Why online consultation and websites are essential for doctors?

Dr Mansoor Ali

It’s challenging to start homoeopathic practice today, but if young doctors want to become successful, they need to start thinking of themselves in a different way – who can utilize technology far more cleverly than established doctors, in order to attract more patients.

A physician must maintain a presence on the internet or Google, a website is a home on the internet that give more clients beyond the locality.

Some statistics 

  1. 72% of internet users say they looked online for health information within the past year.
  2. 52% of smartphone owners, have used their phone to look up health or medical information.
  3. 46% of the people go online for diagnosis of their illness or medical conditions.
  4. 10 Million searches are taking place every month on Google to look for Medical Professionals  (Source : http://theprojecthealth.in)

Lesson from Paytm
Mr Vijay Shekar of Paytm changed the financial structure of India through a smartphone payment system. Within three months of de-monetization in March 2017 their customers become 18.5 crore with 80 lakhs daily transaction,200 crore INR deposits daily in wallet. Their business in jan 2017 alone was about 5000 crore.

Within two days of announcement of de-monetization, his representatives visited every nuke and corner of the country and trained common man and shop keepers on digital payment system. Utilised an opportunity on time!!

Lybrate has created the largest online OPD on the mobile for Indian patients.

Dear Doctors – Just observe how the world is earning through internet and technology – give a Digital Platform to your homoeopathic clinic.

The essentiality :
Nowadays it is not possible to survive with the limited number of patients from our local area.More and more doctors from different systems of medicine are coming every day in a small locality of your clinic.

The online consultation is becoming a highly debating issue these days in the medical community. At one hand, it is cost effective and convenient but on the other, it may increase the risk of misdiagnosis, fraudulent issues


  • No Location boundaries – you can treat patient from across the globe
  • Suitable  for patients with disabilities
  • No need to wait or waste time
  • No need of half a day off from the job for 10-15 mins consultation
  • Cost is less for the patient
  • 24/7 365 day service


  • Prescribing with available symptoms and data provided by the patient
  • Today’s complex disease require detailed case taking and close monitoring.

In the past 5–10 years’ online clinic have become the dominant marketing and advertising medium for medical practitioners, resulting in a major change in the way many patients access information easily.

Doctors must understand that online strategy is by far the #1 method to grow patient volumes, and build their clinic’s profitability.

Grow in terms of number of patients and reputation across the globe. Increase your revenue by having an online clinic by adopting simple technology.

Dr Mansoor Ali KR
Asso. Professor, Govt. Homoeopathy Medical College. Calicut
www.drmansoorali.com, www.homeobook.com, www.similima.com

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1 Comment

  1. Lybrate offers 14k for 1 year to enlist name as doctor in their websites.Can it give us such amount of patient that we can afford it?Waiting for ur reply.

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