Vinoba Bhave University 1st BHMS Examinations, 2012
Time – 3hrs Subject : Homoeopathic Pharmacy Full Marks-100
Answer any five questions
1.Define Pharmacopoeia. What is the difference between Pharmacy & Pharmacopoeia? Discuss the different Pharmacopoeias published in India. 5+5+10=20
2.Discuss the process of preparing Allium cepa mother tincture in old method. Potentise it up to 2C & 2X.By which process Allium cepa Mother tincture is prepared in new method. What is its Drug Strength? 10+4+4+2=20
3.Define Trituration. Narrate the process of trituration to prepare Carbo veg 1X as per the HPI. 5+15=20
4.What is the principle of 50 millesimal scale ? Who introduced this scale? Name the person who coined the name 50 Millesimal scale . How will you prepare Silicea 0/2 (solid) in this scale from Silica drug substance ? 4+2+2+12
5.Define Prescription. Write a prescription for a lady suffering from Migraine & show the different parts. What are the merits & demerits of a Prescription? 2+10+4+4
6.Define Pharmaconomy. What are the Different routes for administration of Homoeopathic drugs? 5+15=20
7.Define Standardization. Discuss the different parameters used to standardize Homoeopathic drugs 5+15=20
8.Write short notes on any four of the following – 5X4=20
- Imponderabilia b. Decimal scale c. Spatula d. Mother tincture e. Cones f. Homoeopathic Medicine
Contributed by : Dr Kaushik D Das, MD(Hom)
Asst Prof & Head, Dept. of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, MHMC&H, Midnapore (Govt. of WB)
Ph : 9932298682, e-mail: