WBUHS IV BHMS Examination Case Taking & Repertory paper 2015

The West Bengal University of Health Sciences 4th BHMS Examination, 2015

Subject – Case Taking & Repertory

Time – 3 hrs             Full marks – 100

Use separate answer script for each group

Group A

Answer any three questions of which Q No. 1 is compulsory

  1. A) Choose the appropriate chapter of Kent’s Repertory for the following rubrics:             5X1

a)”Old Looking” will be found in – i)Eye ii) Face  iii) Mind

  1. b) “Hernia” – i)Extremities ii) Abdomen iii) Generalities
  2. c) ‘Epulis’ – i) Eye ii) Face iii) Mouth
  3. d) ‘ Sensation as if worm under the skin’ – i) Mind ii) Skin iii) Generalities
  4. e) ‘ Refuses to take medicines’ – i) Mind ii) Generalities iii) Stomach

1.B) Fill in the blanks:                                                                                                                  5X1

  1. a) “Repertory of Medicines which are not antipsoric’ appeared in the year
  2. b) Ranking/Gradation of drugs was first done by …………………..
  3. c) J B Bell’s diarrhea has ………………… no. of grades of medicine.
  4. d) Kent’s repertory(6th American edition) was published in the year ………………
  5. e) “ The lowest no. of Rubrics is found in ……………. Chapter of Kent’s Repertory.
  6. C) Give appropriate meaning of the following mental rubrics from Kent’s Repertory: 5X2
  7. Air castle b) Mania-a-potu     c) Brooding  d) Defiant     e) Misanthropy

2.Define Homoeopathic Repertory. Broadly classify the types of Repertory with examples of each type. What determines the choice of Repertory in a given case? Mention important advantages of using repertory in day to day practice.                                                                                     3+8+4+5

  1. What are the sources of Kent’s Repertory? Discuss the evolution of this Repertory. Broadly discuss the plan of Kent’s Repertory. Mention few limitations of this Repertory.       4+4+8+4
  2. Write short notes on any four of the following: 4X5
  3. a) Characteristic symptoms b) Concomitant symptoms c) Relationship chapter of BTPB
  4. d) Kneer’s Repertory e) Totality of symptoms

Group B

Answer any two questions

  1. What are the sources BTPB. What do you mean by second prescription? How second prescription can be done using the last chapter of BTPB. 3+3+14
  2. Distinguish in detail between BTPB & Kent’s repertory. 20
  3. Discuss the utility of particular repertories in clinical practice. Define special repertory. Mention two special repertories with name of the author & year of publication. Discuss any one special repertory. 4+2+3+3+8

8.Write short notes on any four of the following:         4X5

  1. a) Fever totality of BBCR
  2. b) Difficulties in chronic case taking
  3. c) Synthetic repertory
  4. d) Gradation of medicines in Kent’s Repertory
  5. e) Keynote symptoms

Contributed By: Dr Kaushik D Das, MD(Hom)
Asst Prof & Head, Dept. of Homoeopathic Pharmacy,
Midnapore Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital (Govt of WB)
Midnapore, West Bengal

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