Insights into Palladium metallicum personality

Dr Sneha k

BACKGROUND –Palladium metallicum is a one of the finest remedy which is used to treat many diseases.

OBJECTIVE – This article is my experience about Palladium metalicum to explore the remedial effects of Palladium metallicum one has to use it efficiently. In this article I have elaborated Palladium metalicum in every aspect with the background of its medical use in different diseases and the important keynotes to be included for the references.

KEYWORDS – Metal , palladium, Approbation, pride – haughtiness – dignity

Palladium metalicum is made from the metal — Palladium , is a chemical element with the symbol Pd and atomic number 46. It is a rare and lustrous silvery-white metal discovered in 1803 by the English chemist William Hyde Wollaston. He named it after the asteroid Pallas, which was itself namd after the epithet of the Greek goddess Athena, acquired by her when she slew Pallas.

Chemical formula – Pd

The remedy is predominantly female. Palladium is metals with a characteristic feature of staying shiny and white forever. It is the most expensive metals when you go to buy them in the form of jewellery.

This feature is a synonym to their personalities– of being the most pride and egoistic homeopathic medicines. The classic picture is the woman lay a great emphasis on what other people think about her and she always try to get the good opinion of others to which they attach great importance. If she don’t get that good opinion then she feel insulted (“Delusion she is not appreciated”) and neglected. The main feeling on seeing the Palladium patient is : “What a nice person she is, how good she looks, how well she talks, how well she manages, how well she does things, etc.

Pride is said to be ‘a self-conscious emotion which is felt when self-image in the society is at risk.’ It can be a positive or a negative feeling depending on the circumstances.  Synonyms for pride: egotism, haughtiness, boastfulness, vanity.

I remember one woman who had come with complaints of asthma and extensive Lichen Planus. She would sit with a tremendous air of authority but in a very nice way. I found that she was very strong-willed but she appears very friendly. The rubric is: “Obstinate, tries to appear amiable”. This woman used to live with her husband in a joint family and with her father-in-law and mother-in-law. She is quite an egoistic person (“Delusion, enlarged, is very tall”), though she does not externally appear so and she tries her best to win the appreciation of her father-in-law. What she felt most disturbed about was that however much she did, he didn’t praise her and it was this praise from him that she craved.

Rubrics are: — Flattery, desires; — Longing for good opinion of others; — Haughty; — Wounded, wishes to be fl attered; — Delusion that she is not appreciated; — Offended easily;

Imagines people ignore her and are better in the company. They can be quite egoistic, although they do not show it so directly .The deep core of a remedy state is clearly evident in most insecure area of their life ,The insecurity in Palladium shows itself in areas that they wish to hide (sycotic miasm), or in the areas where they lack confidence, as basically they are confident people.

A person in a Palladium state seeks to reach the best their capacity in whatever field they are in. Scholten’s description highlights this expression. They seek perfection and work very hard at trying to be perfect. For this reason they try to control circumstances around them, so that there will be less margin for error. They appear controlling but it is because they are concerned about details and pay great attention to them. After all this effort, it is not surprising to see these two rubrics:
o Longing for the good opinion of others.
o Delusion she is not appreciated.

these feelings often arise as a consequence of hard work and aiming for perfection. In fact often someone in a Palladium state can appear quite humble and hardworking, sincerely wanting to do their best. Often they look for appreciation of this hard work – and may expect it from specific people. Otherwise they may look for it from everyone in general. The appreciation and approval gives them a sense of confidence in themselves which in turn expresses positively in feeling capable in the work they do and a furthur impetus to do better.

Palladium, the appreciation relates to how perfect or good they can be. Needing to feelappreciated is what can cause tremendous anticipatory anxiety in Palladium related to their performance in exams or public speaking as they create high expectations of themselves. They are often guided by what they believe is the right thing to do in life. And they can get rigid about avoiding doing wrong, or doing things in a particular way. They sincerely believe that they have learnt the best way to achieve the best results. Complementary to this, is a fear of failing to do things the right way, as they have a fear of being rejected or unloved. In the Palladium state a person would never appear shameless to the objective eye – they would appear like very ‘nice’ confident people who seem to have it all together, and so may seem unreachable (Haughty), or otherwise they would be completely and pitifully vulnerable to/with the person/people from whom they seek this attention and approval. Palladium does not feel despised, but rather needs to work hard to be good enough or the best so that they won’t be neglected or unloved. The need for approval is in order to keep feeling good.

Palladium is not dependant on someone else for survival, unless there is a Spiritual bonding – as in a marriage or in a coach/athlete relationship. Instead the forsaken feeling reflects a fear of not being good enough for the other person and so, constantly seeks to hold attention with attempts to do their best to please. Both are > consolation. Palladium is not in the rubric Jealousy so it is not an obvious expression

Palladiums feel easily offended and insulted from lack of appreciation. Their response is to weep easily .They feel immensely sad and weep for almost everything, but the exciting factor is some situation of humiliation. Palladium does not feel basically inferior, but has specific areas where they lack confidence and so they feel that they are not good enough (sycotic miasm).

Scholton’s description: As we can see, this is a one-sided picture of Palladium, an aspect that could be part of the Palladium pathology in certain situations, but often one may miss a Palladium prescription if one is looking only for this.

-Successfully showing your works of art:
They feel that they will finally succeed in showing what they can do. They know what they are worth and are fully confident in putting it across to the public. They are sure that they have enough inspiration to create something that will be a success.

– Performance is easy, it comes naturally:
Their performance speaks for itself, they were made to perform. Even in childhood they loved to act and they love being the centre of attention. They sparkle at parties, only to arrive home completely exhausted and alone.

– Their honest conviction that they are brilliant and talented can easily turn into pride. They start to speak with the air of someone who has made it.

– The sportsman who has reached the top:
This is the stage in which the sportsman has really made it. He is standing on the highest platform, receiving the first prize. It can also be the sportsman who stays at the top year after year. He exudes an air of being invincible and all his opponents are too impressed to break through and win. These are people like Eddy Mercks, Bjorn Borg and Carl Lewis, to name but a few.”

The ‘Palladium‘ is the music hall where the artiste performs to the applause of the delighted audience and then collapses exhausted in her dressing room. In a group therapy session one patient expressed herself so forcefully that she dominated the session, some people left the group and she was accused of ‘performing’. After ‘shining’ in company the Palladium person collapses and this can be so deep as to be a psychic collapse, not just a physical collapse. They also avoid company because they know that because of their illness they will not be able to ‘shine’ and win the praise and approval they need.

Palladiums are eccentric, their dress, hair styles and general activity is designed to attract notice, admiration and praise. Of course Palladium is very much worse for criticism and admonition and will withdraw from people and situations which present any hint of criticism. They have a fear of losing control because they then do not have the security they need to obtain approval. They have a need for special treatment. Disraeli said “women love praise but when it comes to royalty you have to lay it on with a trowel”.

The Palladium is vivacious and idealistic, they tend to have clear views and are reluctant to compromise but they are capable of strong emotions including jealousy and malice against those who do not support their need for approval; they have strong and early sexuality. This is a powerful, vivacious and demanding person. There is a strong intuition with a keen sensitiveness to atmosphere.

One patient said that she believed there was a ‘right’ way of doing things and she had a strong fear of failing to do it the right way and therefore had a fear of rejection. As a child she always had to please her parents.

In a bad family situation she was the peacemaker. From an early age she had to make things right. If the situation went beyond repair she left home and stayed with a school friend. Often anger is suppressed because she needs to be seen in a good light, to please and be approved of and to be thought highly of. Children strive to be the best at school and adults to be the best in their job, they do this for recognition and praise. They are self-critical and adapt to the wishes of others. They find it hard to take sides between differing views for fear of upsetting one side and attracting disapproval.

Another patient said of herself she was confident and for the last three months very aggressive. She had been promoted at work. She has a short temper is intolerant ,very tidy and likes to insist on things being done correctly . She has fears in anticipation and needs reassurance. She is intolerant of criticism  and seeks praise . She wants to please people and tends to see other people as inferior. She actually manipulates situations so as to elicit praise . She loves company and likes to shine but collapses afterwards . She is suspicious and jealous . She has no energy in the mornings and sometimes even stumbles. Her worst time is in the mornings; best at 3pm. The sun she likes but also needs air to avoid being too hot. She welcomes consolation and feels better for it.


  1. Boericke W. Materia medica with repertory. InMateria medica with repertory 1927 (pp. 1049-1049).
  2. Clarke JH. A dictionary of practical materia medica. homoeopathic publishing Company; 1902.
  3. Phatak SR. Materia medica of homoeopathic medicines. B. Jain Publishers; 2002.
  4. Sankaran R, Giriraj P. The substance of homoeopathy. Bombay, India: Homoeopathic Medical Publishers; 1994.

Dr Sneha K
PG Scholar, Practice of medicine
Father muller homoeopathic medical college,Mangalore.

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