Dr Suman sankar. A. S.
Department of Case taking Repertorisation
Sarada krishna Homeopathic Medical College. Kulashekarak. Tamil Nadu
Under the guidance of Dr. SHASHI KANT TIWARI
The definite cause of the migraine is yet to be known; the condition may result from a series of reactions in the central nervous system due to changes in the body or in the environment. There is often a family history of the disorder suggesting that the migraine sufferers may inherit sensitivity to triggers like alcohol, hunger, lack of sleep, stress, foods that contain caffeine, monosodium glutamate & nitrates and hormonal changes in woman that produce inflammation in the blood vessels & nerves around the brain causing pain.
The physical & neurological examinations as well as laboratory studies are usually normal and serve to exclude other more ominous causes of headache. Though there are many modes of treatment, no method can give satisfactory result in all cases of migraine.
Migraine is a manifestation of constitutional disorder and as such it requires constitutional treatment for its cure. Medicines covering symptoms of headache only may give temporary relief from time to time but a complete cure there by may not be possible unless the Homoeopathic constitutional medicine is prescribed in appropriate doses.
Homoeopathy is a better mode of treatme nt in such cases, since it can remove the disease in its whole extent in a reliable and the most harmless way. Although the efficacy of omoeopathic medicines in treating migraine are studied in different perspectives, no systematic study has been conducted in this subject in relation to the role of homoeopathic Repertories.
Synthesis a modern repertory is the product of continuous teamwork with superb technology; It is the printed version of RADAR (Rapid Aid to Drug Aimed Research) Computer program. This repertory has set a new standard by adding information and continuous verification by its users.
This study is to facilitate a clear unde rstanding of the applicability of synthesis repertory in migraine disorder.
Aims and objectives
Utility of Synthesis repertory in treatment of migraine. To study the rubrics related to migraine in Synthesis and other main Repertories.
This study shows the different presentations of mig raine and help to understand the migraine in a detailed way. In this study, the sex incidence of the disease shows that the disease affects predominantly females. The age incidence in the study showed more people in the age group of 31-40 years and 21-30 years. In this study, common migraine is predominant among the types of migraine. It has been observed in the study that most of the cases presented with psoric manifestations.
All the cases showed good improvement after treatme nt. Repertorization using synthesis repertory was found to be very effective in finding the simillimum. The result of the treatment in the study reveals that there is broad scope for homoeopathy in the treatment of migraine, as majorities of the patients were relived of their complaints after the treatment.
Download full paper : www.homeobook.com/pdf/migraine-homeopathy.pdf
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