Unique rubrics of Nash leaders of respiratory organs and their interpretation

Dr Arun K John

Leaders in respiratory organs by nash is a clinical regional repertory based on parts. It is a repertory mainly for different respiratory conditions. It was published in 1909. Unique rubric is special rubric which are not commonly used rubrics. knowing the unique rubric helps to understand the exact meaning and the use in the Repertorization which leads to the easy selection of Similimum. In this article, an attempt has been made to trace out unique rubric from Nash repertory.

Keywords: Leaders in respiratory organs, unique rubric


  • Author: E.B NASH
  • Year of publication :1909
  • Number of remedies: 130 remedies in therapeutic part
  • Type of repertory: clinical regional repertory based on parts
  • The book is divided into two parts:
  • First parts consist of short explanation about the respiratory diseases and their therapeutics.
  • Second part is the repertory proper with 5 chapters, larynx and trachea, cough, expectoration, respiration and chest.

Therapeutic part

It consists of therapeutics relating to respiratory tract diseases

  • Catarrh
  • Laryngitis
  • Croup
  • Bronchitis
  • asthma
  • pertussis
  • pneumonia
  • pleuritis
  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • cough
  • Repertory part
  • It consists of 5 chapters
  • Larynx and trachea
  • Cough
  • Expectoration
  • Respiration
  • chest

Rubrics are arranged in alphabetical order

Medicines are arranged according to gradation

Sub rubrics are represented in italics or as ordinary capital

Location as sub rubrics is represented in ordinary capitals.


  • Catarrh
  • Croup
  • Laryngismus stridulus
  • Sibilant
  • Tormenting
  • Stringy
  • Gasping
  • Impeded
  • Moaning
  • Panting
  • Sighing
  • Sobbing
  • Stertorous
  • Stidulous
  • Ebullition
  • Empyema
  • Fluttering
  • Abscess
  • Whistling
  • Phthisis


  • Catarrh: – It is excessive discharge or build up of mucus in the nose or throat, associated with inflammation of the mucus membrane. It is a symptom usually associated with the common cold, pharyngitis and sinusitis etc.
  • Croup: – It is also known as laryngotracheobronchitis. It is a type of respiratory infection that is usually caused by a virus.
  • Laryngismus stridulus :- It is a sudden spasm of the larynx that occur in children especially in rickets and marked by difficult breathing with prolonged noisy inspiration.
  • Sibilant: – It is fricative consonants of higher amplitude and pitch, made by directing a steam of air with the tongue towards the teeth
  • Tormenting: – Inflicting severe physical or mental suffering.
  • Stringy: – capable of being drawn out to form a string
  • Gasping: – catch one’s breath with an open mouth owing to pain or astonishment
  • Impeded: – delay or prevent by obstructing them
  • Moaning: – make a long, low sound expressing physical or mental suffering
  • Sighing: – breathing with short, quick breath expressing sadness relief, tiredness
  • Panting: – breathing with short, quick breaths, out of breath
  • Sobbing: – noisy crying
  • Stertorous: – characterized by a harsh snoring or gasping sound
  • Stridulous: – making a shrill creaking sound
  • Ebullition: – the act, process or state of boiling or bubbling up
  • Empyema: – pus filled pockets that develop in the pleural space
  • Fluttering: – hovering by flapping the wing quickly and lightly or beating feebly or irregularly
  • Abscess: – a pocket of pus that collect in tissues organs or spaces inside the body
  • Whistling: – emit a clear, high pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole between one’s lips or teeth
  • Phthisis: – a progressively wasting or consumptive condition especially pulmonary tuberculosis.

The unique rubric is a rare rubric and helps in easy Repertorization by knowing its meaning. As there are many unique rubrics in the Leaders of respiratory organs, understanding the meaning of unique rubric of this repertory helps in the better utilization of this repertory in different cases to find the exact Similimum. Hence the interpretation of unique rubric is very essential for proper and easy Repertorization .

1)Salim Shanu, Mohan Ginu, D Genesis, Repertory expert, Kochi, Dr Salim’s, Kozhikode,2020,
2) Leaders of respiratory organs by E B  Nash

DR Arun K John
Department of Case-Taking and repertory
Under the guidance of DR MUNIR AHMED R
Government homoeopathic medical college and hospital, Bengaluru

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