The West Bengal University of Health Sciences 1st BHMS Examination,2016
Time – 3hrs Subject : Homoeopathic Pharmacy Full Marks-100
Group A
Answer any three questions of which Q No.1 is compulsory
1.Write short answers on any five of the following 5X2
- Pharmaconomy b. Dilution c. Drug
- Decantation e. Minimum Dose f. Alkaloid
2.Write short Notes on any four of the following: 4X5
- Sarcode b. Materia Medica Pura c. Proof spirit d. Percolation e. Tow
3.State the method of preparation of Absolute alcohol from Molasses. How will you detect whether the given sample of purified water is pure? State the general rules of collection of vegetable drug substances. 8+8+4
4.Define Prescription. What are the parts of a Prescription? Write a prescription for a child who has been suffering from cough using distilled water as vehicle & show the different parts. Why signature part is called the Legal part of a prescription? 4+4+8+4
Group B
Answer any three questions of which Q No.5 is compulsory
5.Write short answers on any five of the following 5X2
- Nosode b. Melting point c. Maceration d. Water bath e. Imponderabilia f. Common Name
6.Write Brief Notes on any two of the following: 2X10
- Specialty & Originality of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
- Role of Homoeopathic Pharmacy towards National economy
- Role of Homoeopathic Pharmacy with Organon of medicine
7.What is Drug proving? Explain in details the process of Drug proving. 5+15
8.Define Posology. What do you know about Hahnemannian Posology? Describe briefly with reference to Organon of Medicine 6+2+12
Contributed by : Dr Kaushik D Das, MD(Hom)
Asst Prof & Head, Dept. of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, MHMC&H, Midnapore (Govt. of WB)
Ph : 9932298682, e-mail: