Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Anatomy Professor Vacancy in Homoeopathy Medical College
Advertisement No. : 1/2014-15
Last Date application Fee in Bank : 13th june, 2014
Closing Date For The Receipt Of Applications : 17th June, 2014
This advertisement available in the Commission’s website http://uppsc.up.nic.in
The On-line application system is applicable for applying against this advertisement. On-line application may be filled from 16th May, 2014. Application sent through any other mode shall not be entertained. Candidates are advised to apply On-line only.
Number of vacancy : 1
Professor Anatomy in Government Homoeopathic Medical Colleges of the State.
Nature of Post : Gazetted & Temporary, but likely to continue
Reservation- Post is reserved for O.B.C. candidate of U.P.
Pay Scale- Pay Band-3, Rs. 15600-39100/- Grade Pay Rs. 7600/-.
Qualification Essential: (a) A recognized diploma or a degree in Homoeopathy Or a degree recognized by the Medical Council of India preferably with qualification included in the IIIrd Schedule of the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. (b) Three years teaching experience as Reader or Associate Professor or Ten years teaching experience in the subject concerned in Homoeopathic or Allopathic Medical College. Preferential Qualification: (a) Any qualification included in the Second & Third Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 for those possessing qualification recognized by the Medical Council of India. (b) Administrative or Research experience in an Institution or Unit recognized by Central Council for research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy or Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy or Central Government or a State Government in a responsible position. Age- Minimum 30 years, Maximum 50 years (age relaxation as per Rules for reserved category). Provided further that in the case of exceptionally qualified candidates the Governor may relax the prescribed age limit in consultation with the Commission).
Other condition and qualification: According to Uttar Pradesh Homoeopathic Medical Colleges (Arjan and Prakirn Upbandh (Rule- 6 (3) of Regulation – 1981) if any teacher apart from-09 Provincial Homoeo Medical Colleges) if applies then those teachers would be given preference than other teachers. Note:- (1) The new pension scheme will be applicable, which is to be as declared by the U.P. Government. (2) Experience certificate should be of full time paid post in an institution recognized by Government and issued by appointing authority and it should be counter signed by Registrar of Indian Medical Council or by a competent authority of Government. Experience of unpaid or part time post will not be acceptable. (3) Candidates will have to mention their obtained marks and total marks of all semesters’ in online application and annex all semesters’ marksheet (in which maximum marks/ minimum marks/obtained marks should be clearly mentioned) essentially along with other all certificates, at the time of demand of records.
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