{"id":33448,"date":"2018-03-22T05:09:15","date_gmt":"2018-03-22T05:09:15","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/?p=33448"},"modified":"2022-01-05T15:35:24","modified_gmt":"2022-01-05T15:35:24","slug":"history-of-medicine-concise-notes-for-pg-students","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/history-of-medicine-concise-notes-for-pg-students\/","title":{"rendered":"History of medicine-concise notes for PG students"},"content":{"rendered":"

History of medicine – concise notes for PG students<\/p>\n

SL NO<\/b><\/td>\nTOPIC<\/b><\/td>\nPAGE NUMB<\/b><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
2<\/td>\nPrehistoric medicine<\/td>\n5<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
3<\/td>\nIndian medicine<\/td>\n6<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
4<\/td>\nChinese medicine<\/td>\n14<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
5<\/td>\nEgyptian medicine<\/td>\n19<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
6<\/td>\nMesopotamian period medicine<\/td>\n27<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
7<\/td>\nGreek medicine<\/td>\n30<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
8<\/td>\nAlexandrian medicine<\/td>\n37<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
9<\/td>\nRomen medicine<\/td>\n38<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
10<\/td>\nMedivial period medicine<\/td>\n44<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
11<\/td>\nRenaissance period medicine<\/td>\n46<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
12<\/td>\n17th<\/sup> century medicine<\/td>\n56<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
13<\/td>\n18th<\/sup> century medicine<\/td>\n63<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
14<\/td>\nModern medicine<\/td>\n72<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n



TIMELINE :<\/b><\/p>\n

PREHISTORIC————BC 8000-5000<\/p>\n


CHINESE MEDICINE —-BC 3500-500<\/p>\n

EGYPTIAN MEDICINE—BC 3300-1000<\/p>\n

MESAPOTOMIAN ——–BC 3000<\/p>\n

GREEK MEDICINE———BC 500-100<\/p>\n


ROMAN MEDICINE———–BC 300-200<\/p>\n

MIDDLE AGES——————-AD 500-1500<\/p>\n

RENAISSANCE PERIOD———AD 1300-1500<\/p>\n

18TH<\/sup> CENTURY MEDICINE——AD 1700-1800<\/p>\n

MODERN MEDICINE ————1800—–+++<\/p>\n

CLASSIFICATION :<\/b><\/p>\n









MIDDLE AGES<\/b><\/p>\n





-includes beginning of renaissance movements<\/p>\n

-new scientific sprit developed<\/p>\n

-got influenced by medical knowledge from other parts of world.<\/p>\n


-is also called early modern period<\/p>\n

– Period between renaissance and 18th<\/sup> century<\/p>\n

-experimentation, observation became the basis of science<\/p>\n

-medical and scientific knowledge consolidated<\/p>\n


1-20TH<\/sup> CENTURY MEDICINE<\/p>\n

2-21ST<\/sup> CENTURY MEDICINE<\/p>\n

2.PRE HISTORIC MEDICINE (8000-5000 BC) :<\/b><\/p>\n

  • -it is old as Paleolithic dwellers<\/li>\n
  • -can be trace d back to 10000 years<\/li>\n
  • -had very less medical knowledge<\/li>\n
  • -was based on god, evil spirits, stars and planet-combination of superstition, religion, magic, witchcraft<\/li>\n
  • -called SUPERNATURAL THEORY<\/b> of diseases<\/li>\n
  • -prayers, offerings, rituals, witch craft were done as part of treatments<\/li>\n
  • -but they had some knowledge of herbs e.g.-violet as cough medicine<\/li>\n
  • -believed cast of hair, nails, excretions would warn off the evil spirits. So they took care to burry such tings<\/li>\n
  • -TREPHENING<\/b>-was primitive form of surgery, making hole on skull for epilepsy, infantile convulsions, and headache.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

    3.INDIAN MEDICINE\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n

    • -India is world\u2019s most ancient civilization<\/li>\n
    • -this civilization had enriched every art and science known to man<\/li>\n
    • -6th<\/sup> BC itself Indians had described ligaments, sutures, lymphatics , nerve plexus, fascia, adipose, vascular tissue ,synovial membranes<\/li>\n
    • -described many more muscles than any modern anatomists<\/li>\n
    • -described digestive functions, gastric juices, chyme to chyle\uf0e0blood absorption<\/li>\n
    • -according to GRANT DUFF<\/b> a British historian most of the modern advances were already developed in India centuries ago.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

      A.AYURVEDA<\/b> :<\/p>\n

      • -Ayurveda \u2013word means wisdom of living or knowledge<\/b> for<\/b> long life<\/b><\/li>\n
      • -aysh=life<\/b> or life principle and Veda=knowledge, the science of life\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
      • RIG VEDA and<\/b> ATHARVA VEDA (BC 5000<\/b>)- had mentioned about valuable medical information<\/li>\n
      • ATHARMA VEDA described<\/b> 2 systems<\/li>\n
      • 1-charms and magico \u2013religious medicine<\/li>\n
      • 2-drugs on empirical basis<\/li>\n
      • -it is believed to be divine, the knowledge passed from god BRHAMA\uf0e0ASHWINS \uf0e0INDRA\uf0e0BHARADWAJA<\/li>\n
      • DHANVANTHARI<\/b> is considered as the god of Ayurveda<\/li>\n
      • -First human exponent of Ayurveda bharadwaja<\/b> who believed to be learnt directly from indra<\/li>\n
      • -Ayurveda was first described in textbook form by AGNIVESA-<\/b>in his book AGNIVESH TANTRA\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
      • -This book was revived by charaka and became known as CHARAKA<\/b> SAMHITHA-<\/b><\/li>\n
      • –<\/b>it is the most massive and most important compilation of Ayurveda<\/li>\n
      • -Another early text was SUSRUTHA SAMHITHA<\/b> \u00a0 by susrutha \u2013around 1000 BC<\/li>\n
      • -It is the first compendia on Ayurveda medicine and surgery<\/li>\n
      • -susrutha was believed to be primary pupil of dhanvanthari<\/li>\n
      • -susrutha is called FATHER OF SURGERY<\/b><\/li>\n
      • -ophthalmology and obstetrics are described in susrutha samhitha<\/li>\n
      • -charaka samhitha and susrutha samhitha were the text books used in NALANDA <\/b>and THAKSHASILA<\/b><\/li>\n
      • -followed HOLISTIC APPROACH\u00a0<\/i><\/b><\/li>\n
      • -school of physicians followed ATHREYA SAMPRADAYA<\/b> and school of surgeons followed DHANVANTHARI SAMPRADAYA<\/b><\/li>\n
      • -Ayurveda used thousands of diagnostic terms and many surgical instruments,<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

        THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES :<\/b><\/p>\n

        1-VIPAREETHA CHIKITSA<\/b><\/p>\n

        • -antagonize the disease and counter act etiological factors and symptoms (antipathy)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

          2 VIPAREETHA KARI CHIKITSA\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n

          • -treating by medicines exerts similar effects (similia)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

            8 branches of Ayurveda are called ASHTANGAS :<\/b><\/p>\n

            • 1-internal medicine \u2013KAYACHIKITSA<\/b><\/li>\n
            • 2-pediatrics \u2013KOUMARABHRUTYA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n
            • 3-psychiatry psychology-BHUTA VIDYA<\/b><\/li>\n
            • 4-ears, eyes, nose, throat \u2013SHALAKYA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n
            • 5-surgery-SHALYA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n
            • 6-Toxicology-AGATHA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n
            • 7-rejuvenation \u2013RASAYANA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n
            • 8-fertility therapy \u2013VAJIKARANA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

              SAPTA DHATUS :<\/b><\/p>\n

              • -dhatu=that which forms the body or tissues<\/b><\/li>\n
              • -seven tissue types according to\u00a0 Ayurveda are<\/li>\n
              • -RASA, RAKTHA, MAAMSA, MEDAS, ASTHI, MAJJA, and SUKLA<\/b><\/li>\n
              • -Central concept is \u2013diseases are due to imbalance in DOSHAS\u2014VATA, PITTA, KAPHA<\/b><\/li>\n
              • -body is made of five elements called PANCHABHUTAS-EARTH, AIR, WATER, FIRE, and VACCUM<\/b><\/li>\n
              • VATA<\/b>-is dynamic or kinetic principle -movements -\u2013represented by AIR<\/li>\n
              • -PITTA<\/b> is thermal or explosive force-transformations \uf0e0SUN<\/li>\n
              • -KAPHA<\/b>-is cohesive force, electromagnetic and gravitational force<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                TYPE OF TREATMENTS :<\/b><\/p>\n

                1-SHAMANA (palliation)<\/b><\/p>\n

                • -means alleviation of symptoms<\/li>\n
                • -Internal medicines are given to suppress DOSHAS<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                  2-SHODHANA (purification)\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n

                  • -means elimination of basic cause of disease<\/li>\n
                  • -5 types of shodhanas are there called PANCHAKARMA\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
                  • -They are VAMANA, VIRECHANA, NASYA, VASTI, and RAKTHA MOKSHANA<\/b><\/li>\n
                  • -external treatments are given<\/li>\n
                  • -there are 2 preparative steps for shodhana called POORVA KARMA<\/b><\/li>\n
                  • 1-SNEHANA<\/b><\/li>\n
                  • 2-SWEDANA<\/b><\/li>\n
                  • -very effective in neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, metabolic and degenerative disorders<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                    3-PATHYA VYAVASTHA\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n

                    • -Contain indications and contra indications in diet, activity, habits and emotional status<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                      4-NIDAN PARIVARJAN\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n

                      • -complete avoidance of disease causing environment and factors (maintaining cause)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                        • -idea of control of mental disturbances<\/li>\n
                        • -restraining mind from desires<\/li>\n
                        • -improve memory, concentration etc.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                          • -Promotion o health and vitality.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                            KEY FIGURES AND CONTRIBUTIONS :<\/b><\/p>\n


                            • -wrote charaka samhitha<\/li>\n
                            • -said it is more important to prevent occurrence of disease than to seek a cure<\/li>\n
                            • -First physician to present concepts of digestion<\/b>, metabolism<\/b> and immunity<\/b><\/li>\n
                            • -described doshas<\/b><\/li>\n
                            • -Was aware of germs but didn\u2019t give much importance to it \u2013holistic approach<\/li>\n
                            • -fundamentals of GENETICS\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
                            • -studied anatomy very deeply said 360 bones are there in our body including teeth<\/li>\n
                            • -wrongly believed heart had one cavity but said heart is connected to other parts by 13 channels<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                              • -was a surgeon lived near Ganges<\/li>\n
                              • -wrote susrutha samhitha<\/li>\n
                              • -called FATHER OF SURGERY<\/b><\/li>\n
                              • -Advocated practices of surgery on watermelons, clay pots \u2013like modern practices of surgical workshops<\/li>\n
                              • -Called FATHER<\/b> OF PLASTIC SURGERY <\/b>and FATHER OF COSMETIC SURGERY<\/b> \u2013did rhinoplasy<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                B.UNANI :<\/b><\/p>\n

                                • -Based on GREEK philosophy<\/li>\n
                                • -word unan in Arabic = land Greece<\/li>\n
                                • -treatment by concept of balancing body humors<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                  PRINCIPLES :<\/b><\/p>\n

                                  • \u2013Body is made of 4 elements \u2013earth, water, air, fire (Indian and Chinese-5 elements +vacuum)<\/li>\n
                                  • -3 parts of body are<\/li>\n
                                  • 1-SOLID<\/b> PART<\/b> (organs)<\/li>\n
                                  • 2-LIQUID PART<\/b> (humors)<\/li>\n
                                  • 3-GASEOUS PART<\/b> (pneuma)<\/li>\n
                                  • -4 TEMPEREMENTS<\/b> are COLD, HOT, WET, And DRY<\/b><\/li>\n
                                  • -Mixed temperaments also exists COLD-DRY, WET-HOT etc<\/li>\n
                                  • -Phlegm-is cold and wet<\/li>\n
                                  • -Blood-is hot and wet<\/li>\n
                                  • -Yellow bile- is hot and dry<\/li>\n
                                  • -black bile is cold and dry<\/li>\n
                                  • -believes in promotion of health, prevention of disease and cure<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
                                    • -Six essentials maintains life called ASBABE SITTA ZAROORYA <\/b>are<\/li>\n
                                    • 1-atmospheric air<\/li>\n
                                    • 2-sreinks and food<\/li>\n
                                    • 3-sleep and wakefulness<\/li>\n
                                    • 4-excretion and retention<\/li>\n
                                    • 5-physical activity and rest<\/li>\n
                                    • 6-mental activity and rest<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
                                      • diagnosis<\/b> was mainly based on pulse (NABZ)<\/b><\/li>\n
                                      • -Gave importance to physical examination of stool and urine<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                        TYPES OF TREATMENT :<\/b><\/p>\n

                                        1-ILAJBIL TADBEER <\/b>(regional therapy)<\/p>\n

                                        • -include exercise, massage, bath etc.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                          2-ILAJBIL GHIZA <\/b>(dieto- therapy)<\/p>\n

                                          3-ILAJBIL DAVA <\/b>(pharmaco therapy)<\/p>\n

                                          • -treatment by drugs opposite to temperament-ILAJBIL ZID\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
                                          • -by drugs similar to the temperament-ILAJBIL MISL<\/b><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
                                            • -Muslim physicians were called HAKIMS\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
                                            • -drugs were mainly herbs + some animal and mineral drugs<\/li>\n
                                            • -used single crude and compound drugs<\/li>\n
                                            • -GREEK, ARABIC, SPANISH AND INDIAN SYSTEMS had contributed a lot UNANI SYSTEM\n
                                              • it gained popularity because of efficacy and non toxicity of drugs<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n
                                              • HAKIM AJMAL KHAN <\/b>was a famous Indian unani medic who established Ayurveda and unani college in Delhi<\/li>\n
                                              • -he was the first person who introduced RESRPINE for hypertension to the world<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                C.SIDDHA :<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                • -was an ancient system in India<\/li>\n
                                                • SIDDHARS<\/b> were saintly figures mastered in yoga<\/b> \u2013this system was developed by siddha’s \u2013<\/li>\n
                                                • -Practiced in Tamil speaking parts of India \u2013literatures were in Tamil<\/b><\/li>\n
                                                • -this system is also called AGASTHYAR SYSTEM<\/b> in name of saint Agasthya<\/b><\/li>\n
                                                • -this system was developed within Dravidian culture<\/li>\n
                                                • -is mainly therapeutic in nature<\/li>\n
                                                • -it is believed that medical knowledge came from LORD SHIVA\uf0e0PARVATHI\uf0e0NANDI\uf0e0AGASTHYA\uf0e0SIDDHARS<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                  D.BASIC CONCEPTS :<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                  • iatrochemistry<\/b> was followed like Ayurveda<\/li>\n
                                                  • -believed human body was replica of universe<\/b> so are the foods and drugs<\/li>\n
                                                  • -believed body is made of 5 elements<\/b> like in Ayurveda<\/li>\n
                                                  • -deals with the concept of salvation<\/b> or moksha by medicines, yoga and meditations<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                    E.MATERIA MEDICA :<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                    • -had rich medicinal knowledge<\/li>\n
                                                    • -There are 25<\/b> varieties of UPPU<\/b> \u2013water soluble-alkalis and salts<\/li>\n
                                                    • 64 mineral <\/b>drugs-water insoluble-sublimating substances-in which 32 is natural <\/b>and next 32 is artificial<\/b>\n
                                                      • 7 drug-water insoluble <\/b>\u2013emit vapors on heating<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n
                                                      • -compounds of sulphur <\/b>and mercury<\/b> have great importance in siddha<\/li>\n
                                                      • -used metals alloys as medicines<\/li>\n
                                                      • -were aware of processes like sublimation, calcinations, distillation, fusion, conjunction, combination, congelation, cibation, fermentation, exaltation etc.<\/li>\n
                                                      • -aware if Cupellation of gold and silver<\/li>\n
                                                      • -followed polypharmacy<\/b><\/li>\n
                                                      • -effective in skin <\/b>problems like psoriasis, STD, UTI, liver and GIT diseases etc<\/li>\n
                                                      • -used individualization<\/b> for prescription<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                        4.CHINESE MEDICINE\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                        • believed in god animated nature and universal animism<\/li>\n
                                                        • -medical treatments were in hands of priests<\/li>\n
                                                        • -during CHOU<\/b> dynasty priests and doctors were separated\n
                                                          • During yin<\/b> dynasty (BC206-220) and han<\/b> dynasty \u2013medicines were recorded<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n
                                                          • HUA-TO<\/b> performed first treatment in history using anesthetics<\/li>\n
                                                          • -during tan dynasty all medical knowledge were collected<\/li>\n
                                                          • -believed universe was spontaneously created by TAO<\/b> made up of 2 souls YIN <\/b>and YANG<\/b>\n
                                                            • YIN <\/b>is feminine<\/b> and YANG<\/b> is masculine<\/b> power of body<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n
                                                            • -medical concepts were based on religion<\/li>\n
                                                            • -3 religions dominant in china were \u2013TAOISM by lao-zu, BUDDHISM-by Gautama Buddha and CONFUCIANISM- by Confucius<\/b><\/li>\n
                                                            • -TAOISM laid close association between medicine and sex<\/li>\n
                                                            • -persons with mystical powers were called \u2018WU\u2019<\/b><\/li>\n
                                                            • -Oldest writing is HUANGDI NEIJING<\/b> (yellow emperors inner classic<\/b>)-contain dialogs between emperor HUANGDI<\/b> and physicians especially SHENNONG<\/b><\/li>\n
                                                            • -diagnostics, pathology, acupuncture etc. developed<\/li>\n
                                                            • -believed prostrate problems are caused by dampness and treated accordingly<\/li>\n
                                                            • -thought migraine is liver and blood disorder<\/li>\n
                                                            • -human dissections had been conducted<\/li>\n
                                                            • -anatomy and physiology were based on THEORY OF COSMOLOGY<\/b> not observations<\/li>\n
                                                            • -it was the first culture adopted hygiene as a prevention method for disease<\/li>\n
                                                            • -obstetrics was in hands of midwives<\/li>\n
                                                            • -medical education only for emperor and his court<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                              PHYSIOLOGY OF CHINESE MEDICINE :<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                              divide into external and internal<\/p>\n

                                                              External\u00a0<\/b>-contain 12 meridian channels-attacked by wind, cold, damp dust, heat etc.<\/p>\n


                                                              • -Contain 12 organs \u2013formed from 5 elements<\/li>\n
                                                              • -5- Element theory uses the scientific fact of rotation of earth on its own axis<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
                                                                • -they were 8 fundamental patterns of defining diseases<\/li>\n
                                                                • -they were INTERIOR, EXTERIOR, HEAT OR COLD, EXCESS, DEFICIENCY<\/b>, YIN and YANG<\/b><\/li>\n
                                                                • -Form of energy was called \u201cQI\u201d<\/b><\/li>\n
                                                                • -Whole universe is made of QI<\/li>\n
                                                                • INTERIOR and EXTERIOR<\/b> \u2013 location of disease<\/li>\n
                                                                • INTERIOR<\/b>-chronic disease<\/li>\n
                                                                • EXTERIOR-<\/b>acute disease<\/li>\n
                                                                • COLD means <\/b>deficient YANG and excess YIN-weakness<\/li>\n
                                                                • HEAT<\/b>-excess YANG and deficient YIN-hyperactivity<\/li>\n
                                                                • -herbs were used extensively in small fractions<\/li>\n
                                                                • -divided herbs into 5 flavors with different use<\/li>\n
                                                                • -BITTER HERBS \u2013<\/b>\n
                                                                  • remove heat from body,<\/li>\n
                                                                  • cure cough<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n
                                                                  • -treat constipation<\/li>\n
                                                                  • -good for heart<\/li>\n
                                                                  • -SWEET<\/b>\n
                                                                    • Spleen disorders,<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n
                                                                    • -pain reduction<\/li>\n
                                                                    • -restore harmony<\/li>\n
                                                                    • -PUNGENT<\/b>–<\/li>\n
                                                                    • -Aids circulation<\/li>\n
                                                                    • -lung diseases<\/li>\n
                                                                    • -mild complaints<\/li>\n
                                                                    • SOUR\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
                                                                    • -Aid liver<\/li>\n
                                                                    • -diarrhea<\/li>\n
                                                                    • -prevent pus<\/li>\n
                                                                    • -SALT<\/b><\/li>\n
                                                                    • -Aid constipation<\/li>\n
                                                                    • -thyroid, abdominal, and kidney diseases<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                                                                      -Based on pulse-first exponent was CHIAO<\/b> who wrote an authoritative book on it<\/p>\n

                                                                      -Tongue diagnosis \u2013certain areas of tongue represented different organs<\/p>\n

                                                                      ACUPUNCTURE :<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                      • -This was a common form of treatment in China<\/li>\n
                                                                      • -flu and chronic pains were treated successfully<\/li>\n
                                                                      • -it is based on idea that externally there are many points which has influence on inner boy\u2014acupuncture points<\/li>\n
                                                                      • -inner and outer body is connected by 12 channels<\/li>\n
                                                                      • -formed by 6 yin and 6 yang channels<\/li>\n
                                                                      • -3 yin and 3 yang channel is present in one arm and leg<\/li>\n
                                                                      • -pressure of needles used in acupuncture was not painful<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                                        Other characteristics of Chinese system<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                        • -intensity of symptom was used to divide disease into excess or deficient<\/li>\n
                                                                        • -wheezing indicated dampness<\/li>\n
                                                                        • -foul order indicated excess<\/li>\n
                                                                        • -less odor indicated deficiency<\/li>\n
                                                                        • Seasonal weather, geographical location, environment and personal factors like age, sex, temperament, and customs were considered<\/li>\n
                                                                        • -believed summer humidity cause dampness and cause diseases<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                                                                          • -method of burning mug wort, small herbs to facilitate healing<\/li>\n
                                                                          • -believed this would stimulate flow of QI<\/li>\n
                                                                          • -2 methods of moxibustion were there-direct and indirect<\/li>\n
                                                                          • -used for cold and stagnant condition\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                                            \u00a0<\/b>QI GONG and TAI-CHI<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                            Were breathing and spiritual exercises<\/p>\n

                                                                            KEY FIGURES :<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                            1-BIAN QUE<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                            -was an excellent diagnostician, acupuncture therapist<\/p>\n

                                                                            2-TSAN-KUNG (CANG GONG<\/b>)<\/p>\n

                                                                            -famous for record keeping<\/p>\n

                                                                            -developed concept of prognosis<\/p>\n

                                                                            -described cancer, UTI, aneurisms, renal diseases etc.<\/p>\n


                                                                            -known as HIPPOCRATES OF CHINA or THE SAGE OF MEDICINE<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                            -studied pregnancy, gynecology<\/p>\n


                                                                            -First famous Chinese surgeon<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                            -practiced Qi-gong and acupuncture<\/p>\n

                                                                            -HUA is a brand name in acupuncture needles<\/p>\n

                                                                            \u00a0\u00a0<\/b>5.EGYPTIAN MEDICINE\u00a0<\/b>\u00a0(3300-1000 BC ) <\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                            • From the period of 3300 BC until the Persian invasion of 525 BC.<\/li>\n
                                                                            • Common procedure for healing was amulet or magical spell.<\/li>\n
                                                                            • Surgeons were known as PRIESTS OF SEKHMET.<\/li>\n
                                                                            • Destructive and powerful lion headed goddess of war SEKHMET \u2013considered to be supreme deity of healing.<\/li>\n
                                                                            • Medical papyri- <\/b>contain <\/b>egyptian knowledge of medicine,anatomy and physiology.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                                              HISTORICAL\u00a0 SOURCES :<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                              1.THE EDWIN SMITH PAPYRUS:<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                              M<\/b>ost important documents pertaining to medicine in the ancient nile valley.-Deal with the ailments in the order of the bodily parts from head to foot.Discussion of each case in the order of<\/p>\n





                                                                              5.Glosses (dictionary )<\/p>\n

                                                                              2.THE EBERS PAPYRUS\u00a0<\/b> Most lengthy papyri.<\/p>\n

                                                                              Contain medical text books<\/p>\n

                                                                              1. Recitals before medical treatment,to increase the virtue of the remedy.<\/li>\n
                                                                              2. Internal medical diseases.Diseases of the eye.<\/li>\n
                                                                              3. Diseases of the skin(with an appendix of sundries)<\/li>\n
                                                                              4. Diseases of extremities<\/li>\n
                                                                              5. Diseases of women and matters concerning housekeeping.<\/li>\n
                                                                              6. Information of an anaomic,physiologic, and pathologic nature and explanation of words.<\/li>\n
                                                                              7. Surgical diseases<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

                                                                                3.KAHUN\u00a0 GYNECOLOGICAL PAPYRUS<\/b>:<\/p>\n

                                                                                • T<\/b>he text was published in facsimile.<\/li>\n
                                                                                • Hieroglyphic transcription.<\/li>\n
                                                                                • Translation in to English by GRIFFITH in 1898.<\/li>\n
                                                                                • The gynecological text divided in to 34 paragraph.<\/li>\n
                                                                                • First seventeen have common format.Second section begin from third page and contain 8 paragraph.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                                                  Paragraph 19- recognition of who will give<\/p>\n


                                                                                  Paragraph 20-Fumigation procedure.<\/p>\n

                                                                                  Paragraph 20-22-contraception.<\/p>\n

                                                                                  4.MATERIAL PRESCRIBED FOR CONTRACEPTION:<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                                  \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0<\/b>Crocodile dung.<\/p>\n

                                                                                  45 ml of honey.<\/p>\n

                                                                                  Sour milk.<\/p>\n

                                                                                  • Third section-testing for pregnancy.<\/li>\n
                                                                                  • Fourth and final section \u2013contain two Paragraph.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                                                    First paragraph- toothaches during pregnancy.<\/p>\n

                                                                                    Second paragraph-fistula b\/t bladder and vagina with incontinence of urine.<\/p>\n

                                                                                    CONCEPT OF MEDICINE:<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                                    • T<\/b>he ancient Egyptians considered cosmos hold universe together. Sum total of all universal force was the GOD,THE SUPREME.<\/li>\n
                                                                                    • Human races owes to the concept of the LAW OF ANALOGY \u2013 \u201cthat which is above is like unto that which is below,and that which is below is like unto that which is above.\u201d<\/i><\/b><\/li>\n
                                                                                    • The ancient Egyptian\u00a0 taught that human body was the MICROCOSM or\u00a0 LITTLE COSMOS, made in the form of MACROCOSM or the GREAT COSMOS.<\/li>\n
                                                                                    • Ancient Egyptian medicine known by Egyptian as\u00a0 NECESSARY ART has two main aspects \u2013 medical and magical.<\/i><\/b>The MAGICAL aspects deal with disease or illness caused by divine acts of gods.The MEDICAL aspects deals with anatomy and surgery which involves the preservation of the dead.<\/li>\n
                                                                                    • Magic and religion were the part of everyday life in Egypt. God and demons were responsible for many ailment.so treatment involve\u00a0 supernatural elements.<\/li>\n
                                                                                    • AMULETS were known for their magical purposes.Health related amulets are classifieds in to<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
                                                                                      1. HOMEOPOETIC AMULETS:An animal or part of an animal from which wearer hopes to assimilate positive attributes.<\/li>\n
                                                                                      2. PHYLACTIC AMULETS:Protective , warding off harmful gods and demons.FAMOUS EYE OF HORUS was used on phylactic amulets<\/li>\n
                                                                                      3. THEOPHORIC AMULETS:Represents Egyptian gods.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

                                                                                        CAUSES OF DISEASE:\u00a0<\/b>They believed in SEKMET, the war goddess \u2013causes illness.THOTH gave doctors the ability to cure. Believed in evil spirit.Believed that the channel of thebody (veins) could become blocked causing illness.<\/p>\n

                                                                                        CURE OF DISEASE<\/b>:<\/p>\n

                                                                                        • All measures of treatment were directed towards the removal of cause.<\/li>\n
                                                                                        • SEKMET could be pleased by religious rituals .The god BES \u2013frighten away evil spirit.<\/li>\n
                                                                                        • Body channel could be cleared by laxatives.<\/li>\n
                                                                                        • Herbal cures.Eg:honey for the disease of eye.<\/li>\n
                                                                                        • OPIUM used to drive away evil spirit.<\/li>\n
                                                                                        • People wore amulets and\u00a0 charms to avoid and cure illness.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                                                          ORIGIN OF MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE:<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                                          Strong belief in life after death.They were pre occupied with dead body and the notion that it must remain intact and have a proper burial.<\/p>\n

                                                                                          Earliest form of surgery \u2013 THE ART OF EMBALMING.Benefits of art of embalming are:<\/p>\n

                                                                                          1.preserve dead body.<\/p>\n

                                                                                          2.to be familiar with the appearance,nature, and mutual positioning of internal organs.<\/p>\n

                                                                                          3.first opportunity for the observation of human anatomy.<\/p>\n

                                                                                          During the process of embalming,internal organs were removed except the heart,which was thought to be necessary for the after life.this made them aware of<\/p>\n

                                                                                          • Brain was the seat of the body control<\/li>\n
                                                                                          • Heart as the source of blood vessels.<\/li>\n
                                                                                          • Physiology\u00a0 of circulation<\/li>\n
                                                                                          • Importance of pulse \u2013 speech of heart.<\/li>\n
                                                                                          • Disease like osteoarthritis.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                                                            MEDICAL PRACTICE:<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                                            • Ancient Egyptian word for doctor is SWNW.The earliest recorded physician in the world is also credited to ancient Egypt.<\/li>\n
                                                                                            • HESYRE \u2013 CHIEF OF DENTIST AND PHYSICIANS for the king Djoser in the 27 th century.<\/li>\n
                                                                                            • The lady \u00a0 PRESESHET (2400 BC) ,mother of Akhethotep known as IMY-R- SWNWT.translated as LADY OVERSEER OF THE LADY PHYSICIANS. SWNWT is the feminine of swnw.first recorded female doctor. Many ranks and specializations in the swnw.<\/li>\n
                                                                                            • Ancient Egyptian term for proctologist,neruphuyt translated as shepherd of the anus.<\/li>\n
                                                                                            • Medical institutions have been established in ancient Egypt as early as 1 st dynasty.By the time of 19 th\u00a0 dynasty\u00a0 their employees enjoyed benefits as medical insurance,pension,sick leave.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                                                              DISEASES OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN:<\/b><\/p>\n

                                                                                              • Fertility was diagnosed by placing garlic in the vagina for one night.If the next day the women can taste or smell it in her mouth.this is based upon the connection between genital tract and interior of the body.such connection could be losed in obstructed fallopian tubes.<\/li>\n
                                                                                              • Diagnosis of pregnancy and sex determination of child based on the fact that pregnant urine germinate cereals\u00a0 more\u00a0 rapid than non pregnant. If the child is male,urine would germinate wheat.if a female it would germinate barley.<\/li>\n
                                                                                              • Delivery was performed in the squatting position,with women supporting her arms on knees and sitting on two bricks.some wall painting shows the evidence of caesarean section.<\/li>\n
                                                                                              • Difficult labors were aided by burning resin or massaging the abdomen by saffron powder and beer.<\/li>\n
                                                                                              • Abortions were done by introduction of warm oil and fat in the vagina.contraception performed by insertion of crocodile oil,gum acacia,honey consperge,natron in to the vagina.<\/li>\n
                                                                                              • Gum acacia when dissolved produces lactic acid \u2013a very effective known spermicidal.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                                                                                                • The Edwin smith papyrus shows the suturing of non infected wounds with needle and thread.Raw meat was applied on first day,subsequently replaced by dressing of astringent herbs,honey and butter or bread. Raw meat prevent bleeding.Honey \u2013 hygroscopic and stimulate secretion of WBC.<\/li>\n
                                                                                                • Piles and rectal prolapse treated\u00a0 by medication, suppositories, laxatives and enema.<\/li>\n
                                                                                                • For burns \u2013 a mixture of milk of a women who has\u00a0 a new born male child,gum,rams hair.<\/li>\n
                                                                                                • Urethral stricture dilated using reeds.<\/li>\n
                                                                                                • Antiseptics used are frankincense,date wine,turpentine,acacia gum.<\/li>\n
                                                                                                • Hot fire drill used in cauterization.<\/li>\n
                                                                                                • Patients were sedated by opiates.local anesthesia was also known.water mixed with vinegar,Memphite stone resulting in formation of carbon dioxide \u2013 know for its analgesic effect.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

                                                                                                  PUBLIC HEALTH:<\/b><\/p>\n