VCAcute -Solve acute cases with George Vithoulkas by your side

Acute cases are a special part of every homeopathic practice. They can present a serious challenge to homeopaths of any level of experience and often require both considerable skill and quick decisions.

After more than 2 years of development, and building on the experience of the highly successful Vithoulkas Compass expert system, the VCAcute acute pathologies expert system is available online.  The new VCAcute is incorporated in Vithoulkas Compass main online homeopathy software and has been developed using the same philosophy and standards. Users can expect the same highest level of accuracy along with the ease of use and flexibility of Vithoulkas Compass!

The repertory developed specifically for the VCAcute has been based on selected classical authors like M. Tyler, J.H. Clarke, W. Boericke, E.A. Farrington and others and is structured to assist the taking of an acute case. Users can also add rubrics from the general VC repertory.

The VCAcute module includes its own special Differential and Specific Remedy Analysis functions which have proven invaluable in finding and confirming the correct remedy.

Vithoulkas Compass and VCAcute are expert systems for classical homeopaths, developed using a scientific, evidence-based approach focusing on confirmed quality and accuracy of all data. Their performance is continuously benchmarked and improved using advanced mathematical tools and always under the guidance of George Vithoulkas and a team of expert homeopaths. They are already being used by more than 1500 classical homeopaths all over the world with very positive feedback. VC is truly offering the highest success rate and is literally bringing a revolution in classical homeopathic prescribing.

More information available at  and please contact  to arrange for a 1-month free trial to try out Vithoulkas Compass and VCAcute.

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