{"id":7395,"date":"2012-03-24T04:02:57","date_gmt":"2012-03-24T04:02:57","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/?p=7395"},"modified":"2022-01-05T01:25:22","modified_gmt":"2022-01-05T01:25:22","slug":"antisocial-personality-and-homoeopathy","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.homeobook.com\/antisocial-personality-and-homoeopathy\/","title":{"rendered":"Antisocial Personality and Homoeopathy"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"children<\/a>Dr Rajneesh Kumar Sharma
\nDr (Km) Ruchi Rajput<\/p>\n

Opposed to the rights of individuals or to the legal norms of society; e.g., the psychopath – acon. aesc. alum. ambr. anac. Aur. Bar-c. carb-an. chin. cic. con. cupr. granit-m. heroin. Hyos. ilx-a. lyc. Nat-c. pseuts-m. Puls. sacch. sanguis-s. sel. stann. sulph. Syph.<\/p>\n

Cardinal Features
\n<\/strong>Predatory attitude and behaviour toward others – \u00a0ant-t. Ars. aur-m-n. aur-s. calc. cham. Chin. graph. Hyos. ip. Lyc. mag-c. Merc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. phos. Puls. rhus-t. Sep. stann. staph. sulph. thuj. verat.<\/p>\n

Long-standing indifference to and repetitive violation of others\u2019 rights – \u00a0all-c. arge-pl. arizon-l. fl-ac. granit-m. kola Lac-cp. marb-w. Osteo-a. plat. podo. positr. sabad. sulph. urol-h.<\/p>\n

Parasitic lifestyle – \u00a0adam. ars. bism. gels. marb-w. nux-v. puls. sep. sil. stram.<\/p>\n

Repetitive socially destructive behaviours- \u00a0agar. anan. androc. apis aur-m-n. bac. Bell. bufo calc. Camph. canth. carbn-s. carc. Chel. Cimx. Con. Cupr. cur. dulc. fl-ac. gal-ac. hep. hura Hyos. iod. kali-p. lach. laur. lil-t. med. merc. merc-i-f. moni. morph. mosch. Nux-v. oena. op. ozone phos. plat. plb. prot. sec. sep. sol-t-ae. spong. staph. STRAM. stront-c. sulph. Tarent. tritic-vg. Tub. vanil. Verat. verat-v.<\/p>\n

Absence of delusions or other signs of irrational thinking – falco-pe. sal-fr.<\/p>\n

Absence of anxiety or other neurotic symptoms \u2013 \u00a0Agar. anh. bell. calad. cocain. coff-t. falco-pe. galeoc-c-h. gels. haliae-lc. hell. Ign. lac-del. loxo-recl. mosch. Op. ozone sil.<\/p>\n

Absence of a life plan or ordered way of living –\u00a0 bar-act. BAR-C. carc. chin. cur. ham. hydrog. kali-p. KALI-S. Lac-lup. LYC. nat-c. nat-sil. nux-m. ONOS. ozone ros-d. Sacch-a. stann. SYMPH. tarent.<\/p>\n

Social Aspects
\nUntrustworthy, unreliable – \u00a0agar. anac. androc. arg-met. arg-n. Ars. aur-s. Bell. bufo calc. chin. chlol. chlor. coca corv-cor. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. dig. dros. fl-ac. hep. hyos. kola lac-leo. LACH. lyc. marb-w. Med. merc. morph. mosch. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. petr-ra. plat. plb. puls. Sacch-a. sep. sil. sulph. Tarent. thuj. verat.<\/p>\n

Evades responsibility – \u00a0agar. aster. bamb-a. gels. Lac-ac. lac-h. lavand-a. limen-b-c. lyc. marb-w. Med. phos. tritic-vg.<\/p>\n

Rejects obligations – calc-p. dulc. Kali-s. podo. ruta spong. tritic-vg.<\/p>\n

Ruthless – \u00a0abrot. absin. alco. ANAC. arizon-l. Ars. Aur. bell. bry. canth. carc. chin. chir-fl. choc. croc. crot-c. cur. cycl. dendr-pol. dream-p. falco-pe. haliae-lc. Hell. HEP. Hyos. Kali-i. kali-p. kola Lach. Laur. loxo-recl. lyss. marb-w. med. nicc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. op. ph-ac. Plat. plut-n. positr. sabad. sec. sel. squil. staph. Stram. sulph. tarent. verat.<\/p>\n

Told a lot of lies – \u00a0agath-a. alco. androc. arg-met. arg-n. calc. calc-p. carb-v. caust. coca con. dendr-pol. Kola lyc. med. merc. MORPH. nat-m. nux-v. olib-sac. OP. plat. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Syph. tarent. thuj. Verat.<\/p>\n

Used an alias – \u00a0ars. aur. BELL. camph. chlol. Chlor. choc. coca crot-c. cupr. cypra-eg. dulc. elaps eug. falco-pe. fic-m. galeoc-c-h. Hell. hippoc-k. hyos. Ign. kali-s. lac-h. lach. limest-b. marb-w. meli. op. plut-n. Puls. sal-fr. Sanguis-s. spong. staph. Stram. tarent. verat.<\/p>\n

In trouble because failed to pay her\/his bills\/ dishonest \u2013 \u00a0arg-n. ars. bry. calc. ferr. iod. lach. mag-c. puls. sil. sulph. tarent. thuj.<\/p>\n

Multiple financial irresponsibilities – \u00a0ars. cypra-eg. dulc. lyc. puls. SIL.<\/p>\n

Multiple marriages \/divorces \/perfidious \/Marital instability \/Frequent marriages \/Suddenly left \/hit \/unfaithful to spouse-\u00a0 Ars. LACH. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. sep. sulph.<\/p>\n

Seriously hurt \/neglected a child \/ Irresponsible parenting – \u00a0aster. aur-ar. Aur-m. mur-ac. thuj.<\/p>\n

Cavalier – acon. agar. alum. anac. arn. asar. aur. aur-m-n. aur-s. bac. bell. calc. cann-i. cann-xyz. carb-v. carc. Caust. chin. chir-fl. cic. cina coloc. con. cupr. cygn-be. daph. dulc. elaps ferr. ferr-ma. gard-j. gran. granit-m. grat. guaj. ham. hell. hott-p. Hyos. ign. ignis-alc. Ip. kali-c. kali-i. kola lac-leo. Lach. lap-la. lil-t. LYC. marb-w. merc. myric. nat-m. nitro-o. nux-v. Pall. par. phos. PLAT. podo. positr. Puls. rhus-g. rob. sabad. sal-fr. sec. sep. Sil. squil. Staph. Stram. stront-c. SULPH. thuj. tung-met. vanil. VERAT.<\/p>\n

Acting wild – acon. acon-l. aids. ant-t. apoc. aur. bapt. bell. calc-p. camph. canth. carc. chinin-ar. chlf. chlol. chlor. choc. croc. cupr. cygn-be. fagu. hyos. lil-t. Lob-s. lyss. m-aust. med. meli. mosch. nat-s. op. petr. ph-ac. phos. Stram. tab. tarent. Verat.<\/p>\n

Slept around with people he \/she didn\u2019t know very well – MIND – INDIFFERENCE – exposure of her person, to – corian-s. Hyos. petr-ra. Phos. Phyt. Sec. stram. verat., MIND \u2013 LIBERTINISM- act-sp. agar. aids. alum. anh. ant-c. arg-n. arn. bar-c. bell. calc. cann-i. Canth. carb-v. Caust. chin. con. dig. falco-pe. ferr-i. fl-ac. haliae-lc. hyos. ign. lac-f. lach. lyc. MED. merc. nat-m. Nux-v. Oncor-t. orig. petr-ra. ph-ac. Phos. pic-ac. Plat. puls. Raph. sel. sep. spong. Staph. stram. sul-ac. sulph. TUB. verat.<\/p>\n

Earned money by pimping \/prostitution – MIND – AMBITION – increased – money; to make – ars. calc. carc. lyc. nux-v. sulph., MIND – GAMBLING – passion for gambling – make money; to – bell. calc. lyc. mag-m. Merc. Nat-c. plat. puls. staph. sulph.<\/p>\n

\nUnique and self-serving ideas of \u201cright and wrong\u201d \/anal fixation – Kali-c. kali-s. kali-sil. sil. sulph. thuj.<\/p>\n

Lies easily, frequent lying not just to avoid negative consequences \u2013 agath-a. alco. androc. arg-met. arg-n. calc. calc-p. carb-v. caust. coca con. dendr-pol. Kola lyc. med. merc. MORPH. nat-m. nux-v. olib-sac. OP. plat. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Syph. tarent. thal-xyz. thuj. Verat.<\/p>\n

Does not believe her \/his behaviours \/crimes will be or should be punished – adam. aids. anac. androc. arizon-l. ars. aur-s. bell. camph. carc. Caust. chir-fl. choc. cygn-be. dioxi. DULC. ferr. ham. heroin. hydrog. hyos. ignis-alc. lac-h. Lach. limen-b-c. m-arct. Merc. nux-v. oncor-t. op. ozone plat. PODO. positr. ruta sal-fr. sep. sil. spong. sulph. symph. tax. temp. tritic-vg. ulm-c. vanil. verat.<\/p>\n

Uses guilt inductions on others – cimic. coloc. hyos. plb.<\/p>\n

Externalizes all responsibility – agar. aster. bamb-a. gels. Lac-ac. lac-h. lavand-a. limen-b-c. lyc. marb-w. Med. phos. tax. tritic-vg.<\/p>\n

Blames others – Acon. aln. alum. ambr. arizon-l. ARS. aur. aur-ar. aur-m-n. aur-s. bell. borx. Calc. calc-p. camph. caps. carc. caust. cham. CHIN. cic. Dulc. fic-m. gran. granit-m. heroin. Hyos. ign. ignis-alc. irid-met. kali-p. kali-s. lac-leo. LACH. Lil-t. Lyc. marb-w. MERC. mez. mosch. musca-d. nat-ar. Nat-m. neon nit-ac. Nux-v. par. petr. Ph-ac. podo. pseuts-m. rhus-t. sep. spong. Staph. suis-em. sulph. tax. tere-la. tritic-vg. tub. Vanil. VERAT.<\/p>\n

Takes no responsibility for unfavourable outcomes – \u00a0ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. PLAT. puls. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent.<\/p>\n

Feels or believes self to be harassed\/misused\/victimized\/persecuted – lac-lup. oncor-t. oxyg.<\/p>\n

Resents – \u00a0Acon. agar. aids. Aloe Alum. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. Apis arg-n. arge-pl. arn. ARS. ars-s-f. astat. Aur. aur-ar. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Bamb-a. Bar-c. Bell. bora-o. borx. Bov. Bufo CALC. calc-ar. calc-s. camph. cann-s. Caps. carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-s. CARC. carneg-g. CAUST. cench. cham. Chel. chin. chinin-ar. cic. cimic. Cina cinnb. Cocc. coff. Coloc. Croc. cupr. Cycl. dros. dulc. Foll. germ-met. Granit-m. Graph. ham. hell. hep. heroin. hyos. ign. IOD. irid-met. kali-n. kola Lac-c. lac-e. lac-leo. lac-lup. Lach. lanth-met. lap-la. lil-t. limest-b. loxo-recl. LYC. lyss. mag-s. marb-w. merc. merc-d. merc-i-f. mim-p. moly-met. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. oxyg. Pall. pert-vc. Petr. phos. Plat. plb. podo. positr. pseuts-m. Puls. ran-b. sacch-a. sanic. Sars. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. sul-ac. Sulph. Symph. syph. tarent. tax. teucr. thuj. TRITIC-VG. TUB. Vanil. Verat. viol-o. viol-t. Zinc. zinc-p.<\/p>\n

Revengeful – am-c. ambr. aur-m-n. calc. crot-c. lach. med. NAT-M. neon Nit-ac. Nux-v. Ph-ac. pseuts-m. Rhus-g. stann. streptoc. stront-c. tax. tritic-vg. vip. zinc.<\/p>\n

Distrusts – acon. alco. am-c. anac. arn. ars. aur. aur-m-n. bar-c. brom. cact. calc. carc. caust. chel. chin. cic. coff. Cupr. dros. graph. hyos. Ign. ip. kali-n. kali-s. lach. lact. LYC. m-arct. mang. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. oci-sa. op. petr-ra. ph-ac. PULS. sil. spig. stram. sulph. tax. thuj. verat.<\/p>\n

Suspicious – ACON. adam. Aids. ambr. ANAC. anan. androc. ang. anh. ant-c. apis arge-pl. Arn. ARS. ars-s-f. Aur. aur-br. Aur-m-n. aur-s. bapt. bar-act. BAR-C. Bar-m. Bar-s. Bell. Borx. BRY. bufo Cact. cadm-met. calc. Calc-p. calc-s. CANN-I. cann-xyz. canth. caps. carb-v. carbn-s. carc. carneg-g. CAUST. CENCH. cham. chin. chinin-ar. CIC. Cimic. coca Cocc. con. cortiso. crot-c. Crot-h. crot-t. Cupr. cygn-be. dendr-pol. DIG. Dros. Dulc. elaps falco-pe. galla-q-r. granit-m. graph. ham. Hell. heroin. hydrog. Hyos. ign. ip. KALI-AR. kali-bi. kali-br. Kali-p. lac-cp. lac-leo. Lac-lup. LACH. LYC. Lycps-v. m-arct. macro. marb-w. Med. meli. meny. Merc. mez. moni. Morph. mur-ac. Nat-ar. Nat-c. nat-p. nat-s. nat-sil. nicc-met. Nit-ac. Nux-v. olib-sac. Op. pall. ph-ac. phasco-ci. Phos. plat. plb. plut-n. polys. positr. pseuts-m. psor. PULS. RHUS-T. ruta sacch-a. sal-fr. sanic. sarr. SEC. sel. Sep. sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. still. STRAM. streptoc. suis-hep. Sul-ac. sul-i. SULPH. syph. thal-met. thuj. thyr. tritic-vg. urol-h. vanil. verat. Verat-v. viol-t.<\/p>\n

Justifies behaviour with lies and manipulation \u2013 cot. heroin. lach. Puls. sanic. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent. thuj. tub.<\/p>\n

Argues about \u201cwho\u2019s in charge\u201d – arn. cupr. DULC. falco-pe. lac-leo. Lyc. Phos. ruta spong. tax.<\/p>\n

Petty – Ars. CHAM. cina coff. dros. hep. Ign. nit-ac. NUX-V. petr-ra. phos. sep. SIL. thuj.<\/p>\n

Superficial relationships – Ars. LACH. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. sep. sulph.<\/p>\n

A chronic pattern of infringement on the rights of others \u2013 arn. calc. Lyc. plat. staph.<\/p>\n

Violates social codes by lies or deceits – acon. aesc. alum. ambr. anac. Aur. Bar-c. carb-an. chin. cic. con. cupr. granit-m. heroin. Hyos. ilx-a. lyc. Nat-c. pseuts-m. Puls. sacch. sanguis-s. sel. stann. sulph. Syph.<\/p>\n

Chronic speeder and drunk driver – \u00a0anac. Ars. Bell. bry. cina Coff. Hell. Hep. lyc. merc. Stram. Zinc.<\/p>\n

Reckless \u2013 \u00a0agar. Arn. aur-m-n. aur-s. med. op. plat. rhus-g. spong. staph. tell.<\/p>\n

Indifferent to the rights of others – \u00a0adam. androc. ars. caust. germ-met. granit-m. ham. lach. marb-w. moni. nat-m. Nux-v. ozone plat. sacch-a. sep. SULPH.<\/p>\n

Breaks rules – \u00a0acon. agar. agn. alum. Am-c. am-m. Arg-n. arn. borx. bufo cact. calc. calc-p. canth. caps. carc. CAUST. Chin. cina colch. coloc. Dig. dulc. elae. fl-ac. guaj. hep. Lach. Lyc. mag-m. MED. MERC. moni. morph. nit-ac. nux-v. p-benzq. petr. petr-ra. phos. PLB. sacch. Sang. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. sulfonam. sulph. Syph. TARENT. Tub. Verat. viol-o. Viol-t. vip.<\/p>\n

Rebellious – \u00a0adam. Carc. CAUST. oncor-t.<\/p>\n

Unprincipled and deceitful in dealing with others who have something he\/she wants – \u00a0bell. calc. lach. lyc. merc. puls. sil.<\/p>\n

Ingratitude – ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. PLAT. puls. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent.<\/p>\n

Arrogance- acon. agar. agn. alum. anac. ant-c. ant-m. ant-met. ant-t. arg-met. arg-n. arg-p. arn. ars. asar. astat. aur. aur-m. aur-m-n. aur-s. bac. bar-br. bar-i. bar-met. bell. bism-sn. cadm-m. cadm-met. cadm-s. caes-met. calc. cann-i. cann-xyz. carb-v. carc. Caust. chin. chir-fl. cic. cina cinnb. coloc. con. cupr. cupr-act. cygn-be. daph. dulc. elaps ferr. ferr-ma. gard-j. glon. gran. granit-m. Graph. grat. guaj. hafn-met. ham. hell. hep. heroin. hott-p. Hyos. ign. ignis-alc. ind. iod. Ip. irid-met. kali-c. kali-i. kola lac-f. lac-leo. Lach. lanth-met. lap-la. lil-t. lith-i. LYC. mang-i. marb-w. merc. merc-d. merc-i-f. moly-met. myric. nat-m. niob-met. nitro-o. nux-v. osm-met. Pall. par. phos. PLAT. plb. plb-m. plb-p. podo. polon-met. positr. Puls. rhen-met. rhodi. rhus-g. rob. rubd-met. ruth-met. sabad. sal-fr. sec. sep. Sil. squil. stann. Staph. Stram. stront-c. stront-m. stront-met. SULPH. tant-met. techn. tell. thal-met. thuj. tung-met. vanil. VERAT. Verat-v. zinc-i. zirc-met.<\/p>\n

Sees aggressive persons as strong and prosocial persons as weak – ars. bell. meli. plb. ruta tab. zinc.<\/p>\n

Unethical \u2013 ars. chin. lyc. oxyg. petr-ra. puls. sulph.<\/p>\n

Unprincipled \u2013 agar. anac. androc. ant-c. arg-met. arg-n. Ars. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Bell. bufo calc. chin. chlol. chlor. coca corv-cor. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. dig. dros. fl-ac. hep. hyos. kola lac-leo. LACH. lyc. marb-w. Med. merc. morph. mosch. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. petr-ra. plat. plb. puls. Sacch-a. sep. sil. sulph. Tarent. thuj. verat.<\/p>\n

Unscrupulous – arg-n. ars. bry. calc. ferr. iod. lach. mag-c. puls. sil. sulph. tarent. thuj.<\/p>\n

Cavalier \u2013 alco. bell. calc. cann-i. cupr. ferr. ferr-ma. glon. hyos. ignis-alc. Lyc. phos. PLAT. stram. sulph. Verat.<\/p>\n

Showy acts of devotion \u2013 perfidious – Ars. LACH. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. sep. sulph.<\/p>\n

Disloyal – arg-n. ars. bry. calc. ferr. iod. lach. mag-c. puls. sil. sulph. tarent. thuj.<\/p>\n

Untrustworthy – alco. arg-met. Arg-n. Morph. OP. thuj. Verat.<\/p>\n

Unfaithful – anh. bell. calc. con. lyc. merc. op. sil. sulph.<\/p>\n


Impulsivity- agath-a. alum. am-f. ARG-N. Ars. Aur. Aur-m-n. aur-s. bung-fa. cadm-met. camph. carc. caust. cere-b. choc. Cic. coca-c. croc. cupr. cupr-f. dendr-pol. ephe-si. fic-m. fl-ac. gins. hep. IGN. iod. irid-met. lac-e. lach. lith-c. lith-f. lith-i. lith-met. lith-p. lith-s. marb-w. med. merc. morph. nux-v. pert-vc. petr-ra. phos. PODO. PULS. rheum rhus-t. rubd-met. sacch-a. staph. symph. tarent. temp. thea tritic-vg. tung-met.<\/p>\n

Impetuous – acon. Anac. arg-n. arn. Ars. aur. Bry. calc. calc-s. Carb-v. caust. Cham. cocain. croc. ferr. ferr-p. fic-m. glon. HEP. Hyos. ictod. ignis-alc. Iod. Kali-c. kali-i. kali-p. kali-s. lach. laur. led. mag-c. med. morph. nat-c. Nat-m. NIT-AC. NUX-V. olnd. petr-ra. phos. rheum SEP. Staph. stram. stront-c. sul-ac. Sulph. tab. thuj. Zinc. zinc-p.<\/p>\n

Spur-of-the-moment – am-f. androc. bell. bros-gau. choc. coca-c. Coff. Dulc. fl-ac. hep. ign. ignis-alc. lac-loxod-a. Lach. lith-f. nux-v. op. oxal-a. spong. tax. tritic-vg. tung-met. ulm-c.<\/p>\n

Short-sighted \/Lack of long-term plans – conch. ham. ph-ac. podo.<\/p>\n

Incautious – Anac. ars. bac. Carb-v. CAUST. chir-fl. dendr-pol. graph. hep. heroin. Kali-i. kola Lach. lyss. med. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. pitu-a. Sep. Staph. sulph. Tarent.<\/p>\n

Imprudent – acon. agar. alum. arn. aur. aur-s. Bar-c. bov. bry. bufo calad. calc. camph. caps. caust. con. croc. cypra-eg. germ-met. graph. hyos. ign. kali-c. lac-f. lach. laur. lyc. meny. Merc. nat-m. Nux-v. op. phyt. plat. PULS. sep. spong. staph. Stram. sulph. verat.<\/p>\n

History of drug \/alcohol \/etc. overuse \/abuse (but this is not the cause of antisocial behaviours) – Absin. acon. adon. AGAR. agav-t. agn. ALCO. alum. am-m. anac. ange. anis. Ant-c. Ant-t. Apoc. apom. arg-met. arg-n. arn. ars. ars-s-f. Asaf. Asar. Aur. aur-m-n. Aur-s. Aven. bar-c. Bell. bism. borx. bov. Brucel. bry. bufo cadm-s. Calc. calc-ar. camph. cann-i. Caps. carb-ac. carb-an. Carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. card-m. caust. cham. Chel. chim. CHIN. Chin-su. chinin-m. cic. Cimic. coc-c. coca Cocc. Coff. con. croc. CROT-H. Cupr-ar. dig. Eup-per. Ferr. fl-ac. Gels. glon. Graph. Hell. hep. heroin. hydr. Hyos. ichth. Ign. ip. Kali-bi. kali-br. kali-c. kali-i. kola lac-ac. Lac-c. Lach. Laur. Led. lob. loxo-recl. lup. Lyc. mag-c. Med. meph. merc. mez. mosch. Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-n. nat-s. Nux-m. Nux-v. olib-sac. op. passi. petr. ph-ac. Phos. pisc. plat. plb. plut-n. positr. psor. puls. Quas. Querc. querc-r. querc-r-g-s. RAN-B. raph. Rhod. Rhus-t. rumx. Ruta sabad. samb. sang. sars. sec. SEL. Sep. Sil. Spig. spong. staph. Stram. stront-c. Stroph-h. stry. Stry-n. Sul-ac. Sulph. SYPH. tarax. thuj. tub. valer. Vanil. Verat. Zinc.<\/p>\n

Often likable – alco. apis dulc. hypoth. kali-s. phos. podo. tub.<\/p>\n

Attractive \/Engaging \/Elegance \/Centre of attention \/Charming \/Graceful \u2013 aur. m. chin. plat. Sil. Sul. verat.<\/p>\n

Socially skilled \/capable \/effective – agar. aids. alco. caps. carc. kali-s. lac-h. lac-lup. lach. limen-b-c. nat-c. nat-p. olib-sac. PODO. sacch-a. stann. stront-c. sulph. tritic-vg. vanil.<\/p>\n

Brags of unlikely resources \/relationships \/experiences \/Tells tall tales – acon. alco. arn. ars. aur-m-n. aur-s. bell. calc. hydrog. lach. lil-t. Lyc. Med. merc. nat-m. nux-v. plat. puls. stram. SULPH. Verat.<\/p>\n

Flip – calc. nat-m. plat. puls. sulph.<\/p>\n

Glib – cann-i. cann-s. lachn. op.<\/p>\n

Fast – cupr-act. hyos. kali-c. lach. ped. sacch-a. sil. thea<\/p>\n

Overabundant ideas – adam. agar. aloe anac. ang. arg-n. arizon-l. carc. Chin. Chinin-s. chir-fl. Coff. cortico. crot-c. cupr. Ham. hydrog. ignis-alc. Kali-s. lach. lec. nat-m. nux-v. olnd. op. plb. polys. ruta sep. sul-ac. Sulph. tab. tritic-vg. ulm-c. vanil. visc.<\/p>\n

Witty – aeth. alco. aran-ix. cann-i. caps. chlol. cocc. Coff. croc. dulc. hydr. Lach. olib-sac. Op. opun-s. spong. sulph. sumb. thea vanil. verat.<\/p>\n

Word plays \/puns – acon. alco. aloe alum. am-br. am-caust. androc. anh. arist-cl. ars. aur-m-n. bry. cann-i. Carb-v. carbn-o. caust. cham. chin. choc. cinnb. conv. crot-c. Dulc. GRAPH. guaj. hyos. hyper. ign. ip. kali-p. lac-ac. Lach. lat-m. loxo-recl. lyc. nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. pall. par. ped. petr. plat. rad-br. rhus-g. rhus-r. ruta sacch-a. sacch-l. sal-fr. sec. SEP. stann. suis-hep. tarent. tax. verat.<\/p>\n

Illegal or Immoral Activities<\/strong>
\nLying – agath-a. alco. androc. arg-met. arg-n. calc. calc-p. carb-v. caust. coca con. dendr-pol. Kola lyc. med. merc. MORPH. nat-m. nux-v. olib-sac. OP. plat. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Syph. tarent. thal-xyz. thuj. Verat.<\/p>\n

Stealing – Art-v. BELL. bry. calc. carb-v. carc. caust. cic. Cur. gal-ac. hyos. kali-br. kali-c. lac-h. lach. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mand. nat-c. nat-f. nat-m. Nux-v. op. oxyt. plat. PULS. sep. sil. staph. stram. Sulph. syph. tarent. thuj.<\/p>\n

Swindling \/Cheating – bell. calc. lach. lyc. merc. puls. sil.<\/p>\n

Commission of \/involvement in minor or serious illegal \/delinquent acts – hep. nat-m. nit-ac.<\/p>\n

Has conned \/manipulated \/cheated people out of their money \/possessions – agar. anac. androc. ant-c. arg-met. arg-n. Ars. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Bell. bufo calc. chin. chlol. chlor. coca corv-cor. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. dig. dros. fl-ac. hep. hyos. kola lac-leo. LACH. lyc. marb-w. Med. merc. morph. mosch. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. petr-ra. plat. plb. puls. Sacch-a. sep. sil. sulph. Tarent. thuj. verat.<\/p>\n

Predatory – ant-t. Ars. aur-m-n. aur-s. calc. cham. Chin. graph. Hyos. ip. Lyc. mag-c. Merc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. phos. Puls. rhus-t. Sep. stann. staph. sulph. thuj. verat.<\/p>\n

Often victimizes the easiest \/weakest members of society – ars. bell. meli. plb. ruta tab. zinc.<\/p>\n

\u201cWhite-collar\u201d criminal – agar. anac. androc. ant-c. arg-met. arg-n. Ars. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Bell. bufo calc. chin. chlol. chlor. coca corv-cor. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. dig. dros. fl-ac. hep. hyos. kola lac-leo. LACH. lyc. marb-w. Med. merc. morph. mosch. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. petr-ra. plat. plb. puls. Sacch-a. sep. sil. sulph. Tarent. thuj. verat.<\/p>\n

From an early age: Criminal arrests \/convictions served time<\/p>\n

Poor probation \/parole risk – am-c. ars-s-f. kali-i. lil-t.<\/p>\n

Many types of offences (including felonies) diagnosed as having antisocial personality – acon. aesc. alum. ambr. anac. Aur. Bar-c. carb-an. chin. cic. con. cupr. granit-m. heroin. Hyos. ilx-a. lyc. Nat-c. pseuts-m. Puls. sacch. sanguis-s. sel. stann. sulph. Syph.<\/p>\n

Initiates physical fights – con. Dulc. HYOS. lyss. STRAM. TARENT.<\/p>\n

Used a weapon in a fight – Alum. ars. chin. crot-c. der. Hep. Hyos. LYC. lys. Merc. nicc-met. Nux-v. plat. Stram. thea<\/p>\n

Tortured animals – abrot. ars. MED. nit-ac.<\/p>\n

Physically cruel to other people – Anac. ARS. Bell. med.<\/p>\n

Has deliberately destroyed others\u2019 property – agar. anac. anan. androc. apis aur-m-n. bac. bar-i. Bell. bufo calc. Camph. canth. carbn-s. carc. Chel. Cimx. Con. crot-c. Cupr. cupr-act. cupr-f. cupr-m. cupr-p. cur. dulc. fl-ac. gal-ac. hep. hura Hyos. Ign. iod. kali-p. lach. laur. lil-t. lith-i. mang-i. med. merc. merc-i-f. moni. morph. mosch. Nux-v. oena. op. ozone phos. plat. plb. prot. sec. sep. sol-t-ae. spong. staph. STRAM. stront-c. sulph. Tarent. tritic-vg. Tub. tung-met. vanil. Verat. verat-v. zinc-i.<\/p>\n

Vandalizes \/\u201cmesses up\u201d property – androc. ant-met. Apis bell. calc. carbn-s. cypr. dulc. hura hyos. irid-met. lyss. med. Nux-v. pegan-ha. plut-n. sang. sep. sol-t-ae. Staph. Stram. sulph. tarent. Tub. verat.<\/p>\n

Fire-setting – alco. ant-t. BELL. carc. HEP. hyos. phos. staph. stram.<\/p>\n

Has forced someone into sexual activity with him \/her \u2013 caust. chin. mag-c. nux-v. phos. positr. staph. verat.<\/p>\n

Promiscuity – calc. canth. caust. ign. lach. Lyc. med. phos. plat. puls. Sabal staph. verat. vip.<\/p>\n

For a Child:<\/strong>
\nStarting fights – anac. Androc. atro. bell. bov. bung-fa. chir-fl. cocc. Crot-c. Dendr-pol. DULC. falco-pe. ferr. granit-m. heroin. hipp. hyos. lac-ac. lac-d. lac-e. Lac-leo. lach. med. merc. Nux-v. ol-eur. pegan-ha. phasco-ci. sec. sulo-ac. symph. Tarent. tritic-vg. tub.<\/p>\n

Vandalism – bufo carc. cupr. hyos. iod. lach. phos. stram. tarent. Tub.<\/p>\n

Tortured \/abused (\u201cplayed tricks on\u201d) animals \/pets – abrot. ars. MED. nit-ac.<\/p>\n

Early and extensive drug \/ alcohol use – acon. Apoc. bell. Op.<\/p>\n

Behaviour difficulties – agar. anac. bufo cham. cina cupr. ferr. hep. hyos. lach. lyc. med. merc. nux-v. p-benzq. plat. psor. rhus-t. staph. stram. sulph. syph. tarent. thuj. Tub. verat. zinc.<\/p>\n

Theft – Art-v. BELL. bry. calc. carb-v. carc. caust. cic. Cur. gal-ac. hyos. kali-br. kali-c. lac-h. lach. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mand. nat-c. nat-f. nat-m. Nux-v. op. oxyt. plat. PULS. sep. sil. staph. stram. Sulph. syph. tarent. thuj.<\/p>\n

Incorrigibility \/perseverance \u2013 acon. alum. Ars. aur-s. bry. caps. chir-fl. cupr. dig. dros. Dulc. Ferr. guare. Lac-c. lach. lim. linu-c. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. senec. Sil. spong. sulph. thal-met.<\/p>\n

Running away overnight – Puls.<\/p>\n

Bad associates – ars. chin. lyc. oxyg. petr-ra. puls. sulph.<\/p>\n

Impulsivity – acon. adam. agar-st. all-s. alum. anac. androc. arg-n. ars. bac. Bar-p. bell. bufo bung-fa. cact. Calc. cann-i. carc. caust. cham. chin. coca-c. coff. crot-c. Dendr-pol. dig. ferr. fl-ac. fl-pur. glon. hep. hyos. iod. kali-i. kali-s. lac-h. lac-leo. lach. lil-t. lyc. Lyss. mag-c. mang. merc. mez. naja nicc-met. nux-v. op. opun-s. Orig. phos. phys. Plat. podo. positr. psor. sal-fr. sep. staph. stram. sulph. syph. tarent. tax. thea Thlas. thuj. TUB. valer. verat.<\/p>\n

Recklessness \/irresponsibility – aids. arizon-l. Aur. caps. cic. dendr-pol. galla-q-r. meny. petr-ra. PULS. temp. tub.<\/p>\n

Slovenly appearance – arizon-l. aur-s. calc. cocain. conch. dream-p. ephe-si. kola lac-h. lac-mat. nat-sil. oxyg. petr-ra. phyt. positr. psor. SULPH. tax.<\/p>\n

Lack of guilt – ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. PLAT. puls. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent.<\/p>\n

Pathological lying – alco. arg-n. calc. coca Morph. nux-v. OP. Syph. Verat.<\/p>\n

Trouble with the police \/juvenile or school authorities – AGAR. anac. apis aur. calc. Caps. caust. gal-ac. hyos. lyc. merc. plat. puls. sacch. sep. Tarent. verat.<\/p>\n

Truancy \/plays a lot of hooky – agar. bar-c. caust. hyos. kali-c. kali-sil. mag-c. phos. plb. spong.<\/p>\n

Has been a discipline problem \/expelled \/suspended from school – ars. calc. limen-b-c. morph. nat-m. syph.<\/p>\n

\nDoes not believe she \/he will be blamed \/caught \/punished \/Confident – adam. agam-g. Aids. Alum. ang. arizon-l. Buteo-j. carc. chlam-tr. choc. corian-s. cygn-be. dream-p. Falco-pe. ferr. fic-m. gard-j. ham. heroin. Irid-met. kali-p. kali-s. Kola lac-e. lac-h. lyc. nept-m. nux-v. olib-sac. pert-vc. plat. plut-n. podo. positr. querc-r. Rhus-g. ruta sal-fr. senec. Spect. spong. sulfonam. sulph. symph. temp. tritic-vg. vanil. verat.<\/p>\n

Low planning of escape – act-sp. agar. agn. Ail. aloe Alum. ambr. Anac. Apis arn. asar. Aster. bamb-a. BAPT. berb. bry. caps. carb-ac. Carb-v. casc. CHIN. coca con. corn. dros. echi. ferr. ferr-p. Gels. gins. graph. ham. hyos. iod. ip. kali-bi. kali-n. kola lac-ac. laur. LEC. limen-b-c. Lyc. med. mez. nat-ar. nat-c. nat-m. nauf-helv-li. nit-ac. NUX-M. Nux-v. olib-sac. olnd. Op. ozone par. petr. PH-AC. PHOS. phyt. pic-ac. plan. plb. ptel. rhod. rhus-t. rumx. ruta sabad. Sars. sel. sep. Sil. spong. SQUIL. Staph. stram. thea Vanil. verat. wies. zinc.<\/p>\n

No consideration of alternatives or consequences – ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. PLAT. puls. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent.<\/p>\n

Projects blame – ars. bell. hyos. lach. verat.<\/p>\n

Rationalizes – aster. carc. chir-fl. fic-m. heroin. KALI-S. lac-f. marb-w. sal-fr. tax. Tritic-vg. vanil.<\/p>\n

Machiavellianism – cot. heroin. lach. Puls. sanic. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent. thuj. tub.<\/p>\n

Ends justify any means – agar. anac. androc. anh. aq-mar. aq-pur. arizon-l. ars. asaf. aur-m-n. bar-s. bell. Calc. calc-f. caust. cench. chin. choc. cic. crot-t. cygn-be. cypra-eg. granit-m. heroin. hydrog. ign. ignis-alc. Kola lac-h. lach. Lyc. marb-w. Med. merc. mosch. nat-m. nit-ac. Nux-v. oncor-t. Oxyg. ozone Pall. petr-ra. phasco-ci. phos. PLAT. plb. positr. Puls. pyrus sacch. sal-fr. senec. sep. sil. staph. stront-c. Sulph. tarent. tax. thuj. tub. ulm-c. valer. Verat.<\/p>\n

Does not profit from experience of punishment, low insight – conch. ham. ph-ac. podo.<\/p>\n

Average or above-average intelligence – alum. am-c. ant-c. ant-met. bell. bufo calc. carc. con. gaert. glycyr-g. Graph. irid-met. lach. Lyc. nicc-s. osm-met. Petr. phos. plat. sil. sulph. tub.<\/p>\n

\nLacking in remorse \/guilt \/regret \/victim empathy – ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. PLAT. puls. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent.<\/p>\n

Insensitive \/ Callous \/Emotionally detached – acet-ac. Acon. adam. agar. agn. ail. ambr. anac. androc. Apis arg-n. arn. Ars. asaf. Aur. Aur-m. aur-m-n. bamb-a. bapt. bell. berb. bism. bov. bry. buth-a. CADM-MET. calc. cann-s. canth. caps. CARB-V. carneg-g. cham. chin. choc. cic. Cimic. Cina con. croc. cypr. cystein-l. cyt-l. dig. Falco-pe. fl-ac. Gels. germ-met. gink-b. glyc. granit-m. Ham. Hell. heroin. hydr. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. indol. irid-met. kali-ar. kali-chl. kali-m. Kali-p. kali-s. kola Lac-h. lach. lepi. lil-t. Lyc. mag-c. meny. Merc. merl. mez. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. Nat-sil. nit-ac. Nit-s-d. nux-m. Nux-v. Op. ozone petr-ra. PH-AC. Phos. phyt. Pic-ac. pitu. Plat. podo. polys. Positr. psil. Puls. pycnop-sa. Rheum rib-ac. sal-fr. sec. sel. Sep. stann. STAPH. sulph. syph. tax. thuj. THYR. verat. ziz.<\/p>\n

Lacks compassion – adam. am-c. anac. androc. arg-met. ars. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. chir-fl. con. DIG. falco-pe. granit-m. ham. ignis-alc. lac-h. lac-leo. marb-w. nat-m. nat-sil. nit-ac. op. ozone pall. pant-ac. plat. plut-n. puls. sep. staph. sumb. tax.<\/p>\n

Hardened – adam. aids. alco. Anac. arizon-l. ars. aur-ar. bism. bism-sn. cadm-met. cadm-s. cench. chin. con. croc. cupr. haliae-lc. hep. heroin. hyos. Kali-i. kali-p. lac-leo. Laur. lil-t. lyss. nat-m. neon Nit-ac. nux-v. Op. par. plat. positr. sabad. Sep. squil. sulph. verat.<\/p>\n

Cold-blooded – anac. Lac-h. plut-n. tax.<\/p>\n

Low motivation to change – aids. bell. calc. cham. dulc. ferr. ferr-p. haliae-lc. ham. irid-met. kali-p. kali-s. lach. lyc. nit-ac. nux-v. olib-sac. podo. polys. positr. ruta sacch-a. sal-fr. sanic. sil. spong. squil. stram. sulph. symph. Vanil.<\/p>\n

Shallow affects \/No deep or lasting emotions – caust. ferr. lach. lyc. merc.<\/p>\n

Irritability – brass-n-o. brom. carc. dulc. hir. hydrog. limest-b. med. Psor. spong. vanil.<\/p>\n

Aggressiveness – Acon. acon-c. acon-l. Aeth. AGAR. agn. alco. aloe alumn. Anac. androc. ant-t. Apis arg-met. arg-n. Arn. Ars. ars-s-f. Atro. aur. bar-c. BELL. bora-o. Borx. bry. bufo calc. Camph. cann-i. cann-s. cann-xyz. CANTH. carb-v. Carbn-s. cardios-h. Caust. cere-s. cham. chel. chin. chin-b. chinin-s. chlor. choc. cic. cimic. Cimx. cina cocc. Colch. coloc. con. cori-r. croc. crot-c. crot-h. Cupr. cygn-be. cyn-d. dig. dros. dulc. elec. eupi. falco-pe. fl-ac. galla-q-r. gels. germ-met. glon. graph. grat. haliae-lc. Hell. hep. heroin. HYOS. hyper. ign. iod. irid-met. jatr-c. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-c. LAC-C. lac-cp. lac-e. lac-leo. Lach. lat-h. Lil-t. lob. Lol. loxo-recl. LYC. lyss. m-ambo. manc. med. melal-alt. meli. Merc. merc-cy. merc-meth. MOSCH. murx. nat-c. Nat-m. neon Nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. oena. olib-sac. olnd. OP. oper. opun-s. opun-v. oxal-a. ozone par. petr. petr-ra. ph-ac. Phos. plat. plb. plut-n. positr. psor. Puls. raja-s. raph. rhus-t. ruta sabad. sal-fr. sang. Sec. seneg. sep. Sol-ni. spect. staph. STRAM. streptoc. stry. sul-ac. sulo-ac. Sulph. Tab. taosc. tarent. thal-xyz. Thuj. thyr. Trios. tub. VERAT. vip. xanth. zinc.<\/p>\n

Short-tempered \/petulant – acon. alco. am-c. Ant-c. ant-t. aur. bamb-a. Calc. calc-p. calc-s. caps. carb-ac. Cham. cina clem. cocc. cop. corn. kali-c. lyc. merc-c. nat-ar. nux-m. olnd. opun-s. phos. rat. Rheum staph. sulph. syph. tritic-vg. zinc.<\/p>\n

\u201cBottled-up\u201d anger – acon. agar. anac. ars. aur. Aur-m-n. aur-s. bamb-a. carc. cham. cocc. COLOC. colum-p. Cortico. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. falco-pe. fum. Germ-met. gink-b. haliae-lc. hell. hep. Ign. ilx-a. Ip. kali-c. lachn. LYC. lyss. mag-m. mag-p. Moni. Nat-m. phos. pin-con. podo. pot-e. puls. ruta sep. spect. spong. STAPH. stront-c. tritic-vg. tus-p. ulm-c. vanil.<\/p>\n

Intolerance of delayed gratifications – arg-n. cann-i. galeoc-c-h. lach. med. nat-p. Nux-m. nux-v. sul-ac. TARENT. tax.<\/p>\n

Easily provoked to violence – ferr. plut-n.<\/p>\n

Low frustration tolerance – ars. bar-c. carbn-s. caust. cham. choc. con. dulc. ferr-p. ferr-p-h. galeoc-c-h. heroin. irid-met. lac-e. lac-h. lac-leo. merc. nux-v. positr. psor. streptoc. suprar. taosc. Tritic-vg. ulm-c.<\/p>\n

Deficient emotional arousal – dioxi. lac-lup. NAT-SIL. phasco-ci.<\/p>\n

Stimulation \/thrill seeking – carb-v. carc. cot. heroin. Med. nat-s. Plat. puls. TUB.<\/p>\n

Easily bored – acon-ac. agam-g. Alum. alumn. am-f. ambr. amph. androc. Ant-c. arb-m. arizon-l. ars. aur. aur-m. aur-s. bamb-a. bar-c. berb. borx. brass-n-o. cain. calc. CALC-P. camph. canth. Caps. carb-an. carc. cere-s. chin. choc. Clem. Con. croc. cupr. cur. cygn-be. cystein-l. des-ac. dream-p. elaps ferr. galeoc-c-h. germ-met. heroin. hippoc-k. hura hydr. hydrc. Hydrog. ign. ip. irid-met. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-i. kali-n. kiss. lac-c. lac-d. Lac-e. lac-h. lach. laur. lavand-a. led. lil-t. lith-f. LYC. mag-c. mag-m. manc. MERC. mez. mosch. naja Nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nat-sil. nit-ac. Nux-v. olib-sac. ozone paull. petr. phasco-ci. phos. pieri-b. pip-m. plat. Plb. podo. positr. ran-b. rhus-t. sal-fr. sinus. Spig. spira. spirae. sulph. tab. taosc. tarent. Thuj. tub. ven-m. verat. zinc.<\/p>\n

Vocational Aspects
\nUnstable employment \/Quit a job impulsively \/without another to start – Acon. alum. androc. anh. ant-c. apis arg-n. asaf. bism. borx. canth. cortico. DULC. graph. grat. haliae-lc. ign. Kola Lac-c. Lach. LIL-T. lyc. Med. nat-sil. nauf-helv-li. Nux-m. nux-v. petr. pin-s. plan. ruta sanic. Sil. spong. stann. sul-ac. sulph. tritic-vg. vanil. verat.<\/p>\n

Fired \/ardent – alum. ant-m. apis ara-maca. aur-m. aur-m-n. cadm-m. Carc. caust. chin. chlor. cob-m. cupr-m. cygn-be. ignis-alc. Lach. lith-m. loxo-recl. Med. Merc. merc-d. nitro-o. Nux-v. petr-ra. phos. Plat. plb-m. rubd-met. sanguis-s. sol-ecl. stann. Stram. stront-m. sulph. sumb. vero-o.<\/p>\n

Ran away – arg-n. ars. aur. carc. kali-p. lyc. sil.<\/p>\n

Didn\u2019t work because he \/she \u201cjust didn\u2019t want to\u201d – acon-l. agar. am-c. anac. androc. ange-s. arb-m. arn. ars. ars-h. asar. aur-m. Brom. calc. chinin-s. cimic. Con. cop. fl-ac. gels. graph. hipp. kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-c. kali-i. Kali-p. kali-s. Kola lac-ac. Lach. laur. lil-t. limen-b-c. lyc. mag-s. nat-ar. nat-c. nux-v. Ph-ac. Phyt. Puls. rhod. rhus-t. SEP. stann. stram. sulph. syph. tax-br. ther.<\/p>\n

Court-martialed \/ demoted – agar. anac. Carc. chin. cupr. dam. ign. nat-m. podo. tarent.<\/p>\n

Missed a lot of work – acon-ac. adam. androc. anh. apis arg-n. ars. bamb-a. bar-s. calc. chir-fl. coli. dendr-pol. dream-p. dulc. falco-pe. hydrog. irid-met. kali-p. Kali-s. lac-mat. lar-d. lyc. Med. miml-g. nat-m. nauf-helv-li. nux-v. oncor-t. ozone petr-ra. plat. plb. Podo. sal-fr. scler. sil. streptoc. sulph. tax. vanil.<\/p>\n

Lack of career or other long-term plans – conch. ham. ph-ac. podo.<\/p>\n

Dr Rajneesh Kumar Sharma <\/strong>MD (Homoeopathy)
\nDr (Km) Ruchi Rajput <\/strong>BHMS
\nHomoeo Cure Research Centre P. Ltd.NH 74- Moradabad Road
\nE. mail-
drrajneeshhom@hotmail.com<\/a> \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n


Dr Rajneesh Kumar Sharma Dr (Km) Ruchi Rajput Opposed to the rights of individuals or to the legal norms of society; e.g., the psychopath – acon. aesc. alum. ambr. anac. Aur. Bar-c. carb-an. chin. cic. 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