{"id":29786,"date":"2016-07-17T00:52:54","date_gmt":"2016-07-17T00:52:54","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/?p=29786"},"modified":"2021-08-12T13:27:32","modified_gmt":"2021-08-12T13:27:32","slug":"homoeopathy-and-allopathic-systems-of-medicines-the-incomparable-paradox","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/homoeopathy-and-allopathic-systems-of-medicines-the-incomparable-paradox\/","title":{"rendered":"Homoeopathy and Allopathic systems of medicines; the incomparable paradox"},"content":{"rendered":"
Dr Rekha Karnam Srinivasan<\/strong><\/p>\n Key words<\/strong>: Principles- Poles apart, different Planes, Materialistic versus Dynamic, in congruent comparison.<\/p>\n “We must admit that we have never fought the homeopath on matters of principle. We\u00a0 Fought them because they came into our community and got the business.”\u00a0Dr. J.N. McCormack, AMA, 1903(1)<\/p>\n \u201cIt has never occurred to us that the very mode of reasoning which we have taken for granted may itself be a barrier toward a real understanding of the Phenomena of life.\u201d<\/p>\n These are the words of renowned Edward .C.Whitmont an Allopathically trained Psychotherapist who was contemporary and student of Carl.G.Jung. \u201cThe Concept of Causality namely linear association of cause and effect\u2026.. has always been an unquestioned logical category in scientific work(2<\/a>).<\/p>\n Causality<\/strong>\u00a0is the relationship between\u00a0causes\u00a0and effects.\u00a0It is considered to be fundamental to all natural\u00a0science, especially\u00a0physics<\/u>. Confusion of causality and determinism (exactness) is particularly acute in\u00a0quantum mechanics, this theory being Acausal in the sense that it is unable in many cases to identify the causes of actually observed effects or to predict the effects of identical causes.(3) So, cause is not in line with effect, it varies.<\/p>\n Thus, the linearity of his mechanical expectations prohibited Planck from having a mechanical explanation. This is why he had to resort to Boltzmann’s probabilistic arguments. Planck when faced with roadblock in his experimentations upon black bodies, instead of abandoning the theory that it no more comes under classical Physics; he embraced an entirely different thought to accommodate non-linear motions of Electrons. .\u201d(4) It was neither by experiment nor by standards of Physics but only on Observations of natural occurrences which got endorsed by Einstein as well.<\/p>\n In a 1909 article entitled \u201cThe Scientific Reasonableness of Homeopathy\u201d by Royal S. Copeland, A.M., M.D. \u00a0he states:<\/p>\n \u201c. . a chemical, technically an electrolyte, when dissolved, is dissociated into parts or particles smaller than the atoms and known as ions. The more dilute the solution the greater is the dissociation and consequently the atoms are less in number and the ions increased. In a solution infinitely dilute, the dissociation is absolute and the chemical is present only in a state of ionization.\u201d(5)<\/a><\/p>\n If you don\u2019t believe that properties of the solute remain in solvents diluted beyond the presumed limit, make the\u00a0assays for ionic concentration,<\/em> i.e. do the tests to identify homeopathic remedies ionic concentration tests as against plain water!<\/p>\n But Homoeopaths are not accepted when they prove it anything but on allopathic standards. As The Washington Post <\/em>reported that the two most contentious topics in<\/em> the Western world are Jesus Christ and Homeopathy; (6)<\/em> Why all Medical Sceptics are still stuck in reductionist view of Galen, who saw Human body as entities related to each other. What stops them from realizing the truth? We are not asking for \u2018conversions\u2019 but only acceptance of our work or at least leave us to work in peace.<\/p>\n The truth is even though Allopaths have advanced enormously in dissecting human body into thinnest slices virtually; they still cannot even cure completely a simple Allergic Rhinitis. All true Practioners know that Allergies grow into Bronchial Asthma in their care so few of good intentioned Doctors suggest to try Alternative therapies off the record to their Patients.<\/p>\n Scientific Laws:<\/strong> Scientists postulate that the basic laws of the universe are unchangeable, and through observation and experimentation, humans determine the validity of their beliefs to better understand the nature of reality. (7)<\/p>\n The four steps of the scientific method are,<\/p>\n In Homoeopathy, that is \u2018Likes cure likes\u2019 or Nature\u2019s Law of Cure,\u2019 Similia Similibus Curantur\u2019.<\/p>\n Let the like substances for each disease picture found in nature be explored and applied to cure those maladies.<\/p>\n This was accomplished by Dr. Hahnemann by carefully evaluating all olden medical Data and compiling which circumstances lead to cure. For example if a stronger dissimilar force meets natural disease it suspends natural disease until its strength wanes off, again natural disease progresses as before. This is the way Allopathic prescriptions<\/em> work. Anti-pyretic for fever, Analgesics for Pains, so on and so forth.<\/p>\n Smallpox vaccine, the first successful vaccine to be developed, was introduced by Edward Jenner in 1798. He followed up his observation that milkmaids who had previously caught cowpox did not later catch smallpox by showing that inoculated cowpox protected against inoculated smallpox. This could be the best example of Nature\u2019s Law of Cure. (Wiki) Edward Jenner was contemporary of Dr.Hahnemann and he endorsed Jenner\u2019s cow pox vaccine. (Organon 6th<\/sup> edition.page.no.130\/131 f.note 47)<\/p>\n Unfortunately, Contrary to this Polio Vaccine did not work like wise, though its prepared from diluted Polio Virus; not similar but same substance, it has lots of side effects and a link has been found between the vaccine and increase in the number of cases of \u2018Acute Flaccid Paralysis\u2019 (AFP)as the report dated Dec 4th<\/sup> 2015, suggests in National daily \u2018The Hindu.\u2019 (8) It has been clearly demonstrated in the above mentioned study that Polio is swapped by AFP.<\/p>\n The Famous experiment where Hahnemann himself took the decoction of cinchona bark and got all the characteristics of Malarial fever. It\u2019s an open challenge anyone can redo this experiment and check the results.\u00a0 An example of this Natural Law is China\u2019s alkaloid quinine; which cures Malaria even today.<\/p>\n Interestingly I read an article by a sceptic claiming Hippocrates did not suggest \u2018Law of Similars \u2019. Yet that critique clearly showed how Hippocrates operated in the lines of \u2018Similia\u2019\u2026Some people think that \u2018homoios\u2019 and \u2018autos\u2019 merely means \u2018fitting\u2019, \u2018of the same kind\u2019.so the first quote above merely says that cause and remedy belong to the same class<\/u>. If the cause is \u2018too hot or too cold\u2019, the remedy must be of the same kind; wounds however need surgical treatment and the result of wrong food should be solved by diet.\u201d(Skepsis)\u00a0 (9)Hippocrates was not a Homeopath _ Stichting Skepsis.html)<\/p>\n Indeed this is what Homoeopathy is all about, it is of \u2018same kind\u2019 or similar, not \u2018same thing\u2019 like a vaccine. This skeptic still provides good examples of Hippocrates applying Homoeopathic principles based on his own experiences, it\u2019s just a tread of knowledge; but could not develop it into a Medical thought, which later Dr.Hahnemann did. It also led to the discovery of Homoeopathic \u2018Operacy\u2019 by him meaning that natural Law tamed to work for Humanity unlike accidental happy go lucky cures.<\/p>\n Dr Hahnemann has set clear cut Premise for Homoeopathic principles application. It is for naturally occurring diseases or \u2018Dynamic\u2019 in nature, in new age terminology \u201cGenetic\u201d, as well as Immunological Issues. Other problems have to be treated accordingly like Diet and regime, Hygiene or Physiotherapy.<\/p>\n \u201cOnly in the most Urgent cases, where danger of life and imminent death allow no time for the action of a Homoeopathic remedy-\u2026.scarcely minutes-\u2026..in sudden accident occurring to previously healthy individuals, for example Asphyxia,\u2026it is admissible and judicious at all events\u2026to stimulate irritability and sensibility\u2026.for there is no natural diseases to be removed\u2026..to this category belongs antidotes to poisonings, alkalis to mineral acids\u2026.pg.152,. Organon of Medicine., by Dr.Hahnemann.<\/p>\n Dr.Hahnemann\u2019s good old friend Dr.Hufeland one of the best critique as well as earliest Sceptic whose contribution to Homoeopathy is enormous; mockingly said that it only removes symptoms and not disease. This alone prompted Hahnemann to search for \u201ccure model\u201d, for the genetically oriented disorders or so called Soil\/Miasma the base Nature of the Individual. This led to the disease classification as<\/p>\n Acute diseases<\/strong>: caused by external elements infectious in nature like Fevers and other life threatening diseases, usually self-limiting ones. Infections can be overcome by increased Immunity due to Homoeopathy, but each case is decided on its merits.<\/p>\n Chronic diseases<\/strong> which have a long course; no imminent threat to life except in acute flare ups, but will neither subside nor rectified on their own and are carried over to their off springs. Homoeopathy is most suitable for diseases of this nature where Allopathy usually removes symptoms but diseases are progressive.<\/p>\n Though our newest\u00a0 Sceptic , Dr.Venkaraman Ramakrishnan a man of repute, unfortunately is ill informed and has based his allegations on hearsay which itself is against scientific spirit. (10)Whether our Nobel Laureate is proving what Edward De bono suggests,\u201dYou can be a thinker without being an intellectual. Indeed many intellectuals are not particularly good thinkers.\u201d He did not compare within\u00a0 two Medical\u00a0 thoughts like Homoeopathy and Herbal therapies , he took a safe bet like Astrology and Homoeopathy both which\u00a0 are not on a fight back mode.<\/p>\n Do not jump to the conclusion that these new skeptics who call themselves \u201cTAM-Truth about Alternative Medicines\u201d are well armoured with knowledge, before rubbishing Homoeopathy unlike their older counterparts. They haven\u2019t done any Homework they just sit on the panels use cheap tactics like ridiculing, rejecting evidence provided without examining and hate speech. They are worried of immense popularity about which they themselves unswervingly supply data and think millions of people who take Homoeopathy are fools and are beyond salvaged.<\/p>\n They just argue that, \u201c\u2026.. it\u2019s unfortunate; that millions are using it; say even Medical as well as University Students are catching up with it.\u201d(11)\u00a0 A good Thinker will be aghast to note, so much of venom spilled against a Medical Therapeutic system which has survived only due to patronage of Common Man for centuries; why is it so?\u00a0 Is it a terrorist outfit? There is lot more to it than just cynicism.<\/p>\n Even when Dr. Bellare of IIT.,Mumbai, said Homoeopathic dilutions have Nano particles it was ridiculed citing\u00a0 it may be due to contamination since dilutions were procured from Local Shop as against manufactured under stringent conditions. (12)<\/p>\n Thanks for the Sceptics; attacks on Homoeopathy have triggered a chain reaction in Homoeopathic fraternity which has produced enormous Data about Scientifics of Homoeopathy by Non Homoeopathic Scientists which is good for us as well as our Patrons.<\/p>\n “It is not… That some people do not know what to do with truth when it is offered to them,\u00a0But the tragic fate is to reach, after patient search, a condition of mind-blindness, in which\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 The truth is not recognized, though it stares you in the face.” Sir William Osler, physician,\u00a0 1849-1919<\/p>\n The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.\u201d \u2015\u00a0Hippocrates<\/a>.<\/p>\n So, our exponentially growing Client base as well as Homoeopaths should carry on our commendable work for the betterment of All of us.<\/p>\n \u201cI\u2019m a science journalist. I don\u2019t celebrate science; I criticize it, because science needs critics more than cheerleaders<\/a>. I point out gaps between scientific hype and reality. That keeps me busy, because, as you know, most peer-reviewed scientific claims are wrong<\/a>\u201d, says John Horgan(13) in Scientific American journal<\/strong>. So he himself claims he treats the skeptics skeptically. But as he suggests let the world be harsher on mammograms and Wars but don\u2019t be soft on Homoeopathy we need our critiques to push us to move forward.And dialogues and healthy debates are always welcome.<\/em><\/p>\n One of my Patient reacted \u201cAllopaths says don\u2019t go to Homoeopathy and you say don\u2019t go to Allopathy\u2026.\u201d. I said \u201cWe never ever ask an emergency case to stop allopathic or come to us alone as we are here to help our Patients to get maximum health benefits. We\u00a0 are not in a cat fight with any system because our Plane of action<\/strong> is totally unparalleled.<\/em><\/p>\n References<\/p>\n Dr.Rekha Karnam Srinivasan BHMS.MD<\/strong> Dr Rekha Karnam Srinivasan Key words: Principles- Poles apart, different Planes, Materialistic versus Dynamic, in congruent comparison. “We must admit that we have never fought the homeopath on matters of principle. We\u00a0 Fought them because […]<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":19523,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[97,41],"tags":[6063,6064],"class_list":{"0":"post-29786","1":"post","2":"type-post","3":"status-publish","4":"format-standard","5":"has-post-thumbnail","7":"category-homeopathy-general","8":"category-research-homoeopathy","9":"tag-dr-rekha-karnam-srinivasan","10":"tag-homoeopathy-and-allopathic-systems-of-medicines"},"yoast_head":"\n\n
\n Web : <\/strong>www.rajhomoeoclinic.c<\/strong>om<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"