Wikipedia Co-founder wants to stop Homeopathy

wikipediaJimmyWales -a fter a pharmacy recommends a potentised remedy for his sore throat, Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, vents his thoughts on homeopathy – and his desire to stop it.

Jimmy says: “..homeopathy is a proven fraud.”

“…makes me ill.”

“Homeopathic remedies of no value whatsoever are legally marketed…”

“Who should I talk to about this in order to encourage the creation of a campaign to stop this? This is not my primary area of interest and so I am not the right person to lead it myself. But I would like to help.”

“It’s a scandal in the modern world”

“We know with full rational certainty that they do not work at all. They are nothing more than placebo sold fraudulently.”

“…the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies, relative to placebos, is 0%. Not effective at all. A useless fraud.”

“This is nothing more than fraud.”

“There have been no properly conducted large scale studies which suggest in the least that homeopathic remedies are any different from sugar water.”

“This is false.”

“Homeopathy does not work at all. It has been shown in an extremely thorough way to be no better than a placebo.”

We think Jimmy clearly demonstrates that speaking your mind sometimes reveals your ignorance … or prejudice. Is this why Wikipedia’s information on homeopathy is so misleading and repeated efforts to correct its inaccuracies are not accepted? [Source]

Wikipedia says: “Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine based on the belief in giving a patient with symptoms of an illness extremely dilute remedies that are thought to produce those same symptoms in healthy people. These preparations are often diluted beyond the point where any treatment molecule is likely to remain. Studies of homeopathic practice have been largely negative or inconclusive. No scientific basis for homeopathic principles has been substantiated”.


  1. Hello,i m mala want to say that first of all jimmy have to know that pharmacists are not doctor right .He should take treatment from any homeopathist .homeopathy is best mode of treatment no one can raise finger on it .

  2. there is saying in tamil language that” suriyana parthu naii kulakirathu” means during the sun raise the mad dog starts barking by seeing the sun, by this nothing going to happen for the sun – now you know who is the sun and who is the dog- just ignore it do not give any lime lite to such massages

  3. Maybe we should consider ALL of Wikipedia’s information being incorrect and not bother to read it anymore. It is off my bookmarks.
    Only people with an open mind can accept alternative healing methods like Homeopathy. It has helped myself, family, friends and all our pets for many, many years.

  4. A blind man cannot. see the light, that never means it does not exit.

    Its. his/ her. bad luck.

    we. could. simply. feel pitty. about his/her misfourtune

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