Uniform national-level guideline on benefit sharing for Ayush

Meanwhile, a uniform national-level guideline on benefit sharing for Ayush units is likely to be notified by the Central Government shortly. According to officials, lack of political will, awareness and control over manufacturers in the absence of a clearly defined uniform guideline on benefit sharing has however impacted the compliance of the act.

Only a few states like Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal and Maharashtra have been able to implement Biological Diversity Act, 2002 towards sustainable use of bio-resources and benefit sharing.

In order to implement the act, state biodiversity boards had started issuing notices to the Ayush manufacturers not registered with them, a few months ago, directing them to do so at the earliest.

As per the act, manufacturer has the responsibility to share details of the source from where the raw material has been procured and also share 2 per cent of the revenue generated out of the production to further the cause of biodiversity conservation and its sustainable use. [Source]

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