{"id":46564,"date":"2020-11-12T06:05:18","date_gmt":"2020-11-12T06:05:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/?p=46564"},"modified":"2021-09-02T11:28:42","modified_gmt":"2021-09-02T11:28:42","slug":"pointers-to-common-remedies-by-ml-tyler","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/pointers-to-common-remedies-by-ml-tyler\/","title":{"rendered":"Pointers to Common Remedies by ML Tyler"},"content":{"rendered":"
DR.MARGARET LUCY TYLER (1857-1943) Worked at Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital for forty years. Speciality was in treating-the mentally Backward Children. To Chicago, to study with Kent<\/b>. Close associate to J.H.Clarke. <\/b>Kent did not approve her card repertory since he felt that it was obstacles for new comers. Kent returned a critique. The use of\u00a0nosodes\u00a0as treatment for\u00a0miasms\u00a0is now quite common. Margaret Tyler in England and others since, have made frequent use of the nosodes of vaccines (Diptherinum,\u00a0 Morbillinum, Varicellinum)\u00a0 <\/span>to treat for past traumas\u2026.<\/span><\/p>\n The use of ascending potencies over a short period of time is not new, if not necessarily widely practised. Margaret Tyler was one to use common potencies (30, 200, 1M, 10M) over several days, or even only a few hours apart. Introduced ELIMINATING symptom<\/span><\/p>\n Died: \u00a0 <\/span>21st June 1943, at the age of 86.<\/span><\/p>\n WORKS<\/b><\/span><\/p>\n BOOK PROPER<\/b><\/span><\/p>\n ON PRESCRIBING\u2026.<\/span><\/p>\n Even though many drugs have produced the symptoms of a disease, only the one medicine that has evoked the exact conditions of the individual patient will cure the patient.<\/span><\/p>\n If we desire to evoke the power, we must conform to its conditions.<\/span><\/p>\n The only known law of healing is Hahnemann\u2019s \u201csimilia similibus curentur\u201d.<\/span><\/p>\n Law does not fail. It is we who fails in our attempts to put it in action. The law is inexorable.<\/span><\/p>\n In case of epidemics Dr Hahnemann says that by taking the symptoms of a number of cases you can select a drug that covers\u00a0 <\/span>the lot and cure practically every case of that epidemic but the same medicine might not be useful in the next year. People of certain temperaments are affected by certain conditions- by cold dry winds or damp cold or by getting wet. Modalities also will be different.<\/span><\/p>\n CONTENTS<\/b><\/span><\/p>\n Vol 1- cold, influenza, sore-throat, cough, croup, acute chest, asthma<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 2- Stomach and digestive disorders, constipation, acute diarrhoea, acute intestinal condition and colic, epidemic diarrhoea of children, acute dysentery, cholera<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 3-Dentition,rickets, malnutrition, tuberculosis, diseases of bones and glands<\/span><\/p>\n Vol4- Convulsions, chorea, rheumatism of children, rheumatism of adults, common heart remedies<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 5- Chickenpox, diphtheria, erysipelas, herpes zoster, measles, mumps, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhoid and typhoid conditions, vaccination, whooping cough<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 6- Some drugs of strong mentality, fears with their dreams, indices<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 7- Nephritis and suppression, Renal calculi and renal colic, cystitis, enuresis, retention<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 8- Vertigo, Headache, Apoplexy, Sleeplessness, Collapse, sunstroke<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 9- Organ remedies<\/span><\/p>\n GENERAL ARRANGEMENT<\/b><\/span><\/p>\n CHAPTER NAME<\/span><\/p>\n Medicines for a particular condition with differentiating points<\/span><\/p>\n Quotes of famous physicians described<\/span><\/p>\n Eg: Apoplexy- Nash, Boger<\/span><\/p>\n Miniature repertory (Cold, Rheumatism)<\/span><\/p>\n Grading of symptoms:<\/span><\/p>\n Capitals<\/span><\/p>\n Eg: Page 7- Rhus tox- Cold damp weather<\/span><\/p>\n Page 6- Kali iod- Frontal sinuses<\/span><\/p>\n Italics<\/span><\/p>\n Roman<\/span><\/p>\n Comparisons given in brackets<\/span><\/p>\n Cases explained accordingly<\/span><\/p>\n Mentioned about indications of nosodes (headache, nephritis, sleeplessness)<\/span><\/p>\n Eg: Nephritis- Hippozaeninum, Streptococcinum<\/span><\/p>\n Heart remedies- Tuberculinum, Medorrhinum, Leuticum, Diphtherinum, etc<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 1<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 2<\/span><\/p>\n CONCERNING HOMOEOPATHY FOR CHILDREN<\/b><\/span><\/p>\n \u201cA healthy child may be sick unto death where as a diseased child may be a museum of pathology and not yet ill\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n Homoeopathic essentials for successful prescription in children<\/span><\/p>\n Disposition- change<\/span><\/p>\n Fears- habitual or new ones<\/span><\/p>\n Sensitiveness<\/span><\/p>\n Food cravings and loathing<\/span><\/p>\n Gross pathological symptoms- qualified<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 3<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 4<\/span><\/p>\n Vol 5<\/span><\/p>\n
\n<\/b><\/span>An English homeopath who was a student\u00a0of\u00a0James Tyler Kent
\n<\/span>Margaret Tyler has become one of the most influential homeopaths of all time
\n<\/span>Graduated from Edinburgh & Brussels Universities.<\/span><\/p>\n\n