West Bengal Public Service Commission Homoeopathic Medical Officer Services Examination 1993
Time : 1 hour
Marks : 100
Attempt all the questions
All questions carry equal marks
All questions are compulsory
1.Mention which one is published by authority of Government of India
- (A) Pharmacy (B) Pharmacopoca
- (C) Pharmacology (D) Pharmacodynamics
2.Mention the vehicle by which we can prepare mother tincture :
- (A) Dilute Alcohol (B) Rectified Spirit
- (C)Absolute alcohol (D) Strong Alcohol
3. Which one of the following mother tincture can be identified by smell only
- (A) Kreosote (B) Nux. Vom (C) Aconite (D) Camphor
4. Mention the name of drug which is to be triturated from liquid substance
- (A) Petroleum (B)Acid Benzoic
- (C) Guaiacum (D) Iodine
5. Largest source of drug substance in Homoeopathy is from
- (A) Animal Kingdom (B) Plant Kingdom
- (C) Mineral Kingdom (D) Synthetic Chemicals
6. Hahnnemann used the word miasm in the sense of
- (A) Infection (B) Influence
- (C) Pollution (D) Chronic Syndrome
7.Idiosyncrasy is helpful in
- (A) Drug proving (B) Management of cases
- (C) Case taking (D) Assessment of prognosis
8. Totality of symptoms comprises
- (A) Sum total all symptoms (B)Symptoms which help in individualization
- (C) Sum total of subjective symptoms (D)Sum total of objective symptoms
9. Curative action means :
- (A) Primary action in Homoeopathy (B) Secondary action
- (C) Secondary counter action (D) Alternating action
10. Surrogate means :
- (A) Symptoms (B) Remedy
- (C) Drug (D) Substitute
11. Homoeopathic drugs cure because of :
- (A) Similarity of symptoms (B) Minuteness of dose
- (C) Potentisation of drugs (D) Infrequent repetition of drug
12. Drug proving on healthy persons was thought of for the first time by
- (A) Hippocrates (B) Paracelsus
- (C) Hahnemann (D) Von Heller
13.Repetition of 1st prescription is required :
- (A) When symptoms have aggravated (B) When symptoms have ameliorated
- (C) When order of symptoms have changed (D)When original symptoms have returned
14. Accessory symptoms of drug :
- (A) Are not the symptoms of that drug
- (B) Are the symptoms of a partial Homeopathic drug
- (C) Are the symptoms which appear after antipathic drug
- (D) Arc the symptoms which appear after allopathic drug
15. A quick, short & strong aggravation after the application of remedy indicates
- (A) Amelioration will be quick & lasting
- (B) Amelioration will be slow & lasting
- (C) Amelioration will be followed by aggravation
- (D) Amelioration will not ensure
16. Menstruation is :
- (A) A common particular symptom
- (B) A common general symptom
- (C) A Peculiar particular symptom
- (D)A peculiar general symptom
17. To select a Homeopathic remedy one should depend on :
- (A) Diagnosis (B) Prognosis
- (C) Pathogenesis (D) Anamnesis
18. The words ‘lucid interval’ is used in organon of medicine while dealing with the
- (A) Syphilitic diseases (B) Sycotic diseases
- (C) Mental diseases (D) Intermittent disease
19. The most incurable disease among all disease is
- (A) Acute disease of violent nature (B) Chronic miasmatic disease
- (C) Pseudo chronic diseases (D) Artificial chronic diseases
20. Medicine in intermittent fever is to be administered best
- (A) During the chill stage (B) During fastigium stage
- (C) During heat stage (D) During apyrexial stage
21. The quardiceps femoris muscle
- (A) Extends the hip joint (B)Extends the knee joint
- (C) Rotates the knee joint (D)Flexes the knee joint
22. The most common position of the vermiform appendix is
- (A) Pelvic (B)Retrocolic
- (C) Retroceacal (D) Retrilcal (splenic)
23. The most superficial structure in the superior mediastinum :
- (A) Arch of aorta (B) Thymus
- (C) Left brachycephalic vain (D) Vagus Nerve
24. Permissible movement in true hinge joint :
- (A) Flexion and extension (B) Adduction and abduction
- (C) Rotation (D) Circumduction
25. The third cranial nerve is called
- (A) Olfactory (B) Abducent
- (C) Oculomotor (D) Facial
26. Christmas disease is due to absence of
- (A) Factor – II (B) Factor VI
- (C) Factor VII (D) Factor IX
27. Force of cardiac contraction depend on
- (A) Size of the heart (B) Volume of blood
- (C) Length of cardiac muscle fiber (D) Muscularity of the subject
28. Normal level of urea in blood
- (A) 25-30 mg% (B)30-120 mg %
- (C) 150–250 mg% (D) 45 -50%
29. Destruction of uric acid occurs in
- (A) Liver (B) Kidney
- (C) Muscle (D) Spleen
30.Vit B12 deficiency produces
- (A) Mlicrocytic anaemia (B) Macrocytic anaemia
- (C) Normocytic anaemia (D) Dimphorphic anaemia
31. Toothache relieved by holding cold water in the mouth
- (A) Thuja (B) Ignatia
- (C) Natrum Sulph (D) Nux Vomica
32. Fever annually returning; paroxysm every spring
- (A) Rhus tox (B) Belldonna
- (C) Lachesis (D) Aconite
33. Hears better in a noise
- (A) Aconite (B) Thuja
- (C) Graphites (D) Belladonna
34. Menses only during the day, cease on lying down
- (A) Causticum (B) Pullsatilla
- (C) Sepia (D) Bovista
35.Cannot bear the smell or sight of food
- (A) Arsenicum album (B)Amm.Carb
- (C) Calc. Carb (D)Aethusa
36. Every stool is followed by thirst end every drink by shuddering
- (A) Aloes (B) Cantharis
- (C)Capsicum (D) Nux. Vomica.
37.Source of Sepia is
- (A) Vegetable Kingdom (B)Mineral kingdom
- (C) Animal Kingdom (D) Nosodes
38. Which of these is indicated for contradictory and alternating states of symptom
- (A) Ignatia (B) Sulphur
- (C) Sepia (D) Nat.Sulph
39. Which of these is indicated for change of stool?
- (A) Pulsatilla (B)Nux.Vom
- (C) Merc. Sol (D)Arg.nit
40. which of the following is indicated foe ‘excoriated lips from acrid saliva”
- (A) Kreosotum (B) Petroleum
- (C) Acid nitric (D) Silicia
41. Bitter taste , nausea,gall bladder swollen and tender,stool bright yellow, hard knotty sometimes alternate with diarrhea, stitching pain lower right ribs with jaundice, urine golden yellow color. Which medicine is indicated?
- (A) Card, Mar. (B)Ipecace
- (C) Chelidonium (D)Nux.vom
42. Fluent discharge acrid from nose but bland from eye; better in open air and worse in warm room, neuralgia stump after amputation, which one of the following medicine is indicated ?
- (A) Ars. Iod. (B) Staphysagria
- (C) Euphrais (D) Allium cepa
43. Indication of China in intermittent fever is warranted where there is
- (A) Thirst during chill (B)Thirst at onset of chill and heat stage
- (C) Thirst during heat (D) Thirst before chill
44. All female symptoms are associated with restlessness, specially of the feet, coldness, depression and spinal tenderness ameliorated during menstrual flow- which one of the following is indicated in such a patient ?
- (A) Sepia (B) Zinc met
- (C) Lachesis (D) Secale Cor
45. A child appears to be intelligent but delayed in learning to talk. Which one of the following medicines is applicable?
- (A) Baryta Carb (B) Natrum Mur
- (C) Cal. Carb . (D) Sulphur
46. Intense sympathy for sufferings of others.
- (A) Causticum (B) Ignatia
- (C) Pulsatilla (D) Arnica
47.Which one is indicated for TOUGH & GREESY HARD STOOL?
- (A) Ant. Tart (B) Caust
- (C) Ledum (D) Hydrastis
48. A lady was very thirsty in her normal condition but developed complete aversion to drinking water even the sight of water induced vomiting. Which medicines may be applicable ?
- (A) Apis mel (B)Bryonia
- (C)Natrum. Mur (D) Phosphorus
49. Which one of the following medicines is indicated for eczema capitis in children with copious purulent discharge as if form a hat of pus?
- (A) Graphites (B)Mezerium
- (C) Cicuta Virosa (D)Merc.Sol.
50. Indurations of mammae with stony hardness painful before and during mensturation, vertigo on change of posture- even tuning in bed. Which of the following medicines is indicated ?
- (A) Phytolacca (B) Cal.Carb.
- (C) Bryonia (D) Conium maculatum
51. Blood agar media is
- (A) Selective medium (B) Basic fluid medium
- (C) Enriched medium (D) Basic solid medium
52. Langhan’s giant cell is commonly found in -.
- (A) Xanthoma (B) Lymphoid tissue of appendix in measles
- (C) Rheumatic carditis (D) Tuberculous lesion
53, Normal plasma colloidal osmotic pressure in a capillary is .
- (A) 30 mm. of:Hg (B) 12 mm of Hg
- (C) 25 mm of Hg (D) 2-3 mm. of Hg
54. Staphylococci aureus produces
- (A) White pigment (B) Golden yellow pigment
- (C) Lemon Yellow pigment (D) Drown red pigment
55. Maximum amount of Albumin in urine is present in o
- (A) Pregnancy (B) Acute Nephritis
- (C) Nephrotic Syndrome (D) Chronic Nephritis
56. Sugar is usually present in urine despite normal blood sugar level in –
- (A) Addison’s disease (B) Diabetes mellitus
- (C) Renal glicosuria (D) Cushing’s syndrome
57. The most effective method of sterilization by moist heat is
- (A) Boiling (B)Tyndalisation
- (C) Autoclaving (D) Inspissations
58. Which is true for the VDRL test
- (A) It is an agglutination test (B) it is a flocculation test
- (C) It is a neutralization test (D) It is a precipitation test
59. In which poisoning occurs impulsive homicidal tendency
- (A) Cocaine (B) Heroin addiction
- (C) Cannabis (D)Methanol
60. Wen a corpse is thrown into a shallow grave comprising of moist clayey soil, this condition will ensue –
- (A) Putrefaction (B)Maceration
- (C) Saponification (D) Mummification
61. Viscera need be preserved after autopsy in forensic work in :
- (B) Formal saline (B) Normal Saline
- (C) Rectified spirit (D) Distilled water
62, Dead bodies can be artificially preserved ordinarily by the process of
- (A) Saponification (B) Mummification
- (C) Embalming (D) Maceration
63. Which one of the following has highest iron content per 100 gm- substance d
- (A) Pulses (B) Banana
- (C) Cow’s milk (D) Wheat
64. Pneumoconiosis is caused by
- (A)Pnenumonia (B) Occupational dust
- (C) Street dust (D) Contaminated food
66. Establishment of primary health centre in India was recommended by
- (A) Kartar Singh Committee (B) Bhore committee
- (C) Hathi Committee (D) Mudaliar Committee
67. ORS contains the following amount of common salt per liter of watre
- (A)2.5 gm (B)3.5 gm
- (C)4.5gm (D) 5.5gm
68.The intermediate host in filarial is
- (A) Man (B) Mosquito
- (C) Dog (D) Sand Fly
69. Live attenuated Vaccine is a
- (A) Anti gas gangrene vaccine (B) Diphtheria
- (C) BCG (D) Hepatitis B
70. Multibacillary treatment is related to a
- (A) Kala-azar (B) Leprosy
- (C) Malaria (D) Gonorrlnoea
71. The most frequent histological type of cancer of breast is o
- (A) Colloid cancer (B) Lobular cancer
- (C) Medullary cancer(D) Infiltrating duct carcinoma
72. The most common site of peptic ulceration is s
- (A)Cardiac end of esophagus (B) Lesser curvature of stomach
- (C) Greater curvature of stomach (D) Deodenal bulb
73. Perforation of typhoid ulcer occurs usually during
- (A) 1st week (B) 2nd week
- (C) 3rd week (D) 4th week
74. The most frequent variety of thyroid cancer is
- (A) Anaplastic (B) Papillary
- (C) Medullary (D) Follicular
75. Pott’s disease is
- (A) Fracture dislocation of the ankle (B) A diseased joint
- (C) Traumatic osteochondritis of spine (D) Tuberculosis of spine
76. Average blood loss normal menstruation
- (A) 15 ml (B) 35ml
- (C) 60 ml (D) 120ml
77. Following fertilization-fertilised ovum implants in the endometrium on
- (A) 3 day s (B) 4 days
- (C) 6 days (D)8 days
78. In normal pregnancy amniotic fluid shows maximum volume at:
- (A) 30 weeks (B) 34 weeks
- (C) 39 weeks (D) 40 weeks
79. Pregnancy test in urine become positive on
- (A) 4th week from LMP (B) 5th week from LMP
- (C) 6th week from LMP (D) 7th week from LMP
80. Foetal heart beat can be detected earliest between
- (A) 16–20 weeks by stethoscope (B) 7th week by real time ultrasound
- (C) 10th week by ultrasound Doppler (D) 12th week by CT Scan
81.Commonest clinical finding in hydatidiform mole is
- (A) Vaginal Bleeding (B) Uterine Enlargement
- (C) Hyperemesis (D) Pre—Eclampsia
82. Secondary Amenorrhoea occurs in the following except
- (A) Thyrotoxicosis (B) Bicornuate Uterus
- (C) Anorexia Nervosa (D) Polycystic ovarian disease
83. Cause of delayed puberty is-
- (A) Anorexia nervosa (B) Gonadal Dygenesia
- (C) Chronic Disease (D) Syndrome of Androgen Excess
84. A11 the following teats would be helpful in the diagnosis of Molar Pregnancy Except
- (A) Ultrasound (B) HCG titer
- (C) X-ray of Lower Abdomen (D) Culdocentesis
85.The average PH of vaginal fluid is
- (A)4.5 to 5.0 (B) 5.0 to 6.0
- (C) 6.0- 7.0 (D) 7.0 to 7. 5
86.Which is recognized complication measles
- (A) Myocarditis (B) Arthritis
- (C) Pancreatitis (D) Bronchopneumonia
87. Which one of the following viscera can be invaded by Entamoeba Histolytica
- (A) Lungs (B) Gall bladder
- (C) Kidneys (D) Adrenal glands
88. Clubbing or finger is a recognized feature of
- (A) Chronic Bronchopneumonia (B) Meningitis
- (C) Infective endocarditis (D) Ischaemic heart disease
89. Which one of the following systemic manifestations is least characteristic of early adult Rheumatoid arthritis
- (A) High fever (B)Weight loss
- (C) Lymphadinopathy (D) Muscle wasting
90. Which of the following statements is correct – Sterility may be an important sequel in males
- (A) Who suffer from mumps after puberty (B) Who develop mumps in later life
- (C) Who develop mumps- in childhood (D) Who develop mumps during foetal life
91. Frequent motions with excess of mucus, mixed with blood with scanty or no foccal matter, associated with griping and tenesmus is found in s
- (A) Amoebic dysentery (B) Ulcerative colitis
- (C) Acute gastrocenteritis (D)Acute Bacillary Dysentery
93. The earliest clinical finding in a case of tetanus is –
- (A) Risus sardonicus due to tonic spasm and rigidity of the face and neck
- (B) Lock jaw
- (C) Painful exhausting convulsions
- (D) Opisthotonus position of the body
93. A patient with regular heart rate of 176 per minute, abruptly changes to 76 regular per minute after carotid sinus massage. most likely has
- (A) Sinus Tachycardia (B) Auricular flutter with block
- (C) Auricular fibrillation (D) Paroxysmal atrial Tachycardia
94. Pulmonary hypertension causes hypertrophy of the
- (A) Left atrium (B) Right atrium
- (C) Right ventricle (D) Left ventricle
95. Clinical features of pyloric stenosis include each of the following except
- (A) Previous history dyspepsia (B) Projectile vomiting
- (C) Tetany (D) Diarrhoea
96. Pulsatile live is present in
- (A) Mitral Incompetence (B) Tricuspid incompetence with failure
- (C) Aortic Incompetence (D) Aortic stenosis
97.Achliya gastric is present in
- (A) Acute gastritis (B) Gastric carcinoma
- (C) Pernicious anemia (D) Alcoholic gastritis
98. Cirrhosis of the liver usually follows in
- (A) Chronic hepatitis with inflammatory changes in portal tract
- (B) Chronic hepatitis due to persistent ameobic hepatitis
- (C) Chronic hepatitis where the mischief confined only in portal tract and adjacent to liver paranchyna
- (D)Chronic Hepatitis where not only the portal tract and paranchymal tissues arc affected but also there is intra lobular fibrosis causing distortion of lobular architecture along with formation of regeneration nodules
99. Select the pulse pattern which is most likely to be associated with Aortic valvular incompetence.
- (A) Pulsus Alterans (B) Pulsus Bisferiens
- (C) Pulsus Tardus (D)Water hammer pulse
100. Once formed , Red cells normally have an average life span
- (A) 30 days (B) 60 days
- (C) 120 days (D) 160 days
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