{"id":6725,"date":"2012-03-01T23:32:35","date_gmt":"2012-03-01T23:32:35","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/?p=6725"},"modified":"2022-01-04T15:07:17","modified_gmt":"2022-01-04T15:07:17","slug":"a-comprehensive-study-on-the-homoeopathic-remedy-silicia","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/a-comprehensive-study-on-the-homoeopathic-remedy-silicia\/","title":{"rendered":"A comprehensive study on the Homoeopathic remedy Silicia"},"content":{"rendered":"

Dr Jubin
\n<\/strong>Common name : Pure silica, Silicic oxide, pure flint.
\nSynonyms : Kieselerde, Terra-silicea, Acidum silicium, Flint, Silex, Silicic ahydride, Silicon dioxide.
\nProver <\/span>: Hahnemann.<\/p>\n

Provings :<\/strong>
\nHahnemann published Silicea provings in Vol III of the Chronic Diseases 1828. Additional symptoms also included in Hahnemann\u2019s Essay in the Second edition of Chronic Diseases. Professor Schultze conducted provings which agreed with the earlier provings. Silica accounts for the frequent presence of constipation in bottle fed infants. Certain mineral waters for chronic urinary diseases have a relatively high silica content.<\/p>\n

Historical Backgroun<\/span>d :
\n<\/strong>Outside Homoeopathy flint as an internal remedy is practically unknown. It is hard and totally insoluble and medicinally inert in its original form. However Hahnemann was able to convert into therapeutically useful medicines by the process of trituration.<\/p>\n

It is one of the twelve wonders of the Schussler\u2019s Tissue remedies. It is a great polychrest remedy\u00a0 with powerful hold on human economy. It is a deep and long acting constitutional remedy which was proved and incorporated in Homoeopathic Materia Medica by Hahnemann. It occurs in abundance in nature and of plants and to a large extent in animals. It is a part of structurally strong parts of our bodies.\u00a0\u00a0 It is chemically inert in its natural state, but\u00a0 potentised it works like a miracle. It has low rate of thermal conductivity. It goes further and produces neurasthenic states and increased susceptability to nervous stimuli and exaggerated reflexes. It has been proved as a boon to the suffering humanity and serves the purpose of a \u201c Surgeon\u2019s knife\u201d. It is capable of reaching and curing the derangement in the most vital process of life, in the internal sphere of man where surgeon\u2019s knife can reach.<\/p>\n

Pharmacology :
\n<\/strong>Tissue affinities are apparent when potentised. The digestive system is affected resulting in malabsorption and consequent malnutrition and debility. Connective tissue become liable to inflammatory and fibrotic changes, and skin to trophic changes and chronic sepsis.<\/p>\n

Typology :
\n<\/strong>The Silicea patient has often been schematically described by the following 2 Images- A piston with no rod or an edifice lacking sand.<\/p>\n

Clinical<\/span> : Abscess, Acne, Anaemia, Anus fissure and fistula, Boils, Brain fag, Brain concussion, Bunion, Bone affection, Breast sinus, Cancer, Carbuncle, Cataract,Caries, Cellulitis, Cicatrix, Coccodynia, Conjunctivitis phlyctenular,Constipation, Coryza, Cough, Debility, Dentition, Diabetes, Elephantiasis, Enchrodroma, Enuresis, Epilepsy, Excrescensces, Fester, Fibroma, Fistula, Foot sweat suppressed, Foreign Body expulsion, Fractures, Ganglion, Gastric catarrah, Glandular swelling, Headache, Hernia, Hip joint disease, Homesickness, Housemaid\u2019s knee, Hydrocoele, Hypopion,Jaw caries, Synovitis of jaw, Lacrymal fistulas, Lactation, Locomotor ataxia,\u00a0 Mania, Meningitis, Metorrhagia, Miscarriage, Molluscum contagiosum, Mollusum fibrosum, Morphoea, \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Morvan\u2019s disease, Necrosis, Neuralgia, Nodes, Panaritium,Parametritis,\u00a0\u00a0 Perspiration offensive, Phimosis, Pleurisy, Psoas abscess, Pylorus suppuration of, Quinsy, Rheumatism, Rickets, Somnabulism, Spermatorrhoea, Spinal irritation, Strains, Strangury, Skin troubles, Suppuration, Teeth caries, Tenesmus, Tumors, Ulcers, Stricture of urethra, Urinary incontinence, Vagina spasms of, Vaccination after effects, Vertigo, Whitlow, Worms, Writer\u2019s cramp.<\/p>\n

Spheres of action<\/span> : It acts on cartilages, bones, mucous membranes, skin, elastic and cellular tissues, nerves, glands, lachrymal duct, Eustachian tube.<\/p>\n

Pathogenesis<\/span> : It is a pus forming remedy which promotes and controls suppuration and hastens formation of abscesses and boils. So it should not be given to the patient in whom there is deposit of tubercular focus in the lungs even after filling of the tubercular focus in the lungs is complete as it has a tendency to re-establish an inflammation and throw it out resulting in the formation of abscess again.(J.Weir). It re-absorbs fibrotic conditions and scar tissue.

Doctrine of Signature<\/strong> : A grain of sand is hard and gritty and is compared to stubborness and obstinacy of Silicea patient.\u00a0 Once their mind is made up of something it is very difficult to change it. It is like a grain to sand governed by wind and water due to whose force it moves or drifts away from other and strife. This implies the confusion of Mind. When provoked he is violent just like the desert sand which forms whirlwinds leading to destruction. Earth\u2019s crust contains silica which heats and cools easily Silica too reacts to changes of temperature. Sand is formed by the whithering and breaking of rocks. Once hard and fixed becomes shifting and unpredictable it is ground into finer particles. In Silicea there is the tendency to fixity, rigidity and hardness on the inside (Contradiction intolerant, Obstinacy in children). On the physical side hardness in manifested as exostoses, induration of glands and other tissues and formation of scar tissue. Sand castles are delicate and beautiful. The slightest\u00a0 wind or a wave destroys them in seconds. Right from their childhood they are weak, delicate children. They lack grit. They cause overexertion of mind. Sand paper is used to smoothen the surface of wood or metal. Silica is overrefined and unable to stand up to life or take form in the world. He cannot cope with the challenges of everyday life. Silica is used in the silicon chip for its sensitive impressionable capacity to store information. Silicea is an oversensitive individual.<\/p>\n

Constitution<\/span>: Make- up : Pale face with lean body, sickly appearance with dry skin. Weak, lax muscles. Light complexion. Fine, dry skin. Weak, puny children.<\/p>\n

Temperament : Irritable, nervous and sanguine temperament.<\/p>\n

Relation with heat and cold : Extremely chilly.<\/p>\n

Miasm : All the three miasms. Still it is antipsoric rather than antisycotic and antisyphilitic.<\/p>\n

Diathesis : Scrofulous diathesis.<\/p>\n

Direction of Silicea is upward and outward, there are shootings out through eyes and ears.<\/p>\n

Guiding Symptoms<\/span> :
\n<\/strong>1. Highly chilly patient<\/span>. Wraps himself up with warm clothing even in hot summer weather (Psor, Hepar sulph). Feels cold before an attack. He hugs the fire. Worse in winter. Want of vital heat even\u00a0 when\u00a0 taking active exercise. (Led, Sep). Great weariness ad debility, wants to lie down.<\/p>\n

2. Bad effects of vaccination especially convulsion and suppuration. (Thuja, Anti tart, Mez, Crot hor). A dose of Sulphur is supposed to prevent the outbreak of vaccinia. Thuja is complementary and is good for diarrhoea after vaccination and if the fever is high. Malandrinum is also given for the bad effects of vaccination.<\/p>\n

3. Every little injury suppurates. (Merc sol, Hepar, Graphites, Petroleum).<\/p>\n

4. It has a wonderful control over the suppurative process anywhere and everywhere in the body, soft tissue, periosteum and bone \u2013 maturing abscesses when desired or reducing excessive suppuration.(soft tissue- Calend, Hep). Hard tumors like Calc flour, Baryta mur. Great sensitiveness to noise(Bell, Nux v) , oversusceptability avd chronicity are the key notes of Silicea.<\/p>\n

5. Want of stamina either mental or physical. Merc sol facilitates maturity. Hepar expels the pus that Merc generates.. Silicea after all foreign substances are expelled and promotes steady healing.<\/p>\n

6. Constitution which suffers from deficient nutrition not because food is lacking in quality or quantity but from defective assimilation.<\/p>\n

7. The patient is sensitive to all impressions especially noise and anxious from it.<\/p>\n

8. Vertigo on looking up (Puls) on looking down- Kalmia , Spig), better by wrapping up warmly and when lying on left side.<\/p>\n

9. Headache starts at occiput, ascends to vertex and finally settles over the right eye (Sang left eye- Spig) and relief from profuse urination (Gels, Kali bich, Lach, Iris) and wrapping up warmly.(Stront, Manganum)<\/span><\/p>\n

10. Obstinate constipation, stool hard and knotty, when partly expelled receeds back<\/span><\/p>\n

(Thuja) Stool has to be removed mechanically (Calc carb, Thuja).<\/p>\n

11. Always there is constipation before, during and after menses. ( Diarrhoea before menses-\u00a0 Amm carb, Bovista, Verat alb).<\/p>\n

12. Night walking. The patient gets up at sleep, walks about, and lies down again all quite unconsciously.(Luna, Kali brom)<\/p>\n

13. Scrofulous rachitic children with large forehead and open fontanelles and sutures, much sweating about the head and distended abdomen due to diseased mesentery, right eyes, large indurated lymph nodes and a noticeable costal rosary.<\/p>\n

( Sulphur, Calcarea and Lycopodium are similar to Silicea in scrofulous affections of children. Calcarea head sweat is confined to scalp and is sour than offensive. Feet is damp from sweat and it does not make the feet sore as in Silicea. Silicea is exactly opposite to Rhus tox in which the body sweats and the head being dry. Limbs shrunken, eyes sunken, face pinched and old looking.<\/p>\n

14. Desire for cold drinks, cold food and ice cream, wants to be magnetized with relief (Bar c, Bell, Calc, Cupr, Graph, Nux v, Phos, Sep, Sulph, Viol-o )<\/p>\n

15. Sweat of hands, toes, feet(Sanicula, Psorinum,Graphites), axillae very offensive. Intolerable, sour, carrion like odour of feet without perspiration and every evening and acrid She uses socks up within three months\u00a0 (Offensive axillary sweat- Petroleum)<\/p>\n

16. Mind<\/strong> : The patient is of excitable and nervous temperament. Lack of stamina and afraid of failure, so that a really efficient public speaker begins to doubt his performance once he starts to deliever his lectures he gains back his usual self confidence and he does it well. He is sensitive to all impressions. Want of grit either mental or physical. Faint-hearted. Anxious, yielding (Puls). Restless, fidgety, starts at least noise(Bor, Kali c, Phos).. Mental labour very difficult, reading and writing fatigue cannot bear to think(Kali p).\u00a0 Brain fag of professionals, lawyers, students and clergy men. Dread of undertaking anything and is imaginary in Silicea but in Lyco it is stupid and is from inability. Nervous debility(Ambr, Kali p, Lyc, Phos-ac), exhaustion with erythism, from hard work and close confinement, is overcome by force of will.<\/p>\n

Fixed ideas. The patient has pin mania, especially for babies He thinks always about pins<\/p>\n

He fears them still searches them and counts preserves them with great care. Head strong and obstinate babies who cry when kindly spoken to.(Iod) They suffer from convulsion after vaccination.<\/p>\n

Mind as in Philip Bailey<\/strong> : Keynote : Delicate and Determined.
\nRelatively uncommon constitutional type. All are females.\u00a0 Only 1-2%. Rare, so easily missed and overprescribed.<\/p>\n

Intellectual refinement and Depth