The West Bengal University of Health Sciences
2nd BHMS Examination, 2013
Subject: Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Time : 3 hrs Full Marks – 100
Use separate answer script for each group
Question No. 1 & 6 are compulsory & also answer any two from each group
Group – A
1.A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 5X1
a) Colour of permanent teeth is ……………….. white
b) Commonest type of finger print is ………………
c) Viable age of foetus is …………….
d) In Lacerated injuries, the hair bulbs are …………….
e) The last organ to putrify in a male body is …………….
B) Tick the best response & rewrite the complete sentence : 5X1
a) Testamentary capacity is related to – i) Will ii) Right to vote iii)Consent iv) Voluntary hospitalization
b) Universal antidote consists of charcoal, magnesium oxide, tannic acid in the proportion of – i) 1:1:2 ii)2:1:1 iii) 2:1:2 iv) 1:2:1
c) Chop wounds are mostly – i) Homicidal ii) Suicidal iii) Accidental iv) Fabricated
d) Sexual intercourse with his own wife is considered rape, if her age is below –
i) 15yrs ii)16yrs iii) 17yrs iv) 18yrs
e) Wilson’s classification is concerned with – i) Finger prints ii) Skull bones iii) Firearm injuries iv) Burns
Write short notes on any four of the following: 4X5
a) Tattoo marks b) Post mortem staining c) Café coronary d) Hymen e) Delusion
Define drowning. What are the different types of drowning ? Describe briefly the external & internal post mortem findings in a case of ante mortem drowning. What laboratory examinations will help to confirm the diagnosis of ante mortem drowning? What are diatoms? (2+4+4+4+3+3)
4.What do you mean by unnatural sexual offence? Name different types of it. Define sodomy. What are the local signs in a case of habitual passive agent of sodomy? What materials should be preserved during examination of a victim of sodomy? What is lust murder? What do you understand by exhibitionism? (2+3+2+5+3+2+3)
5.Define injury. What do you mean by lacerated injury? What are types of it? How will you differentiate between incised & lacerated injuries? What are the medico legal importance of abrasion? How will you ascertain the age of a bruise? (2+2+4+5+3+4)
Group – B
6. Mention the medico legal importance of the following: 5X2
a) Burtonian line b) Curling’s ulcer c) Imperforated hymen d) Bevelled cuts e) Magnan’s syndrome
Differentiate between (Any four) 4X5
a) Acute arsenic poisoning & Cholera
b) Ideal homicidal poisoning & ideal suicidal poison
c) Expert witness & common witness
d) Oral evidence & documentary evidence
e) Medical ethics & Medical etiquette.
8. What do you mean by witness? What are different types of witness? What type of witness is a doctor? Describe the procedure of recording evidence in a court of law. What do you mean by prejury?(2+6+2+8+2)
9. Define toxicology. What is carboluria? Under what conditions stomach wash is contraindicated? Give examples of two common homicidal poisons. Describe the sign & symptoms as well as the post mortem findings of any one of them. (2+3+3+2+6+4)
Contributed by : Dr Kaushik D Das, MD(Hom)
Asst Prof & Head, Dept. of Homoeopathic Pharmacy,
MHMC&H, Midnapore (Govt. of WB)
Ph : 9932298682
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