XXII National Homoeopathic Congress of IIHP 2011

The two days National Congress in the capital of India will bring together experts in the field of Homoeopathy from across the country. The presence of learned speakers would make this event an enriching experience for both students and practitioners from all over India. The official language of the Congress would be English and a Souvenir would be released on this occasion to mark the event.

On the 5th and 6th of November 2011

At the India Islamic Cultural Centre, 87-88
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.


  • To advance and extend the principles and practice of Homoeopathy.
  • To improve the public health and Homoeopathic education.
  • To strive, to preserve and to promote the honor and dignity and socio-economic status of Homoeopathic profession and to protect its legitimate rights and interest, and in particular those of qualified Homoeopathic practitioners.
  • The promotion of friendly feelings among all Homoeopathic practitioners and also co-operation with different branches of medical and allied sciences.
  • To strive for the recognition of Homoeopathic system of medicine with the World Health Organization.
  • The Institute has only a philanthropic purpose and shall not carry on any business or trade of any kind.
  • The Institute shall be for the development of Homoeopathic science only in accordance with the basic principles of Homoeopathy and free from political or communal shades of any kind.

If you are a student or a practitioner or looking for business interests, this National Congress provides you with an opportunity to grow in all the respective areas. We are expecting more than 350 delegates to be participating coming from all over the country. It is going to be a beautiful opportunity to meet our fellow colleagues in the beautiful and vibrating city of Delhi in the pleasant weather of November.

Dr. Vivek Arora
Organizing Committee,
Email : dr_vivekarora@yahoo.com


  1. Dear Doctor
    i am intrested in attending this event . please send me the details about it.
    thank you.

  2. i am interseted in attending this national congress, pl send me the details like regestration fees or soft copy of brochre of congress

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