Underrated remedy–cuprum metallicum

Underrated remedy – Cuprum metallicum (The Eternal Metal)

Dr Shivakshi Bertwal

Ancient Indians recognized the significance of copper and preferred drinking water from copper utensils. Copper, initially used in coins and ornaments in early civilizations, is an essential trace mineral found in some foods and supplements. Apart from its electrical and household appliance usage, copper holds significant potential in the field of homeopathy.

Keywords: Cuprum Metallicum, Homeopathic Medicines, Rubrics, Clinical Symptoms, Whooping Cough

Introduction: Cuprum occupies a unique position between Camphor and Argentum Nitricum. While Camphor exhibits symptoms of collapse similar to Cuprum, and Argentum presents distress in the epigastrium with dyspnoea, Cuprum stands out due to its pronounced cramps. It finds application in various conditions, including uraemia following cholera and chlorosis after iron abuse. Moreover, it is indicated in fevers prone to relapse due to defective reaction, presenting a tendency for symptoms to relapse. (Dr. Farrington)

Proved by: Cuprum Metallicum was first mentioned in Hahnemann’s book “Chronic Disease” (1828). The preparation involves grinding pure metallic copper with sugar of milk to obtain the millionth potency, from which dilutions are derived using alcohol.

Views of Different Stalwarts on the Remedy:

Lippes Redline Symptoms:

  • Giddiness accompanying most ailments, with the head falling forward and on the chest.
  • Metastasis to the brain from other organs.
  • Convulsions with a blue face and clenched thumbs.
  • Spasm of the glottis, accompanied by blueness of the face and lips.

Clinical Insights from Pierce:

  • Cuprum is indicated in convulsions from various causes, including worms, uraemia following cholera, and puerperal convulsions.
  • It proves valuable in convulsions preceding or during scarlet fever or measles outbreaks, often with symptoms of meningitis.
  • Convulsions are characterized by spasms of flexor muscles, clenched thumbs, loud cries, frothing at the mouth, and blueness of the face and lips.

Dr. Murphy:

  • Cuprum acts as an anti psoric remedy, relieving internal spasm and aiding in the collapse stage of cholera.
  • It addresses various skin eruptions and foot sweat, corresponding to the effects of suppressed eruptions.
  • Its effects range from internal pains and spasms to oppression of the brain and mental disturbances.

Dr. Kent:

  • Cuprum is pre-eminently a convulsive remedy, associated with convulsions of varying intensity across different muscle groups.
  • It is particularly effective in whooping cough, where cold water alleviates spasms, and dyspnoea and thumb clenching are prominent.

Dr. Rajan Shankaran:

  • Cuprum’s core sensation revolves around being attacked and the need to retaliate, often manifesting in paroxysms.
  • It is linked to themes of war and defence, with delusions of rank and occupation reflecting this.
  • In children, this sensation may manifest as a fear of approach, leading to striking, shrieking, biting, and other aggressive behaviours.

Divine Therapy by Dr. Bhanja:

  • Cuprum is indicated for fair-haired individuals prematurely aged due to sexual excess or overexertion.
  • It addresses cramps, spasms, collapse, and poor reactions, particularly in chronic conditions prone to relapse.
  • Cuprum’s disposition includes maliciousness, a desire to injure, and attacks of rage, with physical characteristics like bluish lips and a left-side affinity.

Rubrics: Various rubrics encompassing symptoms related to convulsions, spasms, discoloration, pains, and affinities across different bodily systems are indicative of Cuprum’s scope in homeopathic prescribing.

Rubrics 1 grade
Face; convulsion, spasm Discolouration, bluish cholera in Convulsions with Lips Stomach; Contraction, eructation Pain; cramping, griping, constricting , pressing. continue.

Abdomen – heat Pain: dull aching Paroxysmal, periodical, cramping, drawing ,hypochondria left extending to hip Muscle – spasm

Rubrics grade 2

Kidney – suppression of urine,convulsion with Larynx and trachea- constriction larynx cough during Cough – cold drink >

Cough – constriction larynx Cough – convulsion with Cough – paroxysmal

Extremities – Clenching fingers, thumb Cramps; hands Parturition during Lower limb Leg calf

Rubrics grade 3

Generalities; convulsions Epileptic, face bluish,vomiting during Cyanosis Lassitude Paralysis, one sided, convulsion Vomiting < Perspiration >

Single Drug Rubric:

  • Anxiety; laughing or crying ends in profuse perspiration
  • Anxiety; cough before, whooping cough paroxysm of
  • Anxiety; bed in, spasm in, after fright
  • Anxiety; twitching with, finger, laughing, talking, or any exciting emotion after
  • Anxiety; walking slowly with sadness; whooping cough in
  • Mind; delusion; chair, he is repairing old General he is a
  • Cheerfulness alternating with sadness; whooping cough in

Conclusion: Cuprum Metallicum, though often overlooked, holds significant therapeutic value in homeopathy, particularly in addressing convulsions, spasms, and related symptoms across diverse clinical presentations. Its proven efficacy and broad symptomatology warrant further exploration and consideration in clinical practice.


  • Farrington, E. A. “Lippes Redline Symptoms.” B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd.
  • Hahnemann, S. (1828). “The Chronic Diseases – Their Peculiar Nature and their Homoeopathic Cure.” B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd First Edition.
  • Kent, J. T. “Lecture on Materia Medica.” B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd.
  • Murphy, R “Homeopathic Remedy Guide.” B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd
  • Shankaran, R. “Sensation Refined.” HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL PUBLISHERS,
    201 Dinar, 20, Station Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai- 400 054
  • Bhanja, S. “Divine Therapy.”

Dr. Shivakshi Bertwal PG SCHOLAR,
Department of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

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