\n15<\/td>\n | NOTES<\/td>\n | <\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n 1.HISTORY OF MEDICINE – INTRODUCTION<\/b><\/p>\n PREHISTORIC MEDICINE<\/b>\uf0e0INDIAN MEDICINE<\/b>\uf0e0CHINESE MEDICINE<\/b>\uf0e0EGYPTIAN MEDICINE<\/b>\uf0e0MESAPOTOMIAN MEDICINE<\/b>\uf0e0GREEK MEDICINE<\/b>\uf0e0ALEXANDRIAN MEDICINE <\/b>\uf0e0ROMAN MEDICINE<\/b>\uf0e0MIDDLE AGES<\/b>\uf0e0RENAISSANCE PERIOD<\/b>\uf0e018<\/b>TH<\/sup><\/b> CENTURY MEDICINE<\/b>\uf0e0MODERN MEDICE<\/b><\/p>\nTIMELINE :<\/b><\/p>\n PREHISTORIC————BC 8000-5000<\/p>\n INDIAN MEDICINE——BC 5000<\/p>\n CHINESE MEDICINE —-BC 3500-500<\/p>\n EGYPTIAN MEDICINE—BC 3300-1000<\/p>\n MESAPOTOMIAN ——–BC 3000<\/p>\n GREEK MEDICINE———BC 500-100<\/p>\n ALEXANDRIAN MEDICINE\u2014BC 300<\/p>\n ROMAN MEDICINE———–BC 300-200<\/p>\n MIDDLE AGES——————-AD 500-1500<\/p>\n RENAISSANCE PERIOD———AD 1300-1500<\/p>\n 18TH<\/sup> CENTURY MEDICINE——AD 1700-1800<\/p>\nMODERN MEDICINE ————1800—–+++<\/p>\n CLASSIFICATION :<\/b><\/p>\n ANCIENT SYSTEMS<\/b><\/p>\n 1-EGYPTIAN<\/p>\n 2-MESAPOTOMIAN<\/p>\n 3-CHINESE<\/p>\n 4-INDIAN<\/p>\n -AYURVEDA<\/p>\n -UNANI<\/p>\n -SIDDHA<\/p>\n MIDDLE AGES<\/b><\/p>\n 1-BYSANTINE PERIOD<\/p>\n 2-ARABIAN MEDICINE<\/p>\n RENAISSANCE PERIOD<\/b><\/p>\n 1-AWKENING PERIOD<\/p>\n -includes beginning of renaissance movements<\/p>\n -new scientific sprit developed<\/p>\n -got influenced by medical knowledge from other parts of world.<\/p>\n 2-PERIOD OF CONSOLIDATION<\/p>\n -is also called early modern period<\/p>\n – Period between renaissance and 18th<\/sup> century<\/p>\n-experimentation, observation became the basis of science<\/p>\n -medical and scientific knowledge consolidated<\/p>\n MODERN MEDICINE<\/b><\/p>\n 1-20TH<\/sup> CENTURY MEDICINE<\/p>\n2-21ST<\/sup> CENTURY MEDICINE<\/p>\n2.PRE HISTORIC MEDICINE (8000-5000 BC) :<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -it is old as Paleolithic dwellers<\/li>\n
- -can be trace d back to 10000 years<\/li>\n
- -had very less medical knowledge<\/li>\n
- -was based on god, evil spirits, stars and planet-combination of superstition, religion, magic, witchcraft<\/li>\n
- -called SUPERNATURAL THEORY<\/b> of diseases<\/li>\n
- -prayers, offerings, rituals, witch craft were done as part of treatments<\/li>\n
- -but they had some knowledge of herbs e.g.-violet as cough medicine<\/li>\n
- -believed cast of hair, nails, excretions would warn off the evil spirits. So they took care to burry such tings<\/li>\n
- -TREPHENING<\/b>-was primitive form of surgery, making hole on skull for epilepsy, infantile convulsions, and headache.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
3.INDIAN MEDICINE\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -India is world\u2019s most ancient civilization<\/li>\n
- -this civilization had enriched every art and science known to man<\/li>\n
- -6th<\/sup> BC itself Indians had described ligaments, sutures, lymphatics , nerve plexus, fascia, adipose, vascular tissue ,synovial membranes<\/li>\n
- -described many more muscles than any modern anatomists<\/li>\n
- -described digestive functions, gastric juices, chyme to chyle\uf0e0blood absorption<\/li>\n
- -according to GRANT DUFF<\/b> a British historian most of the modern advances were already developed in India centuries ago.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
A.AYURVEDA<\/b> :<\/p>\n\n- -Ayurveda \u2013word means wisdom of living or knowledge<\/b> for<\/b> long life<\/b><\/li>\n
- -aysh=life<\/b> or life principle and Veda=knowledge, the science of life\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
- –RIG VEDA and<\/b> ATHARVA VEDA (BC 5000<\/b>)- had mentioned about valuable medical information<\/li>\n
- —ATHARMA VEDA described<\/b> 2 systems<\/li>\n
- 1-charms and magico \u2013religious medicine<\/li>\n
- 2-drugs on empirical basis<\/li>\n
- -it is believed to be divine, the knowledge passed from god BRHAMA\uf0e0ASHWINS \uf0e0INDRA\uf0e0BHARADWAJA<\/li>\n
- –DHANVANTHARI<\/b> is considered as the god of Ayurveda<\/li>\n
- -First human exponent of Ayurveda bharadwaja<\/b> who believed to be learnt directly from indra<\/li>\n
- -Ayurveda was first described in textbook form by AGNIVESA-<\/b>in his book AGNIVESH TANTRA\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
- -This book was revived by charaka and became known as CHARAKA<\/b> SAMHITHA-<\/b><\/li>\n
- –<\/b>it is the most massive and most important compilation of Ayurveda<\/li>\n
- -Another early text was SUSRUTHA SAMHITHA<\/b> \u00a0 by susrutha \u2013around 1000 BC<\/li>\n
- -It is the first compendia on Ayurveda medicine and surgery<\/li>\n
- -susrutha was believed to be primary pupil of dhanvanthari<\/li>\n
- -susrutha is called FATHER OF SURGERY<\/b><\/li>\n
- -ophthalmology and obstetrics are described in susrutha samhitha<\/li>\n
- -charaka samhitha and susrutha samhitha were the text books used in NALANDA <\/b>and THAKSHASILA<\/b><\/li>\n
- -followed HOLISTIC APPROACH\u00a0<\/i><\/b><\/li>\n
- -school of physicians followed ATHREYA SAMPRADAYA<\/b> and school of surgeons followed DHANVANTHARI SAMPRADAYA<\/b><\/li>\n
- -Ayurveda used thousands of diagnostic terms and many surgical instruments,<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES :<\/b><\/p>\n 1-VIPAREETHA CHIKITSA<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -antagonize the disease and counter act etiological factors and symptoms (antipathy)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
2 VIPAREETHA KARI CHIKITSA\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -treating by medicines exerts similar effects (similia)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
8 branches of Ayurveda are called ASHTANGAS :<\/b><\/p>\n\n- 1-internal medicine \u2013KAYACHIKITSA<\/b><\/li>\n
- 2-pediatrics \u2013KOUMARABHRUTYA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n
- 3-psychiatry psychology-BHUTA VIDYA<\/b><\/li>\n
- 4-ears, eyes, nose, throat \u2013SHALAKYA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n
- 5-surgery-SHALYA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n
- 6-Toxicology-AGATHA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n
- 7-rejuvenation \u2013RASAYANA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n
- 8-fertility therapy \u2013VAJIKARANA TANTRA<\/b><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
SAPTA DHATUS :<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -dhatu=that which forms the body or tissues<\/b><\/li>\n
- -seven tissue types according to\u00a0 Ayurveda are<\/li>\n
- -Central concept is \u2013diseases are due to imbalance in DOSHAS\u2014VATA, PITTA, KAPHA<\/b><\/li>\n
- -body is made of five elements called PANCHABHUTAS-EARTH, AIR, WATER, FIRE, and VACCUM<\/b><\/li>\n
- –VATA<\/b>-is dynamic or kinetic principle -movements -\u2013represented by AIR<\/li>\n
- -PITTA<\/b> is thermal or explosive force-transformations \uf0e0SUN<\/li>\n
- -KAPHA<\/b>-is cohesive force, electromagnetic and gravitational force<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
TYPE OF TREATMENTS :<\/b><\/p>\n 1-SHAMANA (palliation)<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -means alleviation of symptoms<\/li>\n
- -Internal medicines are given to suppress DOSHAS<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
2-SHODHANA (purification)\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -means elimination of basic cause of disease<\/li>\n
- -5 types of shodhanas are there called PANCHAKARMA\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
- -external treatments are given<\/li>\n
- -there are 2 preparative steps for shodhana called POORVA KARMA<\/b><\/li>\n
- 1-SNEHANA<\/b><\/li>\n
- 2-SWEDANA<\/b><\/li>\n
- -very effective in neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, metabolic and degenerative disorders<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
3-PATHYA VYAVASTHA\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -Contain indications and contra indications in diet, activity, habits and emotional status<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
4-NIDAN PARIVARJAN\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -complete avoidance of disease causing environment and factors (maintaining cause)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
5-SATVAVAJAYA<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -idea of control of mental disturbances<\/li>\n
- -restraining mind from desires<\/li>\n
- -improve memory, concentration etc.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
6-RASAYANA\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -Promotion o health and vitality.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
KEY FIGURES AND CONTRIBUTIONS :<\/b><\/p>\n 1-CHARAKA\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -wrote charaka samhitha<\/li>\n
- -said it is more important to prevent occurrence of disease than to seek a cure<\/li>\n
- -First physician to present concepts of digestion<\/b>, metabolism<\/b> and immunity<\/b><\/li>\n
- -described doshas<\/b><\/li>\n
- -Was aware of germs but didn\u2019t give much importance to it \u2013holistic approach<\/li>\n
- -fundamentals of GENETICS\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
- -studied anatomy very deeply said 360 bones are there in our body including teeth<\/li>\n
- -wrongly believed heart had one cavity but said heart is connected to other parts by 13 channels<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
2-SUSRUTHA\u00a0<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -was a surgeon lived near Ganges<\/li>\n
- -wrote susrutha samhitha<\/li>\n
- -called FATHER OF SURGERY<\/b><\/li>\n
- -Advocated practices of surgery on watermelons, clay pots \u2013like modern practices of surgical workshops<\/li>\n
- -Called FATHER<\/b> OF PLASTIC SURGERY <\/b>and FATHER OF COSMETIC SURGERY<\/b> \u2013did rhinoplasy<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
B.UNANI :<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -Based on GREEK philosophy<\/li>\n
- -word unan in Arabic = land Greece<\/li>\n
- -treatment by concept of balancing body humors<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
PRINCIPLES :<\/b><\/p>\n\n- \u2013Body is made of 4 elements \u2013earth, water, air, fire (Indian and Chinese-5 elements +vacuum)<\/li>\n
- -3 parts of body are<\/li>\n
- 1-SOLID<\/b> PART<\/b> (organs)<\/li>\n
- 2-LIQUID PART<\/b> (humors)<\/li>\n
- 3-GASEOUS PART<\/b> (pneuma)<\/li>\n
- -4 TEMPEREMENTS<\/b> are COLD, HOT, WET, And DRY<\/b><\/li>\n
- -Mixed temperaments also exists COLD-DRY, WET-HOT etc<\/li>\n
- -Phlegm-is cold and wet<\/li>\n
- -Blood-is hot and wet<\/li>\n
- -Yellow bile- is hot and dry<\/li>\n
- -black bile is cold and dry<\/li>\n
- -believes in promotion of health, prevention of disease and cure<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
\n- -Six essentials maintains life called ASBABE SITTA ZAROORYA <\/b>are<\/li>\n
- 1-atmospheric air<\/li>\n
- 2-sreinks and food<\/li>\n
- 3-sleep and wakefulness<\/li>\n
- 4-excretion and retention<\/li>\n
- 5-physical activity and rest<\/li>\n
- 6-mental activity and rest<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
\n- –diagnosis<\/b> was mainly based on pulse (NABZ)<\/b><\/li>\n
- -Gave importance to physical examination of stool and urine<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
TYPES OF TREATMENT :<\/b><\/p>\n 1-ILAJBIL TADBEER <\/b>(regional therapy)<\/p>\n\n- -include exercise, massage, bath etc.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
2-ILAJBIL GHIZA <\/b>(dieto- therapy)<\/p>\n 3-ILAJBIL DAVA <\/b>(pharmaco therapy)<\/p>\n\n- -treatment by drugs opposite to temperament-ILAJBIL ZID\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
- -by drugs similar to the temperament-ILAJBIL MISL<\/b><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
\n- -Muslim physicians were called HAKIMS\u00a0<\/b><\/li>\n
- -drugs were mainly herbs + some animal and mineral drugs<\/li>\n
- -used single crude and compound drugs<\/li>\n
\n- it gained popularity because of efficacy and non toxicity of drugs<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n
- –HAKIM AJMAL KHAN <\/b>was a famous Indian unani medic who established Ayurveda and unani college in Delhi<\/li>\n
- -he was the first person who introduced RESRPINE for hypertension to the world<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
C.SIDDHA :<\/b><\/p>\n\n- -was an ancient system in India<\/li>\n
- –SIDDHARS<\/b> were saintly figures mastered in yoga<\/b> \u2013this system was developed by siddha’s \u2013<\/li>\n
- -Practiced in Tamil speaking parts of India \u2013literatures were in Tamil<\/b><\/li>\n
- -this system is also called AGASTHYAR SYSTEM<\/b> in name of saint Agasthya<\/b><\/li>\n
- -this system was developed within Dravidian culture<\/li>\n
- -is mainly therapeutic in nature<\/li>\n
- -it is believed that medical knowledge came from LORD SHIVA\uf0e0PARVATHI\uf0e0NANDI\uf0e0AGASTHYA\uf0e0SIDDHARS<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
D.BASIC CONCEPTS :<\/b><\/p>\n\n- –iatrochemistry<\/b> was followed like Ayurveda<\/li>\n
- -believed human body was replica of universe<\/b> so are the foods and drugs<\/li>\n
- -believed body is made of 5 elements<\/b> like in Ayurveda<\/li>\n
- -deals with the concept of salvation<\/b> or moksha by medicines, yoga and meditations<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
E.MATERIA MEDICA :<\/b><\/p>\n |