XIVth International Workshop in Materia Medica and Organon Farokh J Master and Team

Venue : BC High School Old Khandala Road, Near Rajmathi Point, Khandala Pin. 410301. Mahrsathra
3rd August 2018 to 5th August 2018 

  • Dr. Farokh J Master
  • Dr. Farhad Adajania
  • Dr. Jayesh Dhingreja

Dr. Farokh J Master

  • The suppression of women with hormonal repression.
  • Suppression with the contraceptives in puberty.
  • Suppressing with hormones in infertility to promote conception.
  • Suppressing with oxytocin at delivery.
  • Suppressing with hormones in menopause.

Dr. Farhad Adajania – Emotional Suppression in Females.
Dr. Jayesh Dhingreja – Sexual Abuse in Females.
Case of Hypothyroid and Migraine by Dr Ajay Pandey.
Case of PCOD by Dr Zilika Jain.
Case of DM Type 2 by Dr Abhishek J Joshi.
There is no course fee, however Rs. 1400/- per head will be charged for boarding for 2 nights and for lodging from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Vegetarian/Jain meals will also be provided from Friday dinner to Sunday breakfast.
Dr. Abhishek Joshi
Phone: 9702167789
E-Mail: abhishek@doctor.com
Dr Surabhi Chitre {NASHIK}
Phone: 9619566523
E-Mail: Surabhi.chitre@gmail.com

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