Two antagonistic letters from Central Council of Homoeopathy

steth2Central Council of Homoeopathy misusing their power?

Last week Govt. of Kerala received a surprise letter from Central Council of Homoeopathy – stating that Kerala should not start Certificate Course in Homeopathy pharmacy.

Homoeopaths of Kerala exasperated on receiving this letter.

For starting para medical diploma courses, certificate courses or PhD – prior permission or sanction from CCH or AYUSH is not required. A medical degree or PG course only requires prior permission from CCH, MCI or AYUSH. Any State Govt/University can start paramedical courses.

This is a one way letter – Govt. of Kerala or the Principal and controlling officer of Homoeopathy not at all requested for permission from CCH regarding the matter of Certificate course Homoeopathy Pharmacy.

Then why an order directly from CCH?
Specifically mentioning not to start at Govt. Homoeopathic Medical Colleges of Calicut & Trivandrum – stating that you have few microscopes lacking as per MSR.

This is a clear cut violation of CCH Act and misuse of power.

Earlier in 2010 Govt. of Kerala requested CCH to grant permission to start D Pharam course in Homoeopathy. Reply to this request Dr Ashish Dutta Asst. Secretary CCH categorically stated that “With reference to your letter No.94/J2/2009/HFWD dt 01.10.2010, I am directed to say that this council does not deal with matter related to D Pharm course”.(F No. 14-6/2010-CCH/3048 dt 07.01.2011).Download copy

But the recent letter is antagonistic to the earlier letter.

Govt. of Kerala designed a very good syllabus, curriculum, training programme, infrastructure ,including class rooms, furniture and teachers in both Homeopathy Colleges for the one year Homeopathy Pharmacy Course.

The play behind curtain?
Govt of Kerala wind up NCP- Nurse cum Pharmacist Courses- in Govt. Sector 6 years back, but still continuing in the self-financing sector – even without basic infrastructure or teachers by nepotism and political pressure.

A student has to pay Rs. 3- 4 lakh for this one year course. But only Five thousand rupees in Govt. Homoeopathy medical colleges of Kerala.

The management of this self- financing pharmacy college filed a case(as earlier) in Kerala High court, against the Kerala Government’s new pharmacy course. We strongly suspect that the new letter issued by CCH is for helping the management of self-financing college in court?. Not at all expected from an apex body that act for the growth and development of Homoeopathy.

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