UK Homeopathy and consolidation legislation 2012

stethHomeopathy and the consolidation of UK medicines legislation – Commons Library Standard Note

Updated : 22 June 2012

UK medicines legislation (including for homeopathy) is being consolidated. The law is not being changed. The consolidation will happen through the Human Medical Regulations 2012, which were due to come into force in July 2012. They will be laid under the negative resolution procedure.

Some homeopathic practitioners are concerned that following the consolidation the law will be enforced. They believe that this could end the sale of unauthorised homeopathic medicines over the internet and telephone. They are seeking a change in UK law.

In 2010 the Science and Technology Select Committee examined Government policy on homeopathy. It found that homeopathic products are placebos, it questioned whether their use in the NHS was ethical and it called for changes to their regulation. The report received vociferous support and opposition from a number of groups.

The Government responded that it agreed with “many” of the Committees conclusions, but it rejected substantive changes to regulation or policy

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