{"id":4060,"date":"2011-11-29T03:33:34","date_gmt":"2011-11-29T03:33:34","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/?p=4060"},"modified":"2022-01-17T03:27:21","modified_gmt":"2022-01-17T03:27:21","slug":"tracts-applied-physiology","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/tracts-applied-physiology\/","title":{"rendered":"Tracts \u2013 Applied Physiology"},"content":{"rendered":"

Dr.Jeena Aslam <\/strong>BHMS,MD(Hom)<\/p>\n

Definition : – A tract may be defined as a bundle of fiber carrying one or a group of fiber of motor or sensory impulses in the central nervous system.<\/p>\n

Functionally grouped in to 1) Ascending (sensory)
\n2) Descending (Motor) 3) Intr-segmental fibre.<\/p>\n

Ascending tracts:<\/strong>
\n1) Tract of Goll ( Fasciculus gracillis )
\n2) Tract of Burdach ( Fasciculus cuneatus)
\n3) Comma tract of Schultze (Tractus inter fascicularis )
\n4) Dorsal spinothalamic tract ( lateral spinothalamic tract)
\n5) Spinotectal tract
\n6) Dorsal spinocerebellar tract( Fleschig\u2019s tract )
\n7) Ventral spinocerebellar tract ( Gower\u2019s tract )
\n8) Spino-olivery tract
\n9) Spinoreticular tract
\n10) Spino vestibular tract
\n11) Spino pontine
\n12) Spino cortical
\n13) Ventral spinothalamic tract (anterior spinothalamic tract)<\/p>\n

\u00a0Descending Tract:<\/strong>
\n1) Pyramidal tract
\na) Crossed pyramidal tract (large lateral cortico spinal tract)
\nb) Direct pyramidal tract (uncrossed anterior cortico spinal tract)
\nc) Uncrossed small lateral pyramidal tract
\n2) Cortico bulbar tract
\n3) Extra pyramidal tract
\na) Rubrospinal tract
\nb) Tectospinal & tectobulbar
\nc) Reticulospinal
\nd) Dorsal vestibulo spinal
\ne) Ventral vestibulospinal
\nf) Olivospinal (bulbospinal)
\ng) descending medial longitudinal fasciculus
\nInter segmental fibers<\/strong>
\n1) ground bundle of anterior column
\n2) ground bundle of lateral column
\n3) posterior column<\/p>\n

Ascending tracts<\/strong><\/p>\n