Understanding the mentals of Natrum sulphuricum through repertory

Dr Jeevesh Paramathmuni

  • Common name – Sodium Sulphate, Sal Mirabile, Soda vitriolata, Glauber’s Salt
  • Chemical Formula – Na2SO4
  • Method of preparation – Trituration

It is a mineral remedy and it belongs to the sycotic miasm. It contains natrum and sulphur and hence predominant mental symptoms are combination of the both

Its main feeling are
“I am scorned, disgraced, insulted or not appreciated by the person with whom I have (or seek) a relationship and I must make a great effort to gain appreciation or to be valued by the other person”

  • MIND – ATTACHED – strongly to others
  • MIND – DELUSIONS – disgraced – she is
  • MIND – AILMENTS FROM – honor; wounded
  • MIND – ESTRANGED – family; from his
  • MIND – ESTRANGED – wife, from his


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Dr Jeevesh Paramathmuni
MD Part-2, Department of Organon of medicine
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore-79
Email: jeeveshparamathmuni22@gmail.com

UGO, Dr Shobha B Malipatil
Professor, H.O.D, Department of Organon of Medicine
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore-79

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