{"id":2849,"date":"2011-10-26T02:34:09","date_gmt":"2011-10-26T02:34:09","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/?p=2849"},"modified":"2021-08-18T07:25:07","modified_gmt":"2021-08-18T07:25:07","slug":"homeopathy-university-rajasthan-md-entrance-paper-2011","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/homeopathy-university-rajasthan-md-entrance-paper-2011\/","title":{"rendered":"Homeopathy University Rajasthan MD Entrance Paper 2011"},"content":{"rendered":"
1. Superior mediastinum contains
\nA. \u00a0Heart
\nB. \u00a0Lungs
\nC. \u00a0Blood vessels coming to and going away from heart, Trachea, Oesophagus etc.
\nD. \u00a0None of them<\/p>\n
2. Which cerebral artery is called artery of\u00a0 haemorrhage<\/strong><\/p>\n 3.<\/strong> The integrity of arches of the foot are maintained by<\/strong><\/p>\n 4.<\/strong> Axillary lymph nodes are divided into following groups<\/strong><\/p>\n 5.<\/strong> The primary curvatures of the vertebral column are present since birth while secondary curvatures develop after birth due to certain activities of the child. which are the secondary curvatures<\/strong><\/p>\n 6.<\/strong> Anterior Pituitary gland secrets<\/strong><\/p>\n 7.<\/strong> The cardiac output is the product of <\/strong><\/p>\n 8.<\/strong> The kidneys are concerned with<\/strong><\/p>\n 9.<\/strong> When flexors are contracted the extensor muscles relax. This phenomenon is called <\/strong><\/p>\n 10.<\/strong> Liver is associated with<\/strong><\/p>\n 11.<\/strong>\u00a0 Koch\u2019s postulates in relating a micro Organism causally to a given infection is<\/strong><\/p>\n 12.<\/strong>\u00a0 The development of a specific infection depends upon the following<\/strong><\/p>\n 13<\/strong>. Immunity produced in an animal byaction of micro-organisms is called as<\/strong><\/p>\n 14.<\/strong>\u00a0 What is common in acute Rheumatic fever, Myasthenia gravis, Rheumatoid \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0arthritis and Systemic lupus \u00a0erythematosus <\/strong><\/p>\n 15.<\/strong> There are two mechanisms of spread of malignant tumors- infiltration and metastasis. The statement is-<\/strong><\/p>\n 16.<\/strong> Odor of Phosphorus poisoning is<\/strong><\/p>\n 17.<\/strong> Is not present in Arsenic poisoning<\/strong><\/p>\n 18.<\/strong> X-Ray of wrist is useful for determination<\/strong> of- <\/strong><\/p>\n 19.<\/strong> Both mother and father have AB blood group. Blood group in their children will be<\/strong><\/p>\n 20.<\/strong> Ballistic expert is an<\/strong><\/p>\n 21.<\/strong>\u00a0 Cellulitis is spreading infection of<\/strong><\/p>\n 22. Multiple cold nodules in thyroid scan is a<\/strong>\u00a0 \u00a0feature of<\/strong><\/p>\n 23. Paroxysmal vertigo, tinnitus and deafness is characteristics of<\/strong><\/p>\n 24.<\/strong> Dead bone seen in chronic Osteomyelitis is called as<\/strong><\/p>\n 25.<\/strong> Retinoscopy\u00a0 is used to study<\/strong><\/p>\n 26.<\/strong> Following are the clinical features of\u00a0 PCOD<\/strong><\/p>\n 27.<\/strong> Commonest cause of secondary amenorrhoea is<\/strong><\/p>\n 28.<\/strong> A patient of uterine fibroid will not have\u00a0 amenorrhoea unless she is<\/strong><\/p>\n 29. Ideal test for the tubal pregnancy is<\/strong><\/p>\n 30.<\/strong> Following is a method of early detection of Ca cervix<\/strong><\/p>\n 31.<\/strong> High output cardiac failure in which of\u00a0 the below mentioned conditions<\/strong><\/p>\n 32.<\/strong> Which condition of the following \u00a0Conditions is contra indicated for<\/strong> CSF Examination<\/strong><\/p>\n 33.<\/strong> Koilonychias is a sign of the following type of anaemia<\/strong><\/p>\n 34.<\/strong> Clubbing is seen in which of the condition<\/strong><\/p>\n 35.<\/strong> Bell\u2019s palsy is<\/strong><\/p>\n 36.<\/strong> Xerosis occurs because of deficiency of <\/strong><\/p>\n 37.<\/strong> Vitamin D deficiency in adults is called as<\/strong><\/p>\n 38.<\/strong> Role of the Public Health Authorities in\u00a0 prevention and control of epidemics is<\/strong><\/p>\n 39.<\/strong> Aedes aegypti mosquito is responsible for transmission of which of the following<\/strong><\/p>\n 40.<\/strong> In epidemics occurrence <\/strong>of the case in the community needs to be communicated\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 immediately to the nearest public health official for identification of clusters by\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 person, place and time and for expansion\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 of the control measures in the community. The above statement is-<\/p>\n 41.<\/strong> Which of the following is NOT <\/em>a plant<\/strong>\u00a0 Nosode<\/strong><\/p>\n 42. Garden marigold is the common name of<\/strong><\/p>\n 43<\/strong>. Coffea cruda and Nux vomica tinctures\u00a0 are prepared from<\/strong><\/p>\n 44.<\/strong> Application for grant of License to\u00a0\u00a0 manufacture homoeopathic medicines is made under<\/strong><\/p>\n 45. In proving of narcotics drugs, symptoms recorded are of<\/strong><\/p>\n 46.<\/strong> The unofficial pharmacopoeia in India<\/strong> was first written by<\/strong><\/p>\n 47.<\/strong> 1M potency is same as<\/strong><\/p>\n 48.<\/strong> Decimal scale was introduced by<\/strong><\/p>\n 49<\/strong>. Continuous fluxion potencies were<\/strong> prepared by<\/strong><\/p>\n\n