Workshop on Synopsis and Dissertation Writing

Two Days Training Workshop for Students and Faculty Members on Synopsis and Dissertation Writing

(A unit of SS Research Services)
(Two Days Training Workshop for Students and Faculty Members on ‘Synopsis and Dissertation Writing’) 22nd and 23rd, June, 2019 (Saturday and Sunday; 10: 00 am -5:30 pm) 

The Academy of Homoeopathic Education and Research (AHER) organized two days training workshop for students and faculty members on ‘Synopsis and Dissertation Writing’ on 22nd and 23rd June 2019 in Delhi. The purpose of the training workshop was to give intensive hands-on coaching on synopsis and dissertation writing to the participants using practice sheets, handouts and exercises. The workshop was divided into 10 sessions detailing about all the major components of synopsis and dissertation writing. The chief resource person for conducting the workshop, Dr. Vandana Gambhir (BHMS, M.A. and PhD in Psychology), took sessions on title writing, abstract, literature databases, research designs, tools, sampling, and data analysis software: SPSS. Dr. Pankaj Aggarwal (Ph.D in Homoeopathy, MUHS, Nasik) took sessions on Relevance of research and Writing Discussion and Interpretation chapter of thesis. The other resource persons contributing to workshop included Dr. Rashmi Chowdhury (Professor, Bakson Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Greater Noida), Dr. Sameer Rana (M.B.B.S., DNB (Otorhinolaryngology), Delhi) and Dr. Manpreet Kaur (MD, Homoeopathy). 

The training workshop was inaugurated by eminent dignitaries and stalwarts including Dr. Anil Khurana, Deputy Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy; Dr. Mridula Pandey, Deputy Director (Homoeopathy), Govt. of NCT of Delhi; Dr. Ashis Datta: Advisory Head, AHER (Former Registrar-cum-Secretary, Central Council of Homoeopathy, Government of India); Dr. Pradeep Gupta, Director, Naiminath Homoeopathic Medical College- Agra and Dr. A. M. Sherry, Director, Indian Institute of Information Technology- Lucknow. The esteemed guests appreciated AHER’s initiative of progressing the role of research in homoeopathy and educating young scholars on research methods and techniques. Dr. Khurana enlighten the audience about paradigm shift taking place in the field of research in homoeopathy and how budding doctors can incorporate research with clinical practice. 

The valedictory event of the two days training program was addressed by visionaries and luminaries like Dr. K.K. Juneja, Chairman, Delhi Homoeopathic Board and Dr. Kawal Sethi, Advisor Homoeopathy (Govt. of India). Dr. Juneja delineated the importance of research and Dr. Sethi emphasized on forthcoming avenues of jobs and research in Homoeopathy in the government sector. The open house feedback of enthusiastic participants from various colleges was overwhelming and encouraging. All the participants were ensured to receive continuous support from AHER in future. 

The Advisory head of AHER: Dr. Ashis Datta gave his valuable comments in time and facilitation towards the advancement of Homoeopathy by AHER’s forthcoming initiatives such as: 

  •   One Year MD Entrance Preparatory Program commencing from August’ 2019
  •   Complete ENT Program commencing from September’ 2019
  •   A day long workshop on Scientific Paper Writing in October’ 2019
  •   Research Methodology and Biostatistics 40 Hrs. program commencing from November’ 2019
  •   Two days training workshop on Handling Acute Diseases in December’ 2019
    The two days training workshop ended with Vote of thanks given by Dr. Pankaj Aggarwal, Director, AHER.
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  1. Hi ,i want a complete guidance about writing a synopsis for md . If u have any vedio or lecture or anything that can help me out , because this is completely new for me .

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