{"id":12620,"date":"2013-01-05T22:58:26","date_gmt":"2013-01-05T22:58:26","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/?p=12620"},"modified":"2022-01-05T10:03:06","modified_gmt":"2022-01-05T10:03:06","slug":"auto-immune-diseases-a-homoeopathic-perspective-protocol","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/auto-immune-diseases-a-homoeopathic-perspective-protocol\/","title":{"rendered":"Auto Immune Diseases \u2013 A Homoeopathic perspective and protocol"},"content":{"rendered":"

Dr S G Biju<\/b><\/p>\n

Auto immune diseases are one of the major medical challenges in new millennium. List of autoimmune disease is stretching day by day and it touches almost all tissues and cells of human body. No cell of body is spared by auto immune diseases. So, all auto immune disease needs a constitutional treatment. Only Homoeopathy can offer a constitutional treatment in such a disease.<\/p>\n

Miasm of each disease shall be assessed by the interpretation of pathology and symptomatology. Symptomatology shall vary from disease to disease but pathology is same or similar in almost all autoimmune diseases. A protein developed in the body during a viral or bacterial infection for the protection of tissues and cells turned against all cells and tissues of the body in turn is the pathology in auto immune disease. Anti-bodies are producing against cell, its nucleus, mitochondria, and even double strand DNA of cells. Once an antibody against cell, mitochondria, nucleus or double strand DNA develops it will try to destroy<\/b> its target destination. So the destruction<\/b> will take place because of the following fight<\/b>.<\/p>\n

ANA<\/b> (antinuclear antibody) Vz Nucleus<\/p>\n

Ant Ds DNA<\/b> (anti double strand DNA) Vz double strand DNA<\/p>\n

End of these fights will be always destruction.<\/p>\n

So from pathology one can reach in to an assumption that pathology of all autoimmune disease is damage & destruction and thus comes under syphilitic miasm.<\/p>\n

The theme of Auto immune disease is \u201cFight end in destruction\u201d. <\/b><\/p>\n

Symptomatology of various auto immune diseases is different but there is a general symptom that all auto immune diseases are symptomatic before pathology starts.\u00a0 Symptoms of auto immune disease started in functional level before structural changes started. Even after structural changes stared functional symptoms will persists. A symptomless autoimmune disease seldom occurs. Thus destructive pathology of autoimmune disease indicates its syphilitic nature and functional symptomatology contribute its psoric part. So a miasmatic prescriber shall very easily reach in to a conclusion that autoimmune disease is a combination of Syhilitic & psoric miasm with a prominence of syphilitic miasm. The picture of a disease originated in psoric level gradually advanced in to a syphilitic pathology is crystal clear in auto immune diseases. We shall find out an inherited syphilitic trait in majority of cases of auto immune diseases, if we investigate the cases further.\u00a0 Though the basic miasm of auto immune disease is syphilitic the disease will trigger up by the outburst of latent psora. A bacterial or viral infection or an exposure to an allergen or even an exposure to an emotional excitement may trigger latent psora that further proceed to the destructive inherited syphilitic miasm. Sycotic symptom may also present in autoimmune disease but its percentage is very less. One who sees autoimmune disease only through Rheumatoid arthritis or SLE shall find some sycotic symptoms like swelling of joints, fiber formation in joints or pigmentation. But in RA and SLE too later pathology will end in destruction of joints and total destruction of tissues and cells. A Psoric symptom persists very rarely in autoimmune diseases.\u00a0 Persistence of functional symptom if any indicates dominance of psoric miasm and cure rate in such cases will be high always.<\/p>\n

As a general Miasmatic protocol in Auto immune diseases is to start with an Anti-tubercular remedy and switch over to a syphilitic prominent remedy as pathology advances.\u00a0 <\/b><\/p>\n

Tuberculinum shall be an inter current in initial stage of Auto immune disease and Syphillinum serve the same purpose in later stages. <\/b><\/p>\n

Selection of remedy is important task in Auto immune disease so as to any other disease. As we know fight<\/b> end in destruction is the theme of autoimmune disease we shall restrict our prescription to Animal kingdom. <\/b>Fight for survival is the theme of animal remedy. All most all animal remedies come under syphilitic miasm except a few like Lamenitis bredowii californica (butterfly). Unfortunately animal remedies are rarely prescribed in autoimmune diseases and the most prescribed remedies are from vegetable kingdom.<\/p>\n

Animals are classified in to the following headings for convenience<\/p>\n

Conceivable Classification <\/span><\/b><\/p>\n