sodium salts, the third decimal, of others the fourth and fifth, have been productive of equally good results
11. Frequency of Doses:in acute cases, a dose every hour or two; in severe, painful affections, a dose every ten to fifteen minutes ; in chronic cases one to four doses daily
12. Relation of the Biochemic to the Homoeopathic Treatment: the Twelve Tissue salts are constituents of many of our well known and proved remedies of Vegetable kingdom .Example: 6 percent of Potash and Sodium salts occurring in Hamamelis, 4 percent Silicea in Cimicifuga,3 percent Mag phos in Colocynth ,etc…. through this quantitative analysis of inorganic salts and dissecting the symptoms obtained on proving, correlation is made among the drugs prepared from vegetable or animal kingdom and Tissue remedies. The drug Phytolacca decandra has been taken in this book and explained that how some symptoms of Phytolacca are related pathophysiologically to tissue salts like Kalis, Calcareas, Iron and silicea.
It is dedicated to the Materia Medica of Twelve Tissue Remedies, alphabetically dealt from Calcarea Fluorica to Silicea
Each Tissue remedy is explained under following headings
1. Synonym
2. Common name
3. Chemical properties
4. Preparation
5. Physiologico-chemical data
6. General Biochemic action
7. Guiding symptoms and characteristic indications=Mind to Skin, Tissues and lastly Modalities
8. Homoeopathic data-information about the prover and the reported data of proving
9. Administration-information about the best acting potency, dose and repetition
10. Relationship-with other Homoeopathic drugs
11. Groups for study-under this heading, there are drugs, which can be studied along with the described Tissue remedy with reference to the sphere of action
- This part is for the Therapeutic application of the Twelve Tissue Remedies
- Tissue remedies are indicated under various clinical entities
- Diseases or conditions are arranged alphabetically, starts from Abscess and ends in Yellow Fever
- Clinical cases are given at the end of each condition, which increases the confidence to practice with Tissue Remedies among the beginners in the profession
- This part contains not just the physical disorders but also the mental affinities of tissue remedies under the heading “Mental states” along with clinical cases
- Under the heading of “Morphine Habit” de-addictions are also given importance
- Female complaints are explained under the heading of “Women diseases of”
- Many such useful commonly encountered clinical entities are dealt under this part
- Fourth section is devoted for the Repertory section
- This section like any other Repertories has various chapters under which there are rubrics and Sub-rubrics, against which the suitable Tissue Remedies are mentioned
- Single grade for the remedies in this repertory and all remedies are mentioned in italics
- There are 25 chapters in this Repertory part ,they are as follows
1. Mental states and Affections
2. Head, Sensorium and scalp
3. Eyes
4. Ears
5. Nose
6. Face
7. Mouth
8. Tongue and Taste
9. Teeth and Gums
10. Throat
11. Gastric symptoms
12. Abdomen and Stool
13. Urinary symptoms
14. Male Sexual Organs
15. Female Organs
16. Pregnancy and Labor
17. Respiratory Organs
18. Circulatory systems
19. Back and Extremities
20. Nervous Symptoms
21. Sleep and Dreams
22. Febrile symptoms
23. Skin
24. Tissues
25. Modalities
- Causation of mind ailments is given under “After-Effects of” in Mental states and Affections chapter and also special rubrics like “Frolicsome” ,”Aberrations, Mental” are also present in this chapter
- Repertory is enriched with many clinical Rubrics in all the chapters
- The rubrics related to problems during Pregnancy, Parturition and Puerperium are present in “Pregnancy and Labor” chapter
- All kinds of fever along with various stages of fever are given in the chapter “Febrile Symptoms”
- Special chapter of the Repertory is “TISSUES”, under which pathology of tissues are given as rubrics in detail like Tissues unhealthy, Tumors, Necrosis of bone, etc……
- General Aggravation and Amelioration rubrics are given in Modalities chapter.
Rubrics with same meaning and same remedy are repeated at many places, few are listed below
1. Excessive Shyness – Kali phos
2. Night terrors, in Children-Kali phos
Terrors at night in children- Kali phos
3. Crusts, yellow, on scalp- Calc sulph
Yellow crusts on scalp- Calc sulph HEAD, SENSORIUM AND SCALP
4. Acid taste- Natr.phos
Taste, acid- Natr.phos TONGUE AND TASTE
The above review of the book on twelve tissue remedies of Schussler by William Boericke and Willis A Dewey is intended to highlight the importance of Biochemic medicines. This book is a complete guide for undertstanding Twelve Tissue Remedies, information about the Proving, Materia Medica, regarding Potency, Dosage and Repetition, Therapeutic application and most needed Repertory of Tissue Remedies is provided. Utility of Twelve Tissue Remedies can be seen by consistently using this book in practice. Further study is needed to provide the Evidence-based utility in practice to increase the efficacy of this book.
- Boericke W, Dewey WA .The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler.6thed.New Delhi:B Jain publication;1980
- Salim S, Mohan GD, D Genesis. Repertory Expert.1st ed.Kozhikode, Kerala. Dr.Salim’s centre of Homoeopathic healing;2020.p 721-723
Dr Supriya
PG Scholar, Department of Case Taking and Repertory
Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru
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